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  • Hmm. I can’t reproduce this on any of my blogs. What version of WordPress are you using? What theme? Any other plugins that might affect this?

    That’s odd. I can’t reproduce this on any of my blogs. What version of WordPress are you using? What theme?

    If you still want this functionality, check out version 1.3, which I just released.

    Not sure if you’re still interested or watching this or not, but 1.3, which I just pushed to the WP directory, has this feature.

    You can just download the plugin with these changes from github if you don’t want to modify the code yourself:

    I’ve got a few other things I’d like to do before releasing an official update on though.

    Ok, that was actually really easy. ?? Just go to line 182 and replace it with the following:

    'selected' => get_option('default_category'),

    I’ll include this in the next version of the plugin. Thanks for reminding me I needed to add this.

    To just change the default text, you can modify line 181, though standard disclaimers about modifying plugin code directly apply (updates will overwrite it, etc.)

    As for your “better still” request, you can look at my comment in line 182 to see that I too would rather have the default category selected by default, but I couldn’t figure out how to get at it! It’s been awhile though, so I’ll go take a stab at it again & report back if I succeed. Anyone else know?

    You can do this, but for now you have modify the plugin to make this happen (though I want to make this an option in a future version). The description of how to do this is at the end of this blog post. You would just want to use is_category()


    Adding a toolbar is on my todo list for posthaste, but I can’t say when I’ll actually get to it. In the meantime, I have used Alex King’s JS Quick Tags plugin with the prologue theme in the past (I blogged about it here) and it would probably be easy to just use that plugin to add the toolbar & then add the extra buttons you want. Just an idea.

    Glad TDO Mini Forms is working for you. I’ve recommended it to a lot of people for whom posthaste isn’t flexible enough, so it’s nice to hear that it’s good!

    I’ll have to play around with buddypress one of these days…

    I’ve not used Buddypress, but as I understand it, it’s just WordPress MU & the individual user pages are just individual user blogs, right? If that’s the case, can you just activate the plugin on the individual blogs instead of in mu-plugins or on the main blog only? Like I said, I pretty much just exhausted my idea of how Buddypress works, so that may be completely off-base.

    @houseofstrauss: You could probably use one of the Role Manager plugins to allow subscribers to post.

    @jpelker: You mean integrating the full WP Media Library functionality into the plugin form? (Like on the Write page?) That’s probably pretty low on my todo list…but I haven’t thought about how to do it much.

    Two quick ideas that I think would help:

    1. Integrate the WP documentation (both for users & developers) into wordpress & trac. I don’t necessarily mean that you have to literally include all of the documentation in the distribution (that’s a separate issue), but conceptually the documentation should be treated as part of the code. Then integrate trac for the documentation with the forums. When people find bugs, push the bug into trac and close the thread with a link to the bug in trac. If the documentation is outdated or unclear, a bug report should be filed and patches should be submitted. When users have questions that are answered in the documentation, make it easier for people who respond to link to the relevant section in the documentation.The documentation is just an extension of the code. Make the interaction between the forums & trac really, really obvious: big buttons, special indicators in the subject line for posts merged with trac bug reports or pointing to wp documentation, etc.

    2. Build a script into wordpress that checks, on activation, plugins & themes for deprecated/removed functions, hooks, etc. If there are any, notify the author (at least for plugins/themes in the WP directories, this should be possible). Additionally, as soon as you know what functions, hooks, etc. will be deprecated/removed in upcoming releases, notify those developers as well.

    I’m pretty new to WP overall and a relative novice, but this dev blog post really illustrates the single most frustrating thing to me: there’s so many places to go for information and unless you follow all of it, it can be really hard to find good information. I think both of these might help.

    If you comment out the action that places the form near the end of posthaste.php:

    add_action('loop_start', posthasteForm);

    Then you can do exactly that. (Your exact suggested code will work.)

    Btw, in the next version of Posthaste, I hope to include placement options, including manual placement.



    I just tagged version 1.1 with two changes:

    • The ability to choose which fields to display (WP 2.7 only, in Settings -> Writing -> Posthaste Settings). And…
    • A “Save as Draft” checkbox.
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