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Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Theme – WPTP2 ( 2 Column)very clean, but…
the gray text on white background and 10px sidebar font size are killing my eyes.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Can’t get include tag to workSince your main website header and footer doesn’t sit in the theme’s folder. You’re not giving it the right location to grab the file… in order to include.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: 3 New Theme Releasesdidn’t want to spam so i’m posting another theme in this thread ??
Patriotic Theme: Page: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Akon Theme Releasednice theme, but it looks very much like chris pearson’s theme.
if you’re using his files, you have to credit him for it. his Cutline was released under CC ShareALike just like your Akon
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: New Digg-Like Widget Ready Themexinfo
the 3 column version is out here: Themes and Templates
In reply to: “Web 2 Wannabe” WordPress Thememenj,
i know you’ve been waiting for the 3-column version. i tried to modify it today and realized that the overall width was already 800. adding another 200px (third column) and another 20px left margin (to that third column) will push the overall width to 1020. that’s just too big and even 1024×768 users would have to deal with horizontal scrollbars.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: “Web 2 Wannabe” WordPress Themethanks guys, i will work on a 3-column version. will post it here when i release it.
Regardless of what license, I have no idea of the difference between them. I assumed that gpl is for open source (stupid me). I know nothing about this stuff and just wanted to release my designs for people to use (not to re-package them and act as if they came up with the original concept).
The problem isn’t copyright infringement. I was careless about using the movie image because if anyone could potentially get sued would be me. End users could simply replace the image. That was my point after releasing it.
She told me that she credited me for coding. I coded and DESIGNED it. If she wanted to really credit me for my work, she would’ve done so on her website. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not looking for a link back for pr or traffic. Just a simple little mention of my website or even my name would’ve kept my mouth shut.
The difference was my intention and I did credit the movie for the image. She’s outright took my design and re-packaged it as her own.
I did no such thing with the image, which was used with the Neo-Sapien because the theme was based on the movie.
After I was corrected by one of the members, I went further to credit the movie in multiple files, the download page, and I’ve warned the users about the copyright issue over the image.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: New Theme: Generic Unicolthanks. i picked green for release. but as you can see, it’s very easy to change the color scheme of this theme.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Public Theme Release: Neo-SapienAh, I see what you mean now. The problem is that the main column of Neo-Sapien also floats left.
The examples the you gave me, the main content doesn’t float. It is the sidebar that floats, which allows the bottom content (beyond the height of the sidebar) to extend.
The main content area of Neo-Sapien is bordered by two sidebars. I know that you’re not suggesting that I should make the change. However, if I do change it, Neo-Sapien would no longer be a 4 columns theme. Instead it would be just content and floating sidebars (blocks), which is totally different from its original concept.
The spacious header and footer only adds to the look of the design. Above the 600px fold, we don’t even see the long footer. Some content-packed blogs (lots of content in sidebars) are using Neo-Sapien; they look much better than the short demo version of the theme.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Public Theme Release: Neo-Sapienlhk – Thanks for the follow up to help me clear this up.
I’ve added a warning to the readme.txt file of the theme; the same message was added to the download page of the theme.
When you have time, please review it for me to make sure that I’ve made the proper changes. If not, could you advise me further?
Thanks again.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Public Theme Release: Neo-Sapienlhk – If anyone could potentially be faulted for such… crime, I would have to worry about it would I? As for you and other users, simply replace the main header image to avoid copyright infringement. A crime is a crime… is a crime, regardless of your intention. But I still wouldn’t worry about it because I doubt that they would go after me out of all people (including those using this image for money).
I don’t have IE 6 so I have to get someone to test this with me. Thanks for checking out my theme.
whooami – It is well known (among the fans). It’s a part of the upper part of the main movie cover.
Dgold – I don’t think there’s anyway around that. For starter, it’s a static layout.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Public Theme Release: Neo-SapienI wouldn’t worry about it. Movie reviewers, fansites, etc. use it too. I’m not charging for the product or any service am I?
What browser are you using? I tested it in 1024 Firefox 1.5, IE 5.5, and Opera 9 beta 2.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Public Theme Release: Neo-Sapienthe long footer is a part of the design :). if you change the stylesheet for a shorter footer, you’d see what i mean.