18 years, 7 months ago
I searched in the forums, apparently the option isn’t available yet.
where is that found?
I’m in “Links” –> “Manage Links” and I don’t see “delete checked bookmarks” anywhere. ??
18 years, 11 months ago
Thanks! I’ve been searching for that option and couldn’t find it! ??
Is there a plug in I can get that keeps all the code intact?
Ok, that doesn’t answer my question.
How do I use put that code on my webpage using WordPress so it works? ??
19 years, 6 months ago
I think I solved the problem!
Markdown was activated accidently, woot! back to normal now.
Oh and the ol and the ul & li tags don’t work anymore either btw.
Well I realize that, but I never had to before until I upgraded my WordPress.
Now it’s just a pain in the behind.
in posts
using a skin made by a friend…
It happens when I try to start a new paragraph or anything.
that test test should be
test test
the only way i can make it go
is if i type it like this
-test -test
19 years, 7 months ago
Thank you so much Kafkaesqui! ??
change how it’s displayed on your blog.
You have a bunch of entries with the word “apple” in it
You want to change every entry that has the word “apple” and change it to “oranges”
19 years, 8 months ago
This is EXACTLY what I needed! Works perfectly. Thank you so much! ??
I’ll check these out! Thank you so much Alphaoide. ??
20 years, 1 month ago
I’m still getting them, trackbacks are turned off.
They’re not showing up on my site though, which is a good thing.