I’ve hacked together that functionality for myself, here’s how I did it:
1) Used this FAQ to create a feed43 RSS of the Pinboard: https://www.jpluna.com/socialactionweb/2012/02/20/how-to-add-a-pinterest-pin-board-to-your-wordpress-blog/
2) Made this code change (note: I am using the “Username Board” option)
// Get Pinterest Feed(s)
include_once(ABSPATH . WPINC . ‘/feed.php’);
if( empty($boardname) ){
$pinsfeed = ‘https://pinterest.com/’.$username.’/feed.rss’;
else $pinsfeed = ‘https://www.feed43.com/4588884346035475.xml’; // << THIS IS WHERE YOU PUT YOUR CUSTOM FEED
You can see the live board at my website, isamuel.com