Hi Aaron,
Thank you for the response. A few more questions. . .
As I stated, I’m pretty new at this so I’ll need a little more direction. When you say “Just add the CSS to any CSS file that’s loaded (like your theme’s style.css file)”, are you speaking of CSS code that I’d have to generate on my own. . .or copy/pasting some from a file within the widget?
If I go in to edit the widget, I see four files:
index. php
I’ll presume that any code I’d need would be located in either the index or the …widget.php file if I’m to copy paste. If that is indeed the case, what would I be looking for to edit?
If I’m supposed to generate my own code (or edit any currently existing code), is there some “shell” or template I could use to plug in the values I’d like such as font size/type?
Again, I’m new at this so pardon my ignorance. I currently have a particular font that exists throughout my site, and I’d like to be as consistent as I can.