I took the brute force approach and went into the WordPress SQL file and deleted all instances of the not-used forms and custom fields. It worked!
OK! I did not see it in options general.
My personal email was there.
(I thought that if I searched the SQL I would find it anyway).
Thanks – what a relief!
My personal email is absolutely nowhere in my WordPress installation. I have even searched the SQL database for it and it is not there. When I use the lost password feature I do get the expected email for changing the password which goes to the email in the user account. When I complete the password change then I get another email to my personal account from WordPress which is what I want to stop. My personal email is in my WordPress.com account related to the initial installation (via the API key which I don’t think I need now).
In the meantime, I discovered what was going on – the embed statement was not set up (or able?) to detect whether the flash plugin is installed in Firefox, which it was not.