Forum Replies Created
Hi @dotonpaper, Please see my previous message. The POST SMTP Plugin Developer say’s his plugin takes care of the site’s smtp sending messages. But how do I configure this in pinpoint plugin calendar >edit calendar notification?
Thanks,Hi @dotonpaper, Please see my previous message. The POST SMTP Plugin Developer say’s his plugin takes care of the site’s smtp sending messages. How do I configure this in pinpoint?
Thanks,Hi @yehudah thank you for your quick response. I’ve pasted your reply in my message to the Pinpoint plugin developer. For your info this is the error message I get from Pinpoint when I’ve selected send notification via SMTP:
Notification test email could not be sent.
Mailer error: SMTP connect() failed.
SMTP connect() failed.
I don’t understand the message because it’s refering to PHPMailer when I’m trying to use SMTP.Hi @dotonpaper
I’ve contacted the POST SMTP plugin developer. He’s replied with this and said to forward to you:
You don’t need to use smtp inside the pinpoint plugin, Post SMTP is taking over the delivery and passing it to what you configured in the settings.You can confirm my answer with the plugin developer.
How do I configure this is pinpoint? I’ve selected smtp in Edit Calendar Notifications and this is the error message which I don’t understand as it’s refering to PHPMailer.
Notification test email could not be sent.
Mailer error: SMTP connect() failed.
SMTP connect() failed. dotonpaper, Just one last question, As I can’t use SMTP to send email from Pinpoint because I’m using the Post SMTP plugin to send emails from the site. Do I need to enable sending emails via PHPMailer?
Hi DOTonPAPER, apologies I did not see that section. I’ve read it and understand for the emails I receive but what about the emails being emails to customer’s? What if they’re going to the customers spam and they don’t know that and think the site doesn’t work and think they’ve not had a confirmation email? I know most people will check spam folders if searching for an expected email….
Or by me creating the filter and rule in my gmail account will google then learn that we are not sending spam emails?Thanks for the Reply DOTonPAPER….
The documentation is the first place I went before posting my question.
Using the Post SMTP plugin allows me to send emails from my website using Google STARTTLS OAuth 2.0 because without using this Google blocks emails being sent from less secure apps….
Is it possible to get the pinpoint plugin to send emails using the “Post SMTP plugin’s” authentication to my gmail/google account? Sending emails from google’s less secure app connection is apparently not recommended. Test’s using PHPmail sends emails to spam which is not acceptable when a business will depend on the online bookings…
I hope it is, otherwise I’m not able to using this plugin again….
I had previously purchased a ‘licence’ when dotonpaper was with Envato, then renewed the licence after leaving.
Since then, you’re continued dev on the plugin is impressive and I now feel I’m able to get it to work the way I want it to apart from sending emails. Your help would be very much appreciated, thanks.Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: twenty thirteen how to center navigation menuHi Using child theme and working locally. The way I test responsive behaviour is with firefox and shrinking the browser. So, just wondering where else to add some code to centre the menu when in mobile view.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: twenty thirteen how to center navigation menuThanks Media X, good to know but have tried it and it works on desktop browsers but not mobile. Do you know where to modify style.css to to centre menu on mobile devices?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Cookillian] [Plugin: Cookillian] Message / pop up not showing@Myatu: I’ve identified those cookies as belonging to the WordPress SEO plugin By Joost de Valk. Am I correct in thinking that Cookillian should delete these cookies if I have the option set to delete before selected under advanced settings checked?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Cookillian] [Plugin: Cookillian] Message / pop up not showing@Myatu: Thanks for the quick reply.
– I’ve tried the shortcode method in a footer widget by adding [cookillian_alert] to a text widget and all it does is display the shortcode.
– Tried changing the z-index to 10 which is set to 9999 by default in the pub.css, no luck there.
– I added the php code to the header.php, changed the style.css main-container position to relative and this sorted the layout issue.But when I click on the “No! Only store this answer, but nothing else” button. No cookies are removed. The usual cookies (_utmz, __utmc, __utmb, __utma I think these are the google analytics cookies)are present and the your (cookillian_opt_out) cookie which I think is expected because of choosing the opt out option.
Am I missing an option to select?
ThanksForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Cookillian] [Plugin: Cookillian] Message / pop up not showing@Myatu: Hi, the information regarding message does not load above my sites header but behind it. When looking at the source the div cookillian-alert loads before my sites div for the main-container.
Is there anyway to change the behaviour so that it loads at top of page and not behind the header or my sites main-container?
ThanksForum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Auto Update Failed from v3.0.1 to v3.2Esmi, thank you soooo much for your help.
Restoring the backup into a new database, changing the config to point to the new database, uploading the latest version then running the upgrade.php worked. I will definitely be following these steps (not the new database restore part) for any future upgrade, do not trust the Automatic anymore.
Big Thank you again.Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Auto Update Failed from v3.0.1 to v3.2I have edited the wp-config.php to point to new database, busy downloading and uploading the wp-includes and wp-admin to carry on with your suggestions to manually upgrade and will do this following Updating_WordPress hopefully this will all work.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Auto Update Failed from v3.0.1 to v3.2I tried restoring the backup into a new database, before your response and the restored successfully. Think I’m going to drop all the table on the live database and run the restore. The test database I created had no tables and all data seemed to restore successfully.
What you reckon?