Forum Replies Created
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Can theme be in one HTML file?Takuya,
why not develop a template as one file and than break it apart into the different section. header, main, footer, sidebar.
i think you can do it as single file but that mean you will have to do the samething for archives, pages, etc. since this pages call the individuals header, footer and siderbar. sometimes the best thing to do is to take someone theme and user the php structure and than develop your css for it. this is what i did with mine blog, i still tweaking since i have some issues with the browsers.
solarpunkForum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Neptune – a new 3-column theme (WP1.5)Yn,
ok. i download the code and i notice that you did what i was looking for. i will study your code more and try to implement in my current layout.
solarpunkForum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Neptune – a new 3-column theme (WP1.5)Yn,
are you using php, to call the left and and right sidebar? thanks. i want change mine sidebar in which it is call through php, left and right sidebar basically. righ now i am just using sidebar.php and controling the potisitioning through css. you can view at
solarpunkForum: Plugins
In reply to: Admin Welcome Message WP1.5Satoshi,
if you have multiple users using the same blog. it is like in a way.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Image Rotator?andrew,
make a directory with all the images you want to show in the header. than make sure rotate.php has the right path, than in your CSS file look for the header class and add this part background-image: url(‘rotate.php’);. just point the rotate.php to the right path where the file is located.
you can view mine at everytime you refresh the browser a new pictures comes up.
solarpunkForum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Firefirox issue, need some helpThanks for the info. i will check out and do more testing. .
solarpunkForum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: theme does not appearAmy,
you have to upload to your wp-content/themes/ and than if you want to use it you enable in the admin/presentation.
First to make modification start looking at the style.css, the changes for the look and feel happen there. if you dont want something in your site to show up like meta or archives you can turn that off in the sidebar.php.
another thing to do is rename theme because if you upload in different different directory it will show with the same name in the theme section. i would recommend going to the style.css and change this part:
Theme Name: my name theme
Theme URI:
Description: future theme
Version: 1
Author: You
Author URI:
*/this way you will know what theme you are working on.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: HELP!!!cyber,
the only way a person can posted in your site is either you create account for them to do it, or are you refereing someone posting comments?. Having account in your site is the only way to posted .
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: problem with ampersands in linksdavi,
i notice that two & are being include in the link twice. Missing & Exploited Children
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: index.php disappearedi just notice that you dont have the index.php in your main directory, all you have to do is upload index.php up to your site, it should do it.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: index.php disappearedmrsbrightside,
make sure there is index.php under wp-content/themes/themenamehere but also check to see if there is index.php in your root directory (where you install wordpress)
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: calendar on sidebarTake a look at this
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: need help figure out why comment cannot be postedBalatro,
thanks that solve the problem..i didnt thought of that….it is good come here and have second pair of eyes help out..
victorForum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Neptune – a new 3-column theme (WP1.5)rocky,
you can use the trident or alex king 3-dots theme, you can modify to whatever you want.. i think i use alex king 3-dots way back with wp 1.2, you can view my blog at
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Footer not aligning at the bottom, need helpLawtai,
i have set up the same you do but for some strange reason is aligning top. it should be aligning bottom. i set up to align bottom. i will expend more time when i get home tonight.
thanks for your help