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  • Based on another thread, this could be a filesystem permissions issue.

    Maybe you have write access, but not read access?

    Use your ftp client and try to check the permissions of the gallery folder.

    This can also be affected based on who “owns” the folder. There are three classes of permissions:


    Public shouldn’t be able to write period. Read and execute is (usually) fine.

    The owner is usually the one who created the file. The group (by default) should refer to other members of groups the owner belongs to.

    Does the owner and/or group have write but not read access?

    With just FTP, you can’t change owners/groups etc (that I know of), but you can change permissions (Check your FTP software documentation). I use Filezilla, and you just right click and select permissions.

    You will have to contact your host about the details. Some hosts will allow shell/SSH access (bascially, command line access to your server) so you could use chown or chgrp to change owners and groups on files. You will have to find out what user your server/wordpress is running on, etc.

    Basically, it is pretty dependent on server setup what exactly you would need to do to fix it if this is the problem.

    Yeah, sometimes I have a tendency to overcomplicate things.

    For your information, the address bar is where URLs go. It will say stuff like…. on this page.

    Anyway, I made a quick plugin that will get the job done.

    Here is a direct link to the plugin zip.

    I made a page with a demonstration as well.
    You can also download the plugin from there.

    Whichever way you get it, you will need to go to:

    Plugins->Add New

    Under the Install plugins header, you’ll need to click “Upload.”

    You can then browse for the zip file and upload it. It will be just like a normal plugin, so just activate it like normal.

    There are directions on the page I linked to if you want to change the images.

    That should do it.

    Let me know how it goes.

    What is the exact slideshow you are using?

    It looks like some (maybe all?) of the themefuse themes include multiple versions of jquery. This can cause problems with certain plugins and effects.

    If you can provide a link to your site it would help. Your theme might include its own lightbox and other scripts that could be interfering with the NextGen stuff.

    The theme compatibility check doesn’t work. It doesn’t mean that anything is wrong. The check will always come up with that error message even if nothing is wrong.

    The bit of code to include galleries is called a shortcode. Those are picked up and turned into things using wordpress/plugin functions.

    Perhaps Fishpig does not support shortcodes. I would contact them to see if they can help you.

    If NextGen Gallery is installed correctly and activated, the scripts and stylesheets it needs should be loaded by “wp_head();”. I’m not too familiar with integrating wordpress into existing sites, so I’m not sure if it presents problems for certain plugins.

    Check out this for the proper code

    It looks like you are might be using the wrong code (wp-blog-header), plus it’s included twice. Use the code from the link above.

    A link to your site will make helping you much easier as well.

    This seems to be an issue with something in the NextGen code, possibly lib/rewrite.php or lib/ngg-db.php.

    I’ve duplicated the issue on a test site, so you’re not the only one.

    It might take some time to actually track down the error though.

    In the meantime, you can try enabling AJAX pagination:

    Go to Gallery->Options and select the “Gallery” tab.

    Find the “Enable AJAX pagination” and enable it. Keep in mind, it only works with the “Shutter” effect. Make sure that “Shutter” is selected on the “Effects” tab to have a working lightbox.

    That should allow you to have the gallery on the static front page.

    Are you uploading the images via ftp?

    If you do that, you still need to go to Gallery->Add Gallery/Images and click on import image folder. The default setting assumes galleries are placed in a folder in wp-content/gallery/.

    You can either move the folder there and import (makes it simple to have your galleries in that folder), or go to Gallery->Options and the set the first option “Gallery Path” to the folder where you want your gallery folders to go.

    I screwed up my code tags above.

    This is what you want to paste into your address bar and hit enter (on your gallery page) to see a quick demo on (live on your site!):

    javascript:{thickboxL10n['next'] = "<img src='' />"};void 0;

    I hope you can make sense of the rest. The code parts and normal text are mixed up, let me know if you need clarification.

    Are you referring to the “next >” and “< prev” on the lightbox?

    Using a quick bit of javascript, you can change what those links look like.

    If you go to your gallery page, and copy and paste the following code into your address bar and hit enter, you can see what the end result will look like:

    javascript:{thickboxL10n['next'] = "<img src='' />"};void 0;
    Click on an image and you will notice that the next links (and only the next links) will now be an arrow. <strong>This is just a demonstration of what the end result will be.</strong> I used an arrow image from another website, but you should definitely <strong>find or make your own arrow images, and host it yourself</strong>.
    Here is how you make it permanent:
    You will need to insert two lines of javascript code on your page:

    // For the next arrow = “<img src=’**path to next image**’ />”
    // For the previous arrow
    thickboxL10n.prev = “<img src=’**path to previous image**’ />”

    You will need to find or make your arrow images, upload them to wordpress or some other hosting, and paste the URLs between the ' ' in the img tag.
    There are many ways to add the code. A simple one would be to just insert it into your footer like so. It's not the best or right way, but it will get the job done:

    <script type=’text/javascript’>
    jQuery(document).ready(function() {
    // For the next arrow = “<img src=’**path to next image**’ />”
    // For the previous arrow
    thickboxL10n.prev = “<img src=’**path to previous image**’ />”

    It needs to be after the other code that sets them to their default values, so the farther down the page the better. The best place is right above the </body> tag

    I might be able to throw this in a simple plugin to make it easy to install, update, add images, and disable. That won’t be until later tonight (6 or 7 hours from now).

    You can also edit


    directly around line 173, but I wouldn’t really recommend that.


    I wrote the stuff below first, but then I was doing a bit of research and I found the above trick, which I think is a bit easier:

    The easiest way to change it would be to use CSS.

    You would need to add styles for these selectors:

    #TB_next a{
      /* Add your CSS styles here for the link */
      /* You may want to hide this one like so: */
      visibility: hidden;
    #TB_prev a{
      /* Add your CSS styles here for the link */
      /* You may want to hide this one like so: */
      visibility: hidden;
    /* And add your background picture to */
    #TB_next {
      /* Add next arrow background-image property */
    #TB_prev {
      /* Add previous arrow background-image property */

    The reason you hide the link is because it has the text “next >” or “< prev”. The only way to not display that is to hide it with CSS (like the above code), edit the thickbox.js file directly.

    the NextGen styles in Gallery->Styles would probably be a good place to put it.

    This link explains the background-image property. It can be used to include an icon, that you will have to provide.

    According to the website:

    JW Player 6 supports AAC (.aac, .m4a, and .f4a), MP3, and Vorbis (.ogg and .oga) audio formats.

    Best thing to do is upload the file to your wordpress media library (although you can technically host it wherever you would like).

    Go to the library page and click on the file. There will be a field called

    File URL

    Copy the contents of that field to the

    Background music (URL)


    Awesome, glad to hear it. Let me know if you need anything else, or any additional functionality.

    Ahhh yes, that will be easy.

    Go to Gallery->Options. Then, go to the Gallery tab.

    There is a setting called

    Integrate slideshow

    Just uncheck the box and the slideshow link will be gone.

    Gallery->Options. Go to the slideshow tab.

    Towards the bottom you will find:

    Background music (URL)

    Enter in the URL of the audio file you want to play.

    This requires use of the JWImageRotator slideshow (not any of the others). You may need to download the plugin. A link is on the slideshow page.

    AFAIK, there was never a version of NextGen Gallery for Joomla.

    NextGen has a lot of specific wordpress code. It’s not going to work with Joomla without massive amounts of work.

    I’m sure joomla has plenty of great gallery plugins.

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