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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Calculated Fields Form] Troubles with user roles restrictionsI have deleted this user and created a new one. It works now but i dont uneerstand why it previously failed. Any idea ?
SklForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Calculated Fields Form] Using Template for User Error Privilegesperfect, thanks
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Calculated Fields Form] Using Template for User Error Privilegessure.
The user add-on provides form access based on user classes (admin, member, customer…). The add-on provide also a field for error message if the user has not sufficient privilege to access the form.
Can’t that field be replaced or redirect to an url ? Something similar de the “Thank you” page would be perfect.
sklForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Calculated Fields Form] Trouble with captchaHello, looks perfect thanks
sklForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Calculated Fields Form] Trouble with captchaHello
sorry to come back to this but if the user types a wrong captcha code then it has to reload the form from scratch. Can you kindly review ?
sklForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Calculated Fields Form] Trouble with captchaHello
yes, I confirm it perfectly works ! thanks!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Calculated Fields Form] Trouble with captchaHello
I’m sorry but that works… sometimes.
– most of the times, cliking the image does not change it but sometimes it does
– typing a wrong code generate a blank page and the user can not retry. Form has to be reloaded.Can you please check that again ?
sklForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Calculated Fields Form] Trouble with captchaHello
There is still a problem.
Please note that captcha was correctly working when I tested it for the first time several months ago.
The picture is displayed but it remains static. Changing captcha parameters in the wp admin (noice, number of caracters…) does not work. Cliking the image on the form last page does not provide a new text neither. Typing the text generates a captchafailed message on a blank page.
Can you please check again ? I was wondering also if there is anything I can change on the server side to make it work ?
sklForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Calculated Fields Form] Field dependancies does not apply after submitionHello
Thanks for your quick reply.
I use the lastest version but I already had this problem with the 4th version before this one.
The option “form can be submited only one time” was untick. I didn’t realize the meaning of this option. So I just ticked it and immediatly saved the form. I got this message :
“The data cannot be stored in database because has occurred an error with the form structure. Please, try to save the data again. If have been copied and pasted data from external text editors, the data can contain invalid characters. If the issue persist, please contact us”
The option “submit the form only one time by user” was ticked despite the error but the dependencies still does not work.
But please note that I moved to the latest version just before sending you my first email on this topic. So I was saving the form for the very first time with version 179.
This error message is not new to me : just before moving to version 179, I couldn’t almost add any new field without getting it. In my opinion the fact that you added a new option to submit either value or text for radio, dropdown list made form_structure even longer than what it was. And this made the system crash.
I understand that I’m certainly pushing too far with my huge number of fields but I would greatly appreciate if you can provide any advice to solve this capacity issue.
Best Regards
I have been struggling for a while with this user update profile that does not work too.
This chain gave me the answer and I would like to share my own experience and conclusion.
1) In my case, the LOGINIZER plugin (this is a very popular plugin against brute force attacks) does cause problems to ULTIMATE MEMBER… and the other way around ! I deactivated LOGINIZER and I managed to update user profile.
2) LOGINIZER used with Ultimate Member does not block account after three password failures
3) I didn’t detect any incompatibility between ULIMATE MEMBER and the APPOINTMENT theme
4) The “Remember me” checkbox does not remember anybody with or without Loginizer and I couldn’t find who to blame so far.
Hope it helped somebody
Please use this
url :
$Usertest123456Then click on “Mes business plan” then on “Cliquez ici”. Then please use pwd dafteam123456 to access the form.
The field that should have first and last name is fieldname2517. You will see that it does have first and last name values but it is the email value that is submitted and retunred by Webmerge
Best Regards,
skLForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Calculated Fields Form] Validation rule equal to another field valueI found an answer in another discussion so please forget my question
SklForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Calculated Fields Form] One Webmerge resistant fieldHello
thanks for your answer but let me please clarify my problem.
The field is correctly sumbitted to Webmerge. I had already the content you are proposing in an html field. So, this works fine.My problem now is that after submitting the form and reopening it again in the user section, the previous field value has not be saved. All the rest of the form but this specific field is saved. This is what I’m trying to figure out.
I appreciate your help on this.
Best regards,
sklForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Calculated Fields Form] One Webmerge resistant fieldHello
I’m sorry for the confusion it is fieldname811. It is a color selector based on a radio button.
Also, the problem is that it is not saved for the next form update by user. I use the user add-on. It works fine with Webmerge.Please use this test account if you need to login
url :
$Usertest123456Then click on “Mes business plan” then on “Cliquez-ici” and the form will appear. Change the color of fieldname811, submit the form and then come back to the “Mes busieness Plan” tab and this time click on Update. You will see that he color is back to the initial value.
sklForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Calculated Fields Form] One Webmerge resistant fieldHello,
Please use this url:
pwd : dafteam123456It is fieldname808 that I’m having trouble with.It is on the second page.