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  • Yeah, I really have. I’ve started up something actually. I’ll post on here somewhere when I have something solid, or, email me at

    For some silly reason I’ve been hanging out on the forums a lot recently because I discovered a little issue (and figured out where in the code the problem was) and I wanted to report it to the devs. I haven’t heard anything! A bit disappointed in photocrati’s stewardship of the plugin.


    The “Create new page” just creates a page for your album. It will be a normal wordpress page. The dropdown lets you select a parent page if you so desire, or just leave as is to create a top level page.

    All it really does is make a page and drop in the proper shortcode.

    “Page links to” is for an album view. When displaying an album, you get a little picture for each gallery. When click, it normally just displays the gallery immediately (as opposed to loading a new page).

    If you want it to link to a particular page (it could be one created by “Create new page”) select it in the dropdown.

    This way, instead of just showing the gallery on the album page, you can create a special page for the gallery with a description and other stuff.

    Let me know if there is anything else I can do!

    Double post bro!!

    I replied to your previous one.

    Did you try the suggestions?

    Yes indeed.

    Cut it out, shred it, burn it, and stomp on the ashes!!!

    Wait… I just took another look at the thumbnail scroller plugin site. The post was from 2010 (thus the old version), and IT was were came from.

    This means that including the older jquery 1.5 should actually work (meaning remove jquery 1.7.2). This would make sense considering the error was in the newer jquery.

    So, I wrote another novel, but I think I want to make it a bit clearer what your options are. Try one, and then try the other.

    Only comment out the code so you can try some different combos if there is still trouble.

    If you want it to just work (hopefully) comment these script tags out:
    These are the files the ones <a href="">thumbnail scroller is supposed to work with</a>.
    If you want to try using the newest versions, comment these script tags out:
    Jquery is darn good about backwards compatibility, but there is no guarantee.


    It looks like you tried pulling out jquery 1.5 (unless my browser is acting hinky) and it still doesn’t work.

    I would recommend trying one of the options above. With the first one..first. Make sure to comment out both.

    Let me know how things are going…

    Link to site pretty please ^_^

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Java/Html help

    You can do the whole thing in javascript, so it runs on the visitors computer. This way you won’t have to deal with passing values.

    Or, you can use ajax to grab the answer from a script and change the page accordingly.


    WordPress pages are in html, it just looks a lot cleaner to not include that part. If you wanted to, you could.

    Also, the url parameters (after the ?) aren’t necessarily related to not changing the URL.

    Here is the problem.

    Go to the WordPress Settings->Permalinks and you will see that wordpress works by passing values via url parameters like ?var=value&var2=othervalue. The default permalinks settings is

    WordPress just takes the values after the ? in the url to find pages. Then, the permalinks settings takes those urls and converts them into the pretty urls that we are used to seeing.

    WordPress is probably trying to use your values to find a page. They don’t make sense so you get a 404.

    You should modify the form, and the script that accepts it, to use POST. This way, it won’t interfere with wordpress.

    You can avoid changing the URL by including the logic in the form.

    Like this (but replaced with real code ^_^)

    /** BMI page **/
    If post variables exist {
    Calculate and display stuff about BMI
    Else {
    Display BMI calculator form with the POST method

    If I’ve made any errors I please let me know

    A link to your site will always make it easier to see what’s going on!

    From your description, it sounds like your theme includes a javascript file that the theme includes gives a lightbox effect to all images.

    I looked up “expose” and it looks like you have the Expose Gallery theme for ThemeForest from

    That theme includes prettyPhoto, another lightbox. That is probably the issue, but I would have to look at your site to be sure.

    According to, this is what you need to do:

    Add this class to disable it on single images:

    or, to disable it completely, open up the js/avia.js file
    and comment out this bit:

    It will look like this
    //activates the prettyphoto lightbox
    Change it to this
    //activates the prettyphoto lightbox

    I don’t know how familiar you are with digging through the code. Let me know if you need help.

    Oh, yeah.

    This issue has absolutely nothing to do with NextGen gallery.

    I don’t think your question will appear in any other forums since you posted through the NextGen support page.

    You would probably be able to receive much more help in the future if you post your issue in a more general area (unless the problem actually has to do with NextGen Gallery ^_^).

    I played around with your CSS (with Firebug) but I wasn’t able to get it to work.

    However, I did find an error by using its javascript console:

    TypeError: f.easing[i.animatedProperties[this.prop]] is not a function
    Line 4

    I think part of the problem is you are loading two different versions of jquery, and two different versions of jquery-ui.

    Its possible a theme or plugin you installed/updated decided to load its own version, or, a setting/install/update may have changed the order of the scripts.

    Perhaps they were in the right order to previously to allow it to work, but now the change has created a problem.

    You are loading these version of jquery-ui:

    and these versions of jquery:

    You need to find out where that old versions are being loaded from. It may be directly in your header.php file for your theme, which would make it easy.

    Without getting too technical, you should only use one of each. Find out where the older jquery and the other jquery-ui are being loaded from and remove them.

    There is a chance that something will break if you remove one or both. Hopefully it will just fix the scroller and not cause more problems.

    Did your issue get resolved?


    Your trying to upload a featured image for a post I presume?

    I’m not sure how far you’ve gotten along in the process, but NextGen should have a tab in “Add featured image” where you can select from images uploaded to it.

    You can also just use images from the Media Library or upload them right in the featured image popup.

    You also have to make sure to click “Use as featured image” and not the “Insert into post” button.

    Lastly, your theme has to support featured images for them to display.

    Generally, setting per page sidebars is something that your theme will or will not support.

    If your theme does support it, you would be able to create multiple sidebars and assign them to a page on while your editing the page.

    If your theme doesn’t support it, you could either ask the author to add support or try to do it yourself.

    You could hack together some php in your sidebar file to display a different widget depending on the page, but that isn’t really the “Right Way.”


    From what I recall (not at work with access to the WP install currently) clicking the image brings up a lightbox with the bigger version, right?

    Changing the link would require editing the php file that creates the widget to change the link it generates. This also might be possible with a NextGen gallery plugin…

    Here are a few NextGen plugin options:

    Sorry, but a plugin plugin?!?

    Does that 1px difference cause any problems?

    IMHO I wouldn’t worry about it. Taking the time to find out why is a bit of a waste, unless its breaking something else.

    I totally understand your pain. I stumbled upon NextGen when I was making a website for the company I work for. I’ve had my fair share of obnoxious issues with wordpress and its various plugins.

    It’s really a shame that the company that now owns it (and makes money off of wordpress and nextgen) can’t find the time to document it a bit better.

    I’ve thought about collecting my knowledge of the plugin together into some sort of guide, but I haven’t quite had the time. Below, I will try to be as clear and concise as possible, but I don’t have time to craft it into a masterpiece.

    Feel free to let me know if what else I can do. Also, what kind of “Gallery Settings” are you looking to do? I can write up a quick guide on that if you want.

    Let’s see if I can be of some help:

    Setting up your thumbnails in NextGen Gallery

    When you are working with thumbnails, you first want to decide on a size.

    Go to the NextGen gallery options, to the thumbnail tab. Set the size to whatever you’d like.

    If you want to display them in a thumbnail gallery, you will want “Ignore Aspect Ratio” checked so they look uniform.

    The quality isn’t that important, but it can have a big affect on the size of the images. Setting it to 70%-80% can make them much smaller, without much of a decrease in quality. This will cause your pages to load faster, which is always a good thing.

    Now, we need to re-generate the thumbnails.

    Using the same steps below, you can regenerate a single image, a couple, a whole gallery, or everything. The steps are the same.

    We probably want to regenerate them all, so check the box in the header column next to ID. It will select all of the galleries on that page. If you have multiple pages of galleries, you will have to do them separately.

    Above that, click on the “Bulk Actions” dropdown and select “Create new thumbnails”. Click apply and your all set.

    It will pop up a dialog and allow you to set the size. We’ve already set that up. Just click OK.

    Depending on how many images you have, it might take a couple minutes.

    Bingo! Your thumbnails are all set up. If you don’t like the size, just repeat the steps above.

    I had you set it in the options page even though you can just “Create new thumbnail” and set you size in the box that pops up for a reason. Its a good idea to know where the setting actually exists, and I will explain why below in the footnote.

    If some of your images weren’t the same aspect ratio as your thumbnail size, NextGen just grabs its thumbnails from the center of the picture.

    For instance, if you set up a square thumbnail of 150x150px, and you had a rectangular image.

    You probably want to check each individual image to make sure the thumbnail looks right.

    Luckily, you can go the the gallery page (You are in “Manage Gallery” and you’ve clicked on a particular gallery) and click edit thumb.

    This brings up a window in which you can click and drag out a box to select the area of the image to use for you thumbnail. You can play around with the size of the box and move it around to get everything perfect. It will also show you a sample so you know what your doing.

    Edit thumb will always use the value in NextGen Gallery’s options thumbnail tab. It doesn’t matter what the actual image thumbnail size is.

    In addition, if you “Create new thumbnail” and change the size, it will change the universal setting.

    You aren’t really editing the thumbnail, as much as doing a creating a new thumbnail, with the option to fine tune it.

    I think this is confusing, because it doesn’t actually mention that you might be editing the size/aspect ratio.

    Ugh. My quick guide has turned into a novel. Sorry bout that.


    First things first, double check that the Gallery ID on the “Manage Gallery” page is 1. Sometimes when deleting and shuffling galleries, things can get confused.

    Second, due to the way some plugins/themes/etc process shortcodes, a space can be the difference between “It works!” and “What’s wrong??”.

    I’m not at work so I can’t confirm for you, but according to this page there shortcodes have spaces. I seem to remember that being a requirement.

    Once you’ve confirmed the ID, change the shortcode like so:

    [ nggallery id=1 ]

    Be sure to replace the “1” if you need to.

    If this doesn’t work, reinstalling NextGen might be a next step. It won’t delete the actual images and info you’ve uploaded and it’s a pretty quick process.

    Let me know how that goes.

    A quick check reveals that NextGen uses this code to check for the presence of <?php wp_head(); ?> after loading a page:

    // Check to see if we found the existence of wp_head
    		if ( ! strstr( $html, '<!--wp_head-->' ) )
    			die('Missing the call to wp_head() in your theme, contact the theme author');
    		// Check to see if we found the existence of wp_footer
    		if ( ! strstr( $html, '<!--wp_footer-->' ) )
    			die('Missing the call to wp_footer() in your theme, contact the theme author');

    It assumes that wp_head() will insert an HTML comment <!–wp_head–> when it is run, which may have been the case, but is no longer the case.

    Again, don’t worry. It will work perfectly fine.

    Definitely a bug. I just did the check and it says the same for me.

    Fortunately, NextGen works just fine for me.

    Try it out, and you probably won’t have any problems.

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