Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP e-Commerce Shop Styling] WP Editor is not showing the Visual tabhi,
i have the same problem…at 2 sites with similar configs
i use wp wp-e-commerce (it`s not so easy for me to update it, cause of few core hooks)wp 4.3
and the
WP E-Commerce shop styling PDF invoice upgrade
but the pdf upgrade doesn`t seem to break anythinghow can i get it work with wp-ecomm (any core edits of the plugin would help me out)
thx in advance and cheers
martingreat solution from amar^^ thx
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce German (de_DE)] editing language fileshi in have found the string in the woocommerce settings at the cash on delivery payment gateway settings.
so it`s solved for me at this issue^^
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Woocommerce osCommerce Import] Shows as 'Successful' but not importinggreat, that worked for me as my language had id=2
thank you HarryComa, you saved my day^^
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Woocommerce osCommerce Import] Shows as 'Successful' but not importinghi, i have the same problem with osC 2.2
with same plugin versions
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Background Manager] bg-manager and advanced ajax page loaderhi thank you for your answer,but both doesn
t work..the bg-manager loads only at page refresh or first visit...after an ajax call it get faded out and doesn
t appear anymore..i wonder a little bit, cause it`s in the backround property of the body i think..and i load everything into the “#main-content”..therefore the other slider workssorry..i meant wp e-commerce
i resolved it on this way…it works nice
//recurring dates $no_events = "no recurring events"; $recurr_id = $EM_Event->recurrence_id; if ($recurr_id == NULL) { echo $no_events; } elseif ($recurr_id != NULL){ if (class_exists('EM_Events')) { echo EM_Events::output(array('recurrence'=>$recurr_id, 'orderby'=>'event_start_date', 'limit'=>5, 'pagination'=>1, 'format'=>' #_ATT{Credits} <p> <a href="#_EVENTURL">#_EVENTNAME</a> <br> #_EVENTDATES<br /><i>#_EVENTTIMES</i> </p> ' )); }}
here the code for the recurence_id placeholder #_RECURRENCEID …if needed:
//recurrence id placeholder add_filter('em_event_output_placeholder','recurrence_placeholders',1,3); function recurrence_placeholders($replace, $EM_Event, $result){ global $wp_query, $wp_rewrite; switch( $result ){ case '#_RECURRENCEID': $replace = $EM_Event->recurrence_id; break; } return $replace; }
here the rest of my problem description
in the single-event.php the most things work too except {has_recurrence}
i see all recurring dates of an event in the details view
but if an event is not recurring there`s no recurrence_id and i see the dates of all recurring eventsi use $EM_Event->output for the usual data
for the recurring dates list i use an EM_Events::output arraythere {has_recurrence} doesn`t work anymore
but e.g. {has_location}i have to use it without override formats cause of wp-touch pro
here 2 links to the result images
one with a recurring event and one with a single event
here the code in the single-event.php:
<?php get_header(); ?> <div id="primary"> <div id="content" role="main"> <?php global $post; $EM_Event = em_get_event($post->ID, 'post_id'); ?> <header class="entry-header"> <h1 class="entry-title"><?php echo $EM_Event->output('#_EVENTNAME'); ?></h1> </header> <div class="entry-content"> <p><?php echo $EM_Event->output(' #_ATT{Credits} <p> #_EVENTDATES<br /><i>#_EVENTTIMES</i> </p> {has_location} <p> <strong>Location</strong><br/> #_LOCATIONLINK </p> {/has_location} <p> <strong>Category(ies)</strong> #_CATEGORIES </p> <br style="clear:both" /> <a href="#_EVENTIMAGEURL" rel="lightbox[]"><img src="#_EVENTIMAGEURL"></a> #_EVENTNOTES #_EVENTGCALLINK <br> #_RECURRENCEID <br> {has_bookings} <h3>Bookings</h3> #_BOOKINGFORM {/has_bookings} Website:<a href="#_ATT{website}" target="_blank">#_ATT{website}</a> <br> Promoter:<a href="#_ATT{promoter}" target="_blank">#_ATT{promoter}</a> '); //recurring dates $recurr_id = $EM_Event->recurrence_id; if (class_exists('EM_Events')) { echo EM_Events::output(array('recurrence'=>$recurr_id, 'orderby'=>'event_start_date', 'limit'=>5, 'pagination'=>1, 'format'=>' {has_recurrence} #_ATT{Credits} <p> <a href="#_EVENTURL">#_EVENTNAME</a> <br> #_EVENTDATES<br /><i>#_EVENTTIMES</i> </p> {/has_recurrence} {has_location} <p> <strong>Location</strong><br/> #_LOCATIONLINK </p> {/has_location} ' )); } ?> </p> </div> </div><!-- #content --> </div><!-- #primary --> <?php get_sidebar(); ?> <?php get_footer(); ?>
here the code for the override mode…that works:
{has_recurrence} [events_list recurrence="#_RECURRENCEID" #_EVENTLINK – Dates : #_EVENTDATES, Times : #_EVENTTIMES][/events_list] {/has_recurrence}
and the codefor the conditional placeholder {has_recurrence}
//condition:has_recurrence add_action('em_event_output_condition', 'my_em_styles_event_output_condition', 1, 4); function my_em_styles_event_output_condition($replacement, $condition, $match, $EM_Event){ if( is_object($EM_Event) && preg_match('/^has_recurrence$/',$condition, $matches) ){ if( $EM_Event->is_recurrence() ){ $replacement = preg_replace("/\{\/?$condition\}/", '', $match); }else{ $replacement = ''; } } return $replacement; }
ok i will..but i am working on localhost..right now just for testing…so i can attache 1-2 images