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Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: unexpected line appearthe theme is from kubrick the default wordpress 1.53 version… regards lisi
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: unexpected line appearthanks and sorry, I don’t know how to find the lines, what I did already, I was searching for class=”curren-cat” in the sidebar template, but there is actually no current cat… hmmm? how can I find this problem?
thanks a lot, lisiForum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: unexpected line appearhey,
so I made a screenshot from my problem>>> here is the link… – next to my categories, only if I’m browsing through the categorries is standing class:”current-cat” … I use the default topic from kubrick wordpress 1.53 … and here is the link to the problem>>>
heaps of thanks for helping me, lisiForum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: unexpected line appearthe ||| is expected – the naughty lines are “current cat” … under… help!!??
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: unexpected line appearhi tom,
sorry for the undefined post – so the naughty lines are on the sidebar, if you click on the link – you can se the sidebar with different categories – and next to the topics are lines like “current cat” which are only there if you browsing through the categroies… help would be cool because I have looked already in the template but couldn’t find the lines, thanks a lot, lisiForum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: permanent sidebarthanks, a lot – I managed it that the sidebar is still on the same place, juhuu – I’m now just interested in the possiblity of having a back button inside the post, can you please explain me how did you made this? thanks a lot for the great permanent sidebar help, cheers lisi
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: permanent sidebarhi umn, thanks a lot, I’m just not so much into php, so where I have to ut the get_sidebar() line exactly?
thanxxxs a lot, lisiForum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: image in excerptthanks a lot for your anwser, no – the other site is apparently not a wordpress site – but my https://www.smashigcom site is one,.. however, my php skills are not really advanced, and I figured out that I can also write the href in the excerpt and simbsalabim an image appears! however, thanks a lot for your effort – the wordpress support is really awesome, without you guys I would have been lost, but with every anwser I learn more about wordpress… I wanna be one time a wordpress guru :-)))
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: permanent image next to the sidebaranyone an idea???
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: How to remove the numbers next to my categories?hi spencerp ??
now, I got it – I cleared it also in the archive template… well, another clearing qeustion, above my
categories is standing a text> like, you are currently browsing the archives for the 1_video category… do you have an idea where I can get this tricky lines to find?
keep on claering :-))) thanxxxs, lisioh – I got it already, found it bymyself, wow – I get php deleting skills :-)))
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: How to remove the numbers next to my categories?hi,
thanks a lot – I got ride of the date, but unfortunatley I didn’t got ride of the <Archive for the ‘1_video’ Category> … have a look at this…
I removed in Archives.php following lines>
<h2 class=”pagetitle”>Archive for the ‘<?php echo single_cat_title(); ?>’ Category</h2>
but after it was still here, do I have to remove the code anywhere else too?
thanks for any anwsers! lisiForum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: How to remove the numbers next to my categories?I think its already a little bit confusing…mhhhmm, I will post a new thread with my design question…
but if you know still an answer for the other question, keep on posting and thank you!
cheers lisiForum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: How to remove the numbers next to my categories?hi, I removed followed lines, but the dates under my headline are still here…
hmm, anyone and idea? well, as I like it very simple I want to remove also the indicated headline (archive for the ‘1_video’ category) which appears if I’m browsing through my categories links.
thanks in advance….
and yes, concerning the first question, how create a design like this>
I want to have between my content and my sidebar a permanent image, the yellow thing and the slogan,…
thanks and cheers, lisiForum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: How to remove the numbers next to my categories?hey guys, well holly space, what I can say, it works…. yuhuuuuuuuuuu, cheers on you ….. however, if you still here – I would have another question for you, have a look on this>>>
now it looks like this>
but it should look like this>
do you konw how I can create a permantly image between the pages and content and the right sidebar?
cheers to the php kings, from the non php queeen!Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: How to remove the numbers next to my categories?hi,
i tried it out > I replaced
<?php wp_list_cats(‘sort_column=name&optioncount=1&hierarchical=0’); ?>to <? php wp_list_cats(); ? > but
unfortunatley it doesnt work – I get an errormessage>>>
Parse error: parse error in /srv/www/htdocs/web86/html/wp-content/themes/default/sidebar.php on line 43I should also drink some beeeer :-)))
cheers lisi