Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [qTranslate X] Just lost all second and third languages on Primary MenuYes, yes and yes.
What do you see at ?
I hope I don’t have to rename all of the menu items manually….
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [qTranslate X] Unable to switch languages only on HOME pageThanks Gunu
No change when I de-activate all the other plugins.
Translation WORKS when I use the default TwentyFourteen Theme.
Can you see what is causing the current theme to have issues.
FYI: The Pr. Update archives on the right on the Pr. page also does not show properly (as they used to before).
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [qTranslate X] Unable to switch languages only on HOME pageTried that…. still not working ??
qTranslate has been reset.
Yes, I migrated from qTranslate to mqTranslate and then to qTranslate-x.
o When I HIDE the default language ONLY the HOME page translation DOES work properly.
o When I SHOW the default language ONLY the HOME page translation DOES NOT work.Here are the plugins;
Plugin Description
Select Akismet
Network Deactivate | Edit
Used by millions, Akismet is quite possibly the best way in the world to protect your blog from comment and trackback spam. It keeps your site protected from spam even while you sleep. To get started: 1) Click the “Activate” link to the left of this description, 2) Sign up for an Akismet API key, and 3) Go to your Akismet configuration page, and save your API key.Version 3.1.1 | By Automattic | View details
Select Align RSS Images
Align RSS Images
Network Deactivate | Edit
Makes image alignment work in RSS feeds.Version 1.3.2 | By Janis Elsts | View details
Select BackUpWordPress Backup Plugin
BackUpWordPress Backup Plugin
Network Deactivate | Edit
Simple automated backups of your WordPress powered website. Once activated you’ll find me under Tools → Backups. On multisite, you’ll find me under the Network Settings menu.Version 3.2.5 | By Human Made Limited | View details
Select Contact Form 7
Contact Form 7
Network Deactivate | Edit
Just another contact form plugin. Simple but flexible.Version 4.1.2 | By Takayuki Miyoshi | View details
Select Featured Images in RSS w/ Size and Position
Featured Images in RSS w/ Size and Position
Network Deactivate | Edit
Adds featured images from posts to your site’s RSS feed output, with featured image size and CSS positioning options.Version 1.3.6 | By Rob Marlbrough | View details | Please rate and review
Select Flexible Posts Widget
Flexible Posts Widget
Network Deactivate | Edit
An advanced posts display widget with many options: get posts by post type and taxonomy & term or by post ID; sorting & ordering; feature images; custom templates and more.Version 3.5.0 | By DPE WS&D LLC | View details
Select Post Type Switcher
Post Type Switcher
Network Deactivate | Edit
Allow switching of a post type while editing a post (in post publish section)Version 1.5 | By johnjamesjacoby | View details
Select qTranslate-X
Network Deactivate | Edit
Adds user-friendly and database-friendly multilingual content support.Version | By qTranslate Team | View details
Select Rewrite Rules Inspector
Rewrite Rules Inspector
Network Deactivate | Edit
Simple WordPress Admin view for inspecting your rewrite rulesVersion 1.2.1 | By Daniel Bachhuber, Automattic | View details
Select Smarter Navigation
Smarter Navigation
Network Deactivate | Edit
Generates more specific previous / next post links based on referrer.Version 1.3.2 | By scribu, versusbassz | View details
Select TW Pagination
TW Pagination
Network Deactivate | Edit
A simple and flexible pagination plugin for WordPress posts and comments.Version 1.1 | By Igor Vu?kovi? | View details
Select All Plugin DescriptionHere are the themes;
Theme Description
Network Disable | Edit
A basic WordPress structure from which larger themes can ultimately be builtVersion 1.0 | By Highland Marketing | Visit Theme Site
Select AM/CCSM Landing Page AM/CCSM Landing Page
Network Disable | Edit
A basic WordPress structure from which larger themes can ultimately be builtVersion 1.04 | By Matt Ward | Visit Theme Site
Network Disable | Edit
A basic WordPress structure from which larger themes can ultimately be builtVersion 1.04 | By Matt Ward | Visit Theme Site
Select Twenty Fourteen Twenty Fourteen
Network Disable | Edit
In 2014, our default theme lets you create a responsive magazine website with a sleek, modern design. Feature your favorite homepage content in either a grid or a slider. Use the three widget areas to customize your website, and change your content’s layout with a full-width page template and a contributor page to show off your authors. Creating a magazine website with WordPress has never been easier.Version 1.4 | By the WordPress team | Visit Theme Site
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [qTranslate X] trailing slash missingI have a similar issue at where I am unable to switch away from English to Chinese (simplified) or Chinese (traditional) on the HOME page only. All the other pages display properly.
However if I disable the “Hide URL language info. for default language” I am unable to switch away from Chinese (traditional) on the HOME page only.
Any ideas?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [mqTranslate] Twice adding lang variable in urlYes, I am experiencing the same problem.
Is this a Permalinks or mqTranslate settings issue?
My Custom Post archive links and links from Static Posts on the Home page are currently broken.
Here are my Debugging Information;
Array ( [enabled_languages] => Array ( [0] => en [1] => zh [2] => zt ) [default_language] => en [detect_browser_language] => [hide_untranslated] => [show_displayed_language_prefix] => [auto_update_mo] => 1 [hide_default_language] => [url_mode] => 2 [language_name] => Array ( [de] => Deutsch [fi] => suomi [fr] => Fran?ais [nl] => Nederlands [sv] => Svenska [it] => Italiano [ro] => Roman? [hu] => Magyar [ja] => 日本語 [es] => Espa?ol [vi] => Ti?ng Vi?t [ar] => ??????? [pt] => Português [pl] => Polski [gl] => galego [en] => English [zh] => 中文(简体) [zt] => 中文(繁體) ) [locale] => Array ( [de] => de_DE [fi] => fi [fr] => fr_FR [nl] => nl_NL [sv] => sv_SE [it] => it_IT [ro] => ro_RO [hu] => hu_HU [ja] => ja [es] => es_ES [vi] => vi [ar] => ar [pt] => pt_BR [pl] => pl_PL [gl] => gl_ES [en] => en_US [zh] => zh_CN [zt] => zh_TW ) [not_available] => Array ( [de] => Leider ist der Eintrag nur auf %LANG:, : und % verfügbar. [fi] => Anteeksi, mutta t?m? kirjoitus on saatavana ainoastaan n?ill? kielill?: %LANG:, : ja %. [fr] => Désolé, cet article est seulement disponible en %LANG:, : et %. [nl] => Onze verontschuldigingen, dit bericht is alleen beschikbaar in %LANG:, : en %. [sv] => Tyv?rr ?r denna artikel enbart tillg?nglig p? %LANG:, : och %. [it] => Ci spiace, ma questo articolo è disponibile soltanto in %LANG:, : e %. [ro] => Din p?cate acest articol este disponibil doar ?n %LANG:, : ?i %. [hu] => Sajnos ennek a bejegyzésnek csak %LANG:, : és % nyelv? változata van. [ja] => 申し訳ありません、このコンテンツはただ今 %LANG:、 :と % のみです。 [es] => Disculpa, pero esta entrada está disponible sólo en %LANG:, : y %. [vi] => R?t ti?c, m?c này ch? t?n t?i ? %LANG:, : và %. [ar] => ????? ??? ??????? ?????? ??? ?? %LANG:, : ? %. [pt] => Desculpe-nos, mas este texto esta apenas disponível em %LANG:, : y %. [pl] => Przepraszamy, ten wpis jest dost?pny tylko w j?zyku %LANG:, : i %. [gl] => Sentímolo moito, ista entrada atopase unicamente en %LANG;,: e %. [en] => Sorry, this entry is only available in %LANG:, : and %. [zh] => 对不起,这个页面现在只有英文版,请原谅。(%LANG:, : , %) [zt] => 對不起,這個頁面現在只有英文版,請原諒. (%LANG:, : , %) ) [mqtranslate_services] => [use_strftime] => 4 [date_format] => Array ( [de] => %A, der %e. %B %Y [fi] => %e.&m.%C [fr] => %A %e %B %Y [nl] => %d/%m/%y [sv] => %Y/%m/%d [it] => %e %B %Y [ro] => %A, %e %B %Y [hu] => %Y %B %e, %A [ja] => %Y年%m月%d日 [es] => %d de %B de %Y [vi] => %d/%m/%Y [ar] => %d/%m/%Y [pt] => %d de %B de %Y [pl] => %d/%m/%y [gl] => %d de %B de %Y [en] => %A %B %e%q, %Y [zh] => %x %A [zt] => %x %A ) [time_format] => Array ( [de] => %H:%M [fi] => %H:%M [fr] => %H:%M [nl] => %H:%M [sv] => %H:%M [it] => %H:%M [ro] => %H:%M [hu] => %H:%M [ja] => %H:%M [es] => %H:%M hrs. [vi] => %H:%M [ar] => %H:%M [pt] => %H:%M hrs. [pl] => %H:%M [gl] => %H:%M hrs. [en] => %B %e%q, %Y [zh] => %x %A [zt] => %x %A ) [flag] => Array ( [en] => gb.png [de] => de.png [zh] => cn.png [fi] => fi.png [fr] => fr.png [nl] => nl.png [sv] => se.png [it] => it.png [ro] => ro.png [hu] => hu.png [ja] => jp.png [es] => es.png [vi] => vn.png [ar] => arle.png [pt] => br.png [gl] => galego.png [pl] => pl.png [sr] => rs.png [zt] => tw.png ) [flag_location] => plugins/mqtranslate/flags/ [ignore_file_types] => gif,jpg,jpeg,png,pdf,swf,tif,rar,zip,7z,mpg,divx,mpeg,avi,css,js [ul_lang_protection] => 1 [allowed_custom_post_types] => Array ( ) [cookie_enabled] => 1 [language] => en )
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [mqTranslate] Flags on Top Barme too..
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [mqTranslate] How can I let mqTranslate generated the Language Selector?I also need help to implement this solution…