11 years, 2 months ago
No plugin will get you more visitors. Look into reading into “SEO” to improve your ranking
Nice, but what are you advertising? That’s a big problem
I would include some sort of tagline under the top logo that’s more descriptive. Confusing coming in for the first time.
Nice and clean
Sounds like a DNS issue. Where did you purchase your domain? I’d talk to them about the issue.
Your domain doesn’t even seem to be resolving which could be a bigger issue.
Seems to be a blank page now
Thanks for this!
You’ll need to tweak the css. The container #featured_section_header needs to have text-align:center
If you’re using Chrome or Firefox, check out the Inspector Tool. You can tweak the styles in real time. Take notes on what you did, and apply them to the style.css
Not all plugins slow down a site, however it’s another layer that you need to maintain and make sure is working with each update.