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  • you could register a new sidebar, and put it in your header…
    That would allow you to then include your mailchimp form by a nice, easy-to-edit text widget… way less hassle once you have the sidebar registered & appearing. ??

    there are a few steps to that.

    since it looks like you’re building your own theme, then in your functions.php file, you would add the following – adjusting the html output to suit you:

    function mytheme_widgets_init() {
    register_sidebar( array(
    		'name' => __( 'Header Widgets', 'mytheme' ),
    		'id' => 'sidebar-X', //X=ID number of your sidebar, eg. if you already have other sidebars registerd
    		'description' => __( 'Header space for ad banner or whatever else you like', 'mytheme' ),
    		'before_widget' => '<aside id="%1$s" class="widget %2$s">',
    		'after_widget' => "</aside>",
    		'before_title' => '<h3 class="widget-title">',
    		'after_title' => '</h3>',
    	) );
    add_action( 'widgets_init', 'mytheme_widgets_init' );

    then, in your header.php file, you’d add :

    <?php get_sidebar('header'); ?> where you want your new header “sidebar” to appear

    then create a new sidebar-header.php file (in your theme folder of course), and format accordingly (and remember to upload it… that can be a frustrating detail to forget ?? )
    (easiest to copy your original sidebar.php file, and edit it).

    you’ll likely need to add more css to your style.css file to make it look just how you like, but there are awesome free css code snippets you can get by searching “css forms” on google.

    i find the easiest solution is to go to the facebook developer site and get it to generate the code you want, then drop it into either a widget or straight into your template file. (all the “social plugins” are HERE

    one less plugin to maintain & worry about.

    as for making it disappear… if you use the small likebutton with facepile it should serve to boost your facebook fan #’s, so i wouldn’t make it disappear ever… just make it small & discreet and nobody will get annoyed. ??



    “background-size: 100%” definitely works… BUT…
    the rest of the header/masthead then ends up with a crapload of excess white space because the .home-link demands a min-height… i spent hours last night trying to make the entire header scale nicely. not happening.

    i tried adding an extra div & using relative positioning, adding media queries to change the min-height, for whatever reason, the parent theme styles will NOT overwrite with the child – which confuses the heck out of me, even with !important…

    time to change themes. 2013 was definitely designed for floating text over a background image. convincing clients that’s the best thing to do is not always successful…. and they don’t want to pay for this fix. Even if i could figure it out ONCE i’d be happy with code to copy… but.. jeeeez.



    i’m sure you’ll get good uptake once you release it… there seems to be a demand! Thanks for the work! will look forward to your results.



    yes please!!!

    Thread Starter somethingelse


    so… this is not working…

    i have been trying for MONTHS to get this to work.
    it seems to me it SHOULDN’T be THAT difficult.

    i am using Events Manager (love it).
    i want to display a “featured event” on the homepage.
    i want to display one event at a time from all FUTURE events.
    i want them to be random.
    i want to display it with the event author avatar, the event title & dates, the event location, and the event description/excerpt. (all available via the shortcode & placeholders)
    i want the title to link to the single event post.

    in a perfect world, they would even be in a slider or some other nifty feature that would allow them to change without refresh.
    but i can live without that.

    i have tried so many different queries, short codes, custom functions, and other workarounds, i can’t even begin to share them here.

    has ANYONE figured out a way to do this????????

    i am also having this problem… since updating to 3.8… maybe 3.8.1 – they were so close together, i’m not sure …

    but it needs to be fixed… i have reset permalinks numerous times to no avail. i have deactivated all plugins… no difference

    it is only on SOME pages…

    permalinks are set to /%post_id%/%postname% and have been for 2 years…

    BRILLIANT FIX… thank you.
    now, if i can just get the non-members OUT of the list, we’re golden!

    Thread Starter somethingelse


    solved… sortof… for now… we’ll see if it continues to work in FEBRUARY ??
    had to opt for a heavily formatted shortcode instead… as “scope” would NOT work in the query parameters like i’d hoped. “Scope” is listed in wp-events-manager as an acceptable parameter alas, when using the “future” attribute, still got EVERY event, including past ones.

    so opted for “year” – which suggests in the codex that it will display posts that match the current year/month and later…
    so, still getting past events, but only within the month, so that is acceptable for the time being.

    A SIMPLER approach would have been to just use a “featured event” category and put the events in that category… however, my client wanted ALL upcoming event to randomize in this case, so that would have meant UNchecking the category on a regular basis – a job i wasn’t prepared to add to my daily to-do list…

    	// The Query
    $the_query = new WP_Query( 'post_type=event&year=2014&limit=20&posts_per_page=1&orderby=rand' );
    // The Loop
    while ( $the_query->have_posts() ) {
    	echo '<h3>' . get_the_title() . '</h3>';
    	echo do_shortcode('[event scope="future"]<a href="#_EVENTURL">#_CONTACTAVATAR</a><span class="fdates">#_EVENTDATES</span><br />with <a href="#_CONTACTPROFILEURL">#_CONTACTNAME</a><br /><br /><span class="fexc">#_EVENTEXCERPT{40,...}<a href="#_EVENTURL" class="flm">Learn more!</a></span>[/event]');

    can i vote for this? in the short-term i’ll try that “adding autocomplete=”off” ” solution… but some way to allow NEW locations to be added, but preventing duplicates would be really really really awesome.

    so, upon further reflection… that code is NOT actually working “great”… poor test data ?? had similar data for multiple events and didn’t realize it was showing old events too. duh.

    it works “well” tho.
    will start a new thread as i figure out how to make it work great.

    further to original question 2…
    and answer 2…

    placeholders are great… but only, it seems, within the context of “formatting” inside the plugin settings.

    i’m having difficulty sorting out how to get the #_CONTACTAVATAR to appear in a template… i want to show a single, random event with title, excerpt & the contact avatar

    i’m using this

    <div id="featuredevent">
    	// The Query
    $the_query = new WP_Query( 'post_type=event&orderby=rand&posts_per_page=1' );
    // The Loop
    while ( $the_query->have_posts() ) {
    	echo '<h3>' . get_the_title() . '</h3>';
    	echo '<span class="fev-image">' . do_shortcode('[events_list scope="future" limit="1"]'.'#_CONTACTAVATAR'.'[/events_list]') . '</span>';
    	echo '<p>' . the_excerpt() .'<p>';
    /* Restore original Post Data
     * NB: Because we are using new WP_Query we aren't stomping on the
     * original $wp_query and it does not need to be reset.

    which works great EXCEPT it doesn’t pull the avatar.
    IF i change the limit=”1″ to limit=”10″ (or anything more than 1) it diplays ALL the avatars within the “scope”… including the correct one.

    what might be the issue in that code? i’m totally stumped.
    it seems using the do_shortcode is the only way to achieve what i want… just one more little thing to fix and we’re done! i have spent fully a WEEK trying to make this work. needless to say, i am NOT a programmer…

    this would be an excellent addition to the PRO version, and i would buy it right now if it were available ??

    we don’t need payment & booking upgrades… but event imports would be FANTASTIC.

    that said, we are working on adapting the EMI plugin to suit our needs… but, i have other clients who use this awesome event plugin who would definitely upgrade to pro for that function.

    smooth slider works well if you are looking for something simple… it’s compatible with the custom post type out of the box, and will pull in the title, excerpt & featured image of your events.

    have you solved this?

    this might help –>

    i would suggest that you turn OFF the analytics via Thesis, and strictly use the yoast plugin, if you are still thinking to do so.

    When you get to the yoast settings, you can manually add your analytics ID, then click “show advanced settings” and scroll down to eliminate admin visits from your stats…

    those are the basic settings you need to be up & running with reasonably effective stats.

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