Forum Replies Created
Viewing 6 replies - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Extendable] Cant add productsAha, didn’t notice that in the sidebar. Thanks! ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Contact Form 7] Error sending emssageSolved, the ReCAPTCHA had the wring settings.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Contact Form 7] Error sending emssageIts red, I dont understand why the mail fails…
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: List main cateogires and child of currentYes, I know, but it worked out of the box so to speak! ??
Here is the snippet, I have added it to my-custom-code.php
// Modified category widget
// Function to define and register the custom widget
function initialize_custom_wc_widget() {
// Define the custom widget class
class Custom_WC_Product_Categories_Widget extends WP_Widget {
public function __construct() {
'Custom WC Product Categories',
array('description' => 'Displays product categories with custom functionality.')
public function widget($args, $instance) {
// Start widget output
echo $args['before_widget'];
// Display widget title
if (!empty($instance['title'])) {
echo $args['before_title'] . $instance['title'] . $args['after_title'];
// List all main categories
$main_category_args = array(
'taxonomy' => 'product_cat',
'hide_empty' => 1,
'parent' => 0
$main_categories = get_categories($main_category_args);
foreach ($main_categories as $cat) {
echo '<a href="' . get_term_link($cat->term_id) . '">' . $cat->name . '</a><br>';
// Get the current category
$current_cat = get_queried_object();
// If we are on a category page and it's the current main category or one of its subcategories, list subcategories
if (isset($current_cat->term_id) && $current_cat->taxonomy == 'product_cat') {
if ($current_cat->term_id == $cat->term_id || $current_cat->parent == $cat->term_id) {
$this->list_sub_categories($cat->term_id, $current_cat);
// End widget output
echo $args['after_widget'];
// Recursive function to list subcategories
private function list_sub_categories($parent_id, $current_cat, $level = 1) {
$sub_category_args = array(
'taxonomy' => 'product_cat',
'hide_empty' => 1,
'parent' => $parent_id
$sub_categories = get_categories($sub_category_args);
foreach ($sub_categories as $sub_cat) {
echo '<div style="margin-left: ' . (20 * $level) . 'px;"><a href="' . get_term_link($sub_cat->term_id) . '">' . $sub_cat->name . '</a></div>';
// If we are on a category page and it's the current subcategory or one of its subcategories, list its subcategories
if ($current_cat->term_id == $sub_cat->term_id || $current_cat->parent == $sub_cat->term_id) {
$this->list_sub_categories($sub_cat->term_id, $current_cat, $level + 1);
public function form($instance) {
// Add form fields for widget settings if needed
public function update($new_instance, $old_instance) {
// Add update logic for widget settings if needed
return $new_instance;
// Register the custom widget
// Add an action to run our function when widgets are initialized
add_action('widgets_init', 'initialize_custom_wc_widget');Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: List main cateogires and child of currentI solved it with the kind help of Chatgpt! ??
Ill be happy to share the snippet if someone wants it. ??
- This reply was modified 6 months, 2 weeks ago by soders.
Just want to add that the issue is extremely serious as we cant track conversions in Google Ads. We are loosing sales.
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