Forum Replies Created
Forum: Hacks
In reply to: Ajax $current_user info returning falseTurns out the error is in the php. It is receiving the information fine, but is n ot actually logging the user in.
I should also make it clear this is a remote ajax function. Not on the same server. Meant for use with devices and app connection
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Awesome Weather Widget] Florida zip codesSeems it is an open maps issue. Loads correct location with xml return, but wrong location with json return.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Awesome Weather Widget] Florida zip codesUpdate, it seems the FL zips work fine with xml, but not json. Seems to be an open maps issue.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Adminimize] AppearanceNevermind, found the problem.
I have User Role Editor installed and that was blocking the content.
I’ve found this plugin that let you change the default permissions set to basic wordpress roles.
Enabling for the Editor role the field ‘edit_theme_options’ will enable editors to use the Appearance menu.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Ultimate WP Query Search Filter] AJAX Seacrch resultsMeant theme results template
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Ultimate WP Query Search Filter] AJAX Seacrch resultsGot that figured out.
$html .= '<div class="entry-summary">'.do_shortcode( get_the_content() ).'</div></article>';
Is there any way for me to use the template search results in the ajax field?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Ultimate WP Query Search Filter] AJAX Seacrch resultsI have figured out where I need to edit the ajax template, but I can’t seem to get the post content to show.
$html .= '<div class="entry-summary">'. get_post(' . content . ') . '</div></article>';
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Simple Category Icons] Using with the_categoryPLugin used : Simple Category Icons
Theme Used: EditorHere is the code I am trying in the “content-meta.php”
<?php if ( has_category() ) { ?> <li class="meta-cat"><?php the_icon('size=small') . the_category ( ' <br> ' ); ?></li> <?php } ?> <?php $posttags = get_the_tags(); if ( $posttags ) { ?> <li class="meta-tag"><?php the_tags( '' ); ?></li> <?php } ?>
Here is the result I am getting. I am trying to accomplish is the correct category icon in front of the category name.
Any ideas?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Simple Category Icons] Using with the_categoryBasically I have a theme that give a list of associated categories with each post. Theme is “Editor” found here EDITOR
When showing a post or a search it lists the associated categories. I am trying to get the Icon to show for each. Any chance you could give me a hand?