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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [HC Custom WP-Admin URL] Users directed to admin section instead of siteThe plugin is working perfectly, but as in the first case, its interfering with “Basic Authentication” plugin which is responsible for redirects.
If you just want to redirect subscribers to home after login, just put the code I’ve provided to functions.php and it should work.
The thing is that our plugin is for security purposes only, and as I understood it, you just want to change the url of the wp-login. So yeah it will work for you, but there could be much easier solution just to write function that rewrites the wp-admin url without any security checking.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [HC Custom WP-Admin URL] Users directed to admin section instead of siteAs far as I know, its by WP default to redirect to dashboard after loging in from wp-login.php
Try this:
function redirect_users() { // retrieve current user info global $current_user; get_currentuserinfo(); // If login user role is Subscriber if ($current_user->user_level == 0) { wp_redirect(home_url()); exit; } } add_action('admin_init', 'redirect_users');
Be aware that will not be accessible when using our plugin, because its sole purpose is to hide that url from possible hackers. You have to use new url you created for logging in.
So with the solution above, you’ll be able to redirect subscribers to home and let admins to dashboard.
Hope this solves your problem.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [HC Custom WP-Admin URL] Plugin not changing linkYou’re missing one curly bracket ??
Here is the full code, try it:
<?php /* Plugin Name: Basic Authentication Plugin URI: Description: Disable access to wordpress if not logged in Author: Klaas Cuvelier Author URI: Version: 1.9 */ /** * WordPress contest which ask authentication to the users before showing the site * * @copyright Klaas Cuvelier * @author Klaas Cuvelier, [email protected] ( * @version 1.9 * @license GPL v2.0 * */ add_action('init', 'basic_auth_init'); add_action('admin_menu', 'basic_auth_admin'); // do the checking function basic_auth_init() { // check if plugin is enabled if (get_option('basic_authentication_enabled', '') !== 'on') { return; } // get current page $url = str_replace(site_url(), '', 'https://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); list($url, $crap) = explode('?', $url); // extra check when WP isn't installed in root dir - thx @ Rob Record $wp_dir = str_replace('https://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], '', site_url()); $redirect_url = $wp_dir . $url; // check if not login-page or admin-panel if ($url !== '/wp-login.php' && substr($url, 0, 9) !== '/wp-admin' && substr($url, 0, 11) !== '/xmlrpc.php' && substr($url, 1) != get_option('custom_wpadmin_slug')) { $authMethod = get_option('basic_authentication_method', ''); // check method and result if ($authMethod === 'predefined') { session_start(); $login = basic_authentication_doLogin(); if (!basic_authentication_predefinedLoggedIn()) { basic_authentication_showLoginForm($login, implode('?', array($url, $crap))); exit; } } else if ($authMethod === 'wp-login' && !is_user_logged_in()) { if (get_option('custom_wpadmin_slug') != '') { header('LOCATION: ' . site_url(get_option('custom_wpadmin_slug'))); exit; } else { header('LOCATION: ' . site_url('wp-login.php?redirect_to=' . urlencode($redirect_url) . '&reauth=1')); exit; } } } } // add to admin menu function basic_auth_admin() { add_options_page('Basic Authentication Options', 'Basic Authentication', 'manage_options', 'basic-authentication', 'basic_auth_options'); } // check if basic_authentication logged in function basic_authentication_predefinedLoggedIn() { return $_SESSION['basic_authentication_loggedin'] === true && $_SESSION['basic_authentication_pwd'] === md5(get_option('basic_authentication_password')); } // basic authentication check if try to login function basic_authentication_doLogin() { // time to deny logging in when tried to much (in minutes) $timeBlocked = 15; if (is_numeric($_SESSION['basic_authentication_tries']) && $_SESSION['basic_authentication_tries'] >= 3) { $_SESSION['basic_authentication_tries'] = 0; $_SESSION['basic_authentication_block'] = time(); } if (is_numeric($_SESSION['basic_authentication_block'])) { if (time() - $_SESSION['basic_authentication_block'] > ($timeBlocked * 60)) { $_SESSION['basic_authentication_block'] = 'NO'; unset($_SESSION['basic_authentication_block']); } else { return 'Too many login attempts, your account has been blocked temporarily.'; } } if (isset($_POST['pwd'])) { if ($_POST['pwd'] === get_option('basic_authentication_password')) { $_SESSION['basic_authentication_loggedin'] = true; $_SESSION['basic_authentication_tries'] = 0; $_SESSION['basic_authentication_pwd'] = md5(get_option('basic_authentication_password')); return 'OK'; } else { $_SESSION['basic_authentication_tries'] = is_numeric($_SESSION['basic_authentication_tries']) ? $_SESSION['basic_authentication_tries'] + 1: 1; return 'ERROR'; } } } // show basic_authentication login form function basic_authentication_showLoginForm($login, $url) { include(dirname(__FILE__) . '/basic-auth-login.php'); } // basic auth options function basic_auth_options () { include(dirname(__FILE__) . '/basic-auth-options.php'); } ?>
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [HC Custom WP-Admin URL] Plugin not changing linkHere you go:
// check if not login-page or admin-panel if ($url !== '/wp-login.php' && substr($url, 0, 9) !== '/wp-admin' && substr($url, 0, 11) !== '/xmlrpc.php' && substr($url, 1) != get_option('custom_wpadmin_slug')) { $authMethod = get_option('basic_authentication_method', ''); // check method and result if ($authMethod === 'predefined') { session_start(); $login = basic_authentication_doLogin(); if (!basic_authentication_predefinedLoggedIn()) { basic_authentication_showLoginForm($login, implode('?', array($url, $crap))); exit; } } else if ($authMethod === 'wp-login' && !is_user_logged_in()) { if (get_option('custom_wpadmin_slug') != '') { header('LOCATION: ' . site_url(get_option('custom_wpadmin_slug'))); exit; } else { header('LOCATION: ' . site_url('wp-login.php?redirect_to=' . urlencode($redirect_url) . '&reauth=1')); exit; } } }
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [HC Custom WP-Admin URL] Plugin not changing linkYup, that’s the problem.
Basic Authentication redirects to /wp-login.php, than our plugin redirects back to home because its purpose is to disallow regular wp-admin url, than Basic Authentication again redirects from home to wp-login.php and so you get en endless loop.
The only solution would be that Basic Authentication redirect to new url set by HC Custom WP-Admin URL plugin.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [HC Custom WP-Admin URL] Plugin not changing linkHave you tried turning off “Basic Authentication” plugin?
As I can see from their code, they do some redirections, probably something is conflicted. I’ll install it and check it myself, and let you know if that is the problem.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [HC Custom WP-Admin URL] Can't log in!Will add this to FAQ on next update.
Thanx for the help ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [HC Custom WP-Admin URL] Can't log in!We would be really really grateful if you could provide us some login details so we can investigate.
You can email us at [email protected]
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [HC Custom WP-Admin URL] Can't log in!What version of WP are you using, and are you using any other plugin that does htaccess rewrites?
We’ve encountered this problem when permalinks are turned off, and currently are fixing the bug, but it should perfectly work if any permalink structure is turned on.