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Did anyone find a solution to this?
I would really love for my visitors to be able to mail themselves their favourite list by using a simple form with Name, E-mail and a “Send me my favourites”-button.
Additionally, it would be awesome if users could share their favorites with others. I suppose that would work fine with any social sharing plugin if every user’s favourite page had a unique link, as in “”.
Any ideas on how to make that happen?
Solved most of this by editing the wpfp-page-template.php-file.
This code does the following:
– Removes bulleted lists
– Shows post title as h2
– Shows thumbnail to the left
– Shows excerpt of postecho ""; if ($favorite_post_ids): $favorite_post_ids = array_reverse($favorite_post_ids); foreach ($favorite_post_ids as $post_id) { $p = get_post($post_id); echo "<div class='post'><div class='entry'>"; echo "<a href='".get_permalink($post_id)."'>"; echo get_the_post_thumbnail ( $post_id, 'thumbnail', array('class' => 'alignleft')); echo "</a>"; echo "<h3><a href='".get_permalink($post_id)."' title='". $p->post_title ."'>" . $p->post_title . "</a></h3> "; echo $p->post_excerpt; echo "<br><br>"; echo wpfp_remove_favorite_link($post_id); echo "</div></div>"; echo "<br>"; } else: echo ""; echo $wpfp_options['favorites_empty']; echo "<br><br>"; endif; echo "";
Also, I figured a way to display buttons instead of text links, but it requires that your theme has button shortcodes. I’m using Striking by Kaptlin Themes, and did the following in the settings page:
– Select “No Image” as icon
– Paste<div title="Add to favourites" class="button medium green"><span>Add to favourites</span></div>
in “Text for add link”-field
– Do the same for the other fields. My theme supports different color and size buttons.Additionally, I added a “Go to my favourites”-button next to add and remove, simply by pasting the following code after the </div> tag in the add/remove fields:
<a href="your url" class="button medium white"><span>Go to my favourites</span></a>
No all I need is to arrange the favourites in columns. Any suggestions?
Sorry for being a novice, but where excactly do I paste this?
If it’s outside the content of the template it won’t show. Try to put it e.g. right after the breadcrumbs-snippet or inside the content-snippet.