Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Yoast SEO] Universal Analytics support anticipated?me too, please… have 60+ sites that are waiting to switch to universal, and i’d rather not a) screw them all up, and b) have to do things twice.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [TF FAQ] Deleting Multiple Spam Questionswe had this same problem…. eventually i just went into the database directly and deleted all the spam from the table.
if you have phpmyadmin it’s fairly straightforward.sadly, this unsupported plugin is about the only one that DOES what we want… so we suffer with the bugs for the moment.
Events>Settings>General Options… ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Social Sharing Toolkit] Linksalpha button…really?adding my voice to the disappointed…
i don’t even mind that there’s this extra button that i can’t remove… but it doesn’t ADD anything to the plugin… it just REPEATS the other buttons which just makes us all look stupid.that said, i still find that this one works better than the rest, so will try that patch by @gerhard and live with it til then…
another approach that works is commenting out of “social_sharing_toolkit.php” – lines 713-718 `//if ($count_bookmarks) {
// $button = ‘linksalpha’;
// $type = (array_key_exists(‘icon’, $this -> options[‘mr_social_sharing_’ . $type . ‘buttons’][$button])) ? $this -> options[‘mr_social_sharing_’ . $type . ‘buttons’][$button][‘type’] : ”;
// $la_button = $this -> get_bookmark_button($button, $url, $title, $type, $this -> options[‘mr_social_sharing_display’], ”, ”, $media, $description);
// $bookmarks .= $la_button;
// }`LinksAlpha… you are entitled to earn a living… this is not the way to get it, tho. alienating your supporters is a backwards approach.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Disabling prettyPhoto Media for mobile devicesi am having this same issue, in conjunction with woocommerce product images…
would be super grateful for any suggestions…
holy crap. what a pain in the very low back.
i thought creating child themes was supposed to PREVENT this kind of problem??????thank you @coderazor for that repos link…
but jeeeez… what a hassle.THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU….
searched everywhere in the plugin homepage and couldn’t find that info…
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Digg Digg] Facebook Share Not Showing up.i cannot get the FB Share to show up either… have tried all combinations i can think of – using V 5.3.5… i cannot seem to make it show up on our homepage… thoughts?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP e-Commerce Featured Product] Picture wont showhi – we’re now having this problem too… worked fine the last time we used the widget, now, nothing we do will display the image…
@grayfish, did you solve this?
i was able to solve the problem of the div extending the page and creating whitespace by adding this to my css:
iframe{height:auto !important;}
however, the alignment of the icons/boxes is still an issue…
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Social Media Shortcodes] Using Images instead of Texti got around the image thing just fine inserting a tiny icon before each shortcode… ?? and combining this with the Global Content Blocks plugin means i don’t have to retype the code every time i want to use it.
works like a charm.
thanks again!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Social Media Shortcodes] Using Images instead of Textoh, and if they could have the option of opening in a new window that would be even more perfect…
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Social Media Shortcodes] Using Images instead of Textyay! this is exactly the plugin i’ve been looking for… it’ll be even more perfect if it has the option for icons. THANK YOU for doing the hard work!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Image Rotator Widget] Responsive CSSsweet, thanks for sharing that!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Fancy Header Slider] [Plugin: Fancy Header Slider] how do i make this work?!?? got around the size issue by just making the REST of my site fit ??
looks fabulous… and as long as we don’t need to change any settings, we should be good.what i really like about this plugin is that it doesn’t conflict with the other fancybox plugin i need for the galleries on this site.