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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Post Tiles] Post Categories on the fly – Post Tiles PluginAnswered beautifully by this other post: you!
My site (still quite raw) is
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Can't Edit Pages from Blog ViewI did check and it’s not there. This should be a WP issue, right? Is it because I have comments turned off?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Can't Edit Pages from Blog ViewI’m using Suffusion 4.4.6. But I also tried Twenty Thirteen and the same problem exists with that.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Transposh WordPress Translation] Transposh not working?Sorry, Ofer. It started working again. I’m guessing I should have cleared my browser cache before panicking.
All is well!Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Transposh WordPress Translation] Not a complete translation of all textTry changing the translation engine from Google to Bing.
Try changing the translation engine from Google to Bing.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Custom Post Template styling issueOops. Right answer for wrong question. The resolution to the first problem above was to move the suffusion_before_begin_post() above the custom fields. A new problem arose by doing that: the sidebars collapsed to the center of the blog.
The solution to that is what I wrote above.
ThanksForum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Custom Post Template styling issueP.S. I also deleted the suffusion_before_begin_post() and the suffusion_content() at the end of the code above.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Custom Post Template styling issueResolved. The problem was that all my content came from custom fields and not from the post. So there’s no “content” in the center of the blog to hold the sidebars apart, hence they jump to the center of the blog.
My solution was to enable the tags below the post, and that “spanned” the main content area of the blog, pushing the sidebars to the side.
Clear as mud I’m sure, but I thought I’d give you the rest of the story.Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Can't access "Add New Custom Field"The solution is a quirky one: pretend that you want to add one of the fields offered in the list. Click on it, add some dumb value and save. Then save the post. Then go back down to the custom fields and edit the saved fields.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Can't access "Add New Custom Field"Did you find a solution? I’m having the same problem. The custom field has a set of options, but you can’t add your own. Wazzup with that?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Transposh doesn't detect W3TC?Until that’s fixed, I have to use WP Super Cache. However, when I do that and then install Better WP Minify on top of it, my site seems to go all jerky on me. It wants to log me off every few seconds. Is there a known conflict between Transposh and WP Minify? If so, is there a minify plugin that works with Transposh?
ThanksBy the way, pngised, the Google translation of your site looks good (right click and “translate this page”). So don’t worry too much.
I got mine working most of the time. The biggest issue was incompatibility with W3 Total Cache plugin. I switched to WP Super Cache and now I can translate and edit, unless there is anything fishy on the page. For example, on this page I have a form, so Transposh will not translate. I had to write instructions in both languages. Check to see if you have any widgets or forms on your page that are interfering with Transposh.
Isn’t this fun? We’re stuck between a rock and a hard place. Can’t live with it and can’t abandon it. Must be even worse for the software developers…
Good luck with your site.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Transposh doesn't detect W3TC?Frederick/Ofer, are you guys working on compatability between W3TC and Transposh 0.8.2? I finally had to ditch W3 and install WP Super Cache to get Transposh to work. W3 was faster than WPSC, but I need translation even more than speed.