Forum Replies Created
thank ypou so much for looking into this. Unfortunately I can’t find the reason why I can’t get it to work. the images are there, but for some reason, the nlp plugin does not write the URl correctly..
so instead of:×150.jpgit tries to find the image at×150.jpg
(the difference lies in the blog ID) What I don’t understand, is why this works for one of them, but not the others…
Of course I have checked whether the post thumbnails have been updated as well, but if I correct the URL in the browser, the images do display).I also found the code within your plugin on line 489
$thumb_html = get_the_post_thumbnail($field->ID,$thumbnail_size,array('class' =>$thumbnail_class));
and this seems right. so am a bit desperate, I already spent quite some time trying to figure that one out now….Hi thanks for your response! yes I actually changed the site’s name, which broke the image paths… BUT the problem is, that this should be blog ID 52, and 62 respectively, and not blog id 2…. weird is that it does work for the first instance (blog id 35), but the 2nd and 3rd instance all try to pull the image from *blogs.dir/2/*.. no idea where blogid 2 comes from.
any viable solutions for this for WP3.4.1?
Also, has anyone come across a solution, where I can pull in not only the comment count, but also the first few comments of a post through SWT? Been googling it but no luck…
very much appreciated.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP eCommerce] [Plugin: WP e-Commerce] Its not freea productive post would be to recommend an alternative you are satisfied with.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Shadowbox JS] [Plugin: Shadowbox JS] Source files always missing…that is a bit of a pitty, as this was working fine for multisites previously… adding these source files to every subsite now is a vast task with more than 200 subsites. I will have to search for a better option to accomplish this.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Shadowbox JS] Shadowbox JS and WP Multisite(I know this post is a bit older) yes. since the latest update of shadowbox-js, I now need to copy the source files of shadow box into each ofthe sites upload folder (blogs.dir/n/files/shadowbox-js, because multisites overwrite the ‘uploads’ folder path to blogs.dir….
weird, because this was previously working well.
any Ideas how I can resolve this issue globally for all sites?weird, but my usual ctrl+F5 did not make a change, but actually deleting my browsers cache did make it work in the end.
I have now reinstalled the plugin 3 times, and this still hapens everytime I activate it. What I did:
deactivate Wp-Insert, delete from dashboard, then I checked via FTP that the plugin folder is atually really deleted. Then reinstall the plugin via WordPress plugin manager (also tried to just upload through FTP). As soon as I activate it, the left hand menu disapears.Any tips? I manage all the networks ads with this plugin, and it has proven very handy, so I don’t really want to change it.
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: switching primary blog to newly created blogI found this:
update_user_meta( get_current_user_id(), 'primary_blog', $blog->userblog_id );
am I on the right path?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [ Stats] [Plugin: Stats] Installation of Pluginsame thing. install jetpack, too much trouble, uninstalled it again, reinstalled wordpress stats. stats work fine with dashboard stats, but not regular ones, I get : You have failed to authenticate with the API.
but dashboard stats plugin shows that data is being collected correctly.same problem..
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: P2 titles disappearingno. I just installed the newest version, and this still happens. On a side note: is there ANY way to assign when I make a post in the backend, whether this is a blog post/update/quote/link? Sometimes I still need to go to the backend, due to tinymce specific plugins I use.
WP v3.1
P2 v1.2.2update: title comes and goes, when I edit the article…
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: wordpress 3.1 new install: can't create subblogsHa!! solved. NOT a wordpress bug. I am using a dedicated Server, and my server admin had to add this to vhost section in apache config, to force Appache to search for htaccess files.
@praeix, this might also be your solution. Let us know if it is.<Directory />
Options FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride All
Allow from all
</Directory>Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: wordpress 3.1 new install: can't create subblogs@ipstenu
interesting: since I installed WP database manager, the tables DO get created… might have been a wrong info before.Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: wordpress 3.1 new install: can't create subblogs@praeix: deleting and creating a new blog does not help. I also notice anoterh weirdness while creating the sub-blog: I entered an email adress as blog admin.. and it adds a new user, with the blog name as user name. this can later not be changed though.(might be a new thread)