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  • Same result here. Nothing but the generic “Failed to send your message” text gets displayed.

    Furthermore, there’s no specific line on the Messages tab of the Edit Contact Form screen that applies to a reCAPTCHA error. In other words, no custom message for that specific validation error. It would be a good idea to have a specific message for that, wouldn’t it?

    You can see my form at

    Thank you!

    Thread Starter solarcat


    Hi, Sean. Thanks for responding.

    The mini-cart is the template used in standard WooCommerce to display the “WooCommerce Cart” widget (/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/includes/widgets/class-wc-widget-cart.php). It’s found in the /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/templates/cart/ folder as mini-cart.php.

    I’ve since discoverd that a similar problem exists with the “WooCommerce Rently Viewed” widget (/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/includes/widgets/class-wc-recently-viewed-widget.php). When the “Recently Viewed” widget is displayed to a user who has recently viewed a product configured as name-your-own-price with regular price zero, the widget shows the word “Free!” This is confusing. It would be better if no price (blank) were displayed when the product is configured as name-your-own-price.

    Of the two problems, the one with the Cart widget is more serious since it results in crazy-looking arithmetic. In the simplest case of adding one name-your-own-price product to the cart, it shows the product detail as “1 x $0.00” and the subtotal as $10.00 (or whatever price the user has named).

    Thread Starter solarcat


    Just to be totally clear about how this bug shows up:

    In admin on the Product Categories page, the problem category shows a count of 4 in the Products column. This is correct.

    When I add a filter on “get_terms” and do something like this:

    public static function get_subcategory_terms( $terms, $taxonomies, $args ) {
    if ( in_array( 'product_cat', $taxonomies ) && ! is_admin() ) {
    foreach ( $terms as $key => $term ) {
    	if ( $term->slug == 'problem-category-slug' ) {
    		echo $term->count;

    I see that the count for that category is zero.

    Something doesn’t add up!

    Thread Starter solarcat


    Following up.

    After upgrading to the latest WooCommerce (2.1.6 from 2.1.5) there is no longer a difference between the product categories widget and regular page display. Both of them were omitting the category. Or maybe I imagined the discrepancy. Hard to be sure.

    I was already filtering “get_terms” for the product categories taxonomy because of another problem, so I inserted some logging code there and discovered that the problem category was showing a count of zero. There are actually four products in it. I’ve no idea why the count is wrong, but that’s the root cause of this problem.

    I simply added code to assign 4 to the count, and the category now appears just as it should.

    I also discovered another problem with the count. The original reason I added that filter was to hide a category that contains only hidden products. I had thought that would be automatic, but it isn’t. In other words, the calculated count for the category that has only hidden products is non-zero.

    There’s something wrong with the count calculation! My immediate problem is solved, but either I have some setting very wrong, or there’s a bug in there somewhere.

    Thread Starter solarcat


    Bump. Is there no support for this plugin?

    Thread Starter solarcat


    No solution. Does the plugin developer have anything to say about this? Please?

    Thread Starter solarcat


    Thanks for the reply. Unless I’m missing something, this is a completely manual process. Is that right? An administrator has to determine for each payment whether or not the buyer has paid in full. And the administrator checks or un-checks the “Fully Paid” box, right?

    That doesn’t sound like the same thing as setting up a fixed installment payment schedule, as in my example, and enforcing it. Not the same thing at all, unless I’m failing to understand the documentation on manual bookings.

    To be clear, I’m looking for a way to set up an installment payment schedule, like the example in my first post. Then I would want automatic tracking of the payments and remaining balance for each buyer, with a reminder email sent to the buyer just before each installment is due.

    This is a common requirement for organizations that conduct big-ticket seminars, classes, and workshops. I’m surprised to find that none of the pro-level booking plugins seem to address it.

    I hope I’ve misunderstood the documentation and that EMPro really does what I’m describing. Please let me know. Thanks.

    Thread Starter solarcat


    Following up. The above is not an accurate diagnosis. Sorry.

    If I set the regular price to zero, then the “Add to Cart” button shows up. That’s okay so far.

    When I add an item, it does show up correctly in the full cart, with the specified price. That part is fine.

    Where it all goes wrong is in the Cart sidebar widget, which works off the mini-cart template. In the widget, it shows the regular price of zero rather than the specified price. And the widget’s subtotal is wildly off-base, totally wrong. I can’t even figure out how it’s getting that subtotal.

    Is the plugin designed to work in the mini-cart? Or am I going to have to remove that widget until a new release does?


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