Forum Replies Created
I have a similar problem. I have my plugin disabled, thus I was separated from wordpress. if I jetpack activate again and would connect to wordpress, I get the error message
GnuTLS recv error (-9): A TLS packet with unexpected lengh what received.previously everything worked wonderfully.
Please help
sondi2011Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Simple Parse Push Service] Open push urlHello Dreamcatcher,
Thank you for your reply with a possible solution. I will also test this.greeting
sondi2011Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Simple Parse Push Service] Open push urlHi, I have the same problem as you. I would like the Open URL with parse and push SWIFT language.
can help us someone, I’m no good programmer and do not speak good English
sondi2011Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Simple Yearly Archive] nach update auf 1.7.0 darstellungs problemeHallo Alphawolf,
vielen Dank hat sogar funktioniert. ??
sondi2011Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Opening Hours] Allow Editors to make changesHi there,
Unfortunately I have the same problem. However, I did not understand where I need to add this code from Github. In what funktions.php and at which spot. I would like each user allow the data to adapt.
Many thanks for your efforts.
sondi2011ps: excuse my english
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Safari Push] WordPress not push enabledMany thanks for your answer. Pity is not pushwoosh supportive. have too little experience to create own push server
sondi2011Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Simple Yearly Archive] Fehler in der AnzeigeHallo
habe dein Tip soeben ausprobiert, leider mit dem selben ergebnis.
Habe dich mal als Admin freigeschaltet. Solltest die Zugangsdaten erhalten haben
GrussForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Simple Yearly Archive] Fehler in der AnzeigeHallo
k?nnen wir es zuerst noch so versuchen.
Der ?lteste Beitrag im news-archiv ist vom 16.09.2011 nichts privat oder passwortgeschützt.Der ?lteste aus foto-archiv ist vom 25.10.2008 ebenfalls nichts privat oder passwort geschützt.
ShortCode auf foto-archiv [SimpleYearlyArchive exclude=”20,1″]
ShortCode auf news-archiv [SimpleYearlyArchive exclude=”20,38″]
ShortCode auf young-notes-archiv [SimpleYearlyArchive exclude=”1,38″]38 FotoArchiv
1 MV news-archiv
20 young-notes-archiv es so auch nicht übersichtlicher ist dann muss ich wohl einen Account freigeben ??
Habe nur noch das Plugin Ultimate Category Excluder installiert, dies schliesst jedoch nur kategorien aus die nicht auf der Startseite angezeigt werden sollen.Foto Archiv und youngnotes
besten Dank für deine bemühungen
sondi2011Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Simple Yearly Archive] Fehler in der AnzeigeGuten morgen
funktionierender Link: richtig funktionierend:
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Simple Yearly Archive] Fehler in der AnzeigeHallo Oliver,
vielen Dank für deine schnelle rückantwort. Das ist mir jetz etwas peinlich :-S
Habe keine eintr?ge in diesen Jahren in der Kategorie, jedoch in einer anderen Kategorie. Werden desshalb die nicht gebrauchten Kategorien ebenfalls angezeigt?
Richard / sondi2011Hello agelonwl
thousandthanks times for your great support. it works
wish you all the best maybe until next time
sondi2011Unfortunately, it’s still not enough. I still must make settings in EventManager events -> Settings-> format / layout?
see you soon
wow many thanks for the quick reply.
Unfortunately it is not spent in the feedRSS Feed:
Sample with Young notes (event title)
20:15 to 22:00 Lutzenberg community room (former Schiesslockal) schoolhouse Gitzbüchel 9426 Lutzenberg (event description)
I want it like this:
Sample with young notes
(event date)
20:15 to 22:00
Community room Lutzenberg (formerly Schiesslockal)
Schoolhouse Gitzbüchel
9426 Lutzenberglink for the feed
Unfortunately I still do not quite understand. I’ve edited rss.php but without success.
I want to put the eventdate of <pubDate> Show. my previous code
[Code moderated as per the Forum Rules. Please use the pastebin]I’m on the right track?
Unfortunately I have no php experience just a little html, and I would love to solve this problem
many thanks for your kind helpGood day,
many thanks for the quick reply. Nochmlas have a problem
I think wp-content/themes/yourtheme/plugins/events-manager/templates/rss.php
not with me there is only / wp-content/plugins/events-manager/templates/templates/rss.php is the same file?
Unfortunately I’m not very good in php what I need to use as well? many thanks dear for their efforts