Hi all.
The problem is :
IE doesn’t remove the Anchor Sign (#) form submit URL (form’s action) .
and “Contact Form 7” puts an anchor in form’s action like
<form action="/#wpcf7-f1-p233-ol" ....
so when form submits and URL encodes, server thinks you want to access to a file that doesn’t exists (in this case “/%23wpcf7-f1-p233-ol” ) so it returns “404 Not Found” !
These links show what happens :
1. The script:
2. The Form submit in IE when form is in FrontPage:
3. Firefox Submit & IE accessed by id:
The solution will be:
1. remove the Anchor
2. Add a “?” before “#”
3. Link the invalid address (in this case “/%23wpcf7-f1-p233-ol”) to correct one using Apache ReWriteEngine
4. Fix the stupid IE !! ??
Good Luck