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  • Thread Starter slaymar


    It helped. By the way, this plugin is great and very useful.
    Thank you

    Thread Starter slaymar


    I was set plugin, but there is not progress. I think thats problem is in file mybb-cross-postalicious/mybbxp-recent-topics-widget.php.

    I trying to translate your plugin, but I am something missing. I am change name folder to my language, but nothing is happening when uploading file.

    validLen = “Du?ina va?e?eg polja sa podacima”
    numeric = “Broj?ani podaci (samo pozitivni cifre)”
    string = “Samo tekst”
    int = “Samo brojevi”
    noneValidation = “Tekst i brojevi”
    float = “Decimalna vrednost”
    double = “Duge decimalne vrednosti”
    notEmpty = “Polje ne treba da bude prazno”
    selectNotEmpty = “Nijedna vrednosti nije zabranjena”
    email = “Va?e?i E-mail”
    first_name = “Ime”
    last_name = “Prezime”
    address = “Adresa”
    city = “Grad”
    zip = “Po?tanski broj”
    country = “Dr?ava”
    state = “Region”
    phone = “Telefon”
    fax = “Faks”
    company = “Preduze?e”
    username = “Korisni?ko ime”
    password = ” Lozinka”
    re_password = “Ponoviti lozinku”
    deposit_account = “Depozitni ra?un”
    payondelivery = “Pla?anje pouze?em”

    Could you tell me where I wrong?

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