Thanks very much for the help, I appreciate it!
I thought it was due to the links too, but didn’t want to mess about with it all until someone knowledgeable told me so. I made some changes and they worked, except now I’ve run into a weird WEIRD issue:
When I go to:
It works
Gives me the dreaded “Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by…” error.
I’ve checked the file for whitespace and eliminated it all, but still get the error.
This is highly confusing, I’ve only just started dabbling with PHP so I’m reluctant to mess about with stuff I don’t understand…
Any thoughts on how to solve this?
p.s. Regarding “use something like:
<link rel=”stylesheet” type=”text/css” media=”all” href=”<?php bloginfo( ‘stylesheet_url’ ); ?>” />” from your response, what would I substitute for bloginfo in your reply?