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Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: website GONE!OK – back up and running!! Thanks for the help.
For some reason – after i renamed the themes i was then able to get acces to admin pages other than dash which i couldn’t do before – from there i disabled all the plugins – and then went back to ftp and deleted buddymatic – the website works with twenty ten – hopefully when i intall the other themes it should continue to work – thanks again for the help!!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: website GONE!Thanks for the reply
OK – I renamed all themes /wp-content/themes/ apart from twentyten – but still get blank page – i have tried deleting using ftp and host server but i get the reply permission denied on the server side, and with the ftp it seems to go through the process of deleting, but the directories are still there…?
One thing that may be help – I was running the site as multisite and I may have tried to activate buddymatic without making it available in superadmin themes – although i don’t know whetehr or not this would have caused this problem
As long as i keep my database, i am probabaly OK with everything else, i.e. starting over…can i just backup my database (BYW where is that stored) and plugins via ftp and reinstall – i would rather not so this but it is definately better than loosing the posts etc.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: website GONE!Buddymatic was the theme and i also installed Jooc theme to test – i have tried to delete these via the host server but i get access denied because of permissions -i have tried to change permission via ftp – i go back to host server and try to delete these but no can’t do again permission denied – i think this may be related as the blank screen started when i installed buddymatic
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: HELP! LOST IMAGEStried deactivating plugins and reactivating one-by-one but no good…
now working – not quite sure why:)
i am also having a problem with this – it worked fine first – but now it has stopped working – i have uninstalled and reinstalled and deactivated other plugins with no luck – but one thing is curious, even after a reinstall the default blog name is changed to archaeoblog (the name i gave) rather than blogs – i have also tried using main blog but this does not work either – i have deleted other subdomain sites with the hope that that would work…but it didn’t – so now i’ve ran out of ideas….and juts at the time when i asked some people to test the site live..:( any thoughts?
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Can't access wp-admin in newly added subdomain blogDone it!! Fantastic
All i did was go into the domain and create an alias and mapped this in wordpress – I now see what you mean about not having a physical folder, as i didn’t actually create a subdomain in plesk, i only created the alias.
Thanks again for the help!
sForum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Can't access wp-admin in newly added subdomain blogwhen i try to look at the Backend of i get The requested URL /wp-admin/ was not found on this server…do think this is related to the problem above.
sForum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Can't access wp-admin in newly added subdomain blogOK, i’ve set up a subdomain within plesk, and this shows correctly as a subdomain and i have set up a site patrick within wordpress working as network. But when i visit all i get is the default plesk page.
The records for this subdomain under DNS settings now show – (Host)……(Record Type) A…….(Value)
This is the same as for which reads (Host)…….(Record Type) A………(Value) – but when i visit this site it works…
is it that i simply have to waitfor it to be updated?
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Can't access wp-admin in newly added subdomain blogok, i’ll give it a go.
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Can't access wp-admin in newly added subdomain blogand would that work with wp network or would i have to install wp into each subdomain?
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Can't access wp-admin in newly added subdomain blogsorry newbee to this….so instead of creating a wildcard, i create a subdomain in plesk, but do i have to then chaage any of teh dns settings or then edit the httpd.conf file…
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Can't access wp-admin in newly added subdomain blogthis is not good…my webhost says ‘they do not support wildcard sub-domains’!:(
They recommend that i use multi-domains – but they would ’cause I then have to pay for them!
i did manage to change to set DNS records
*……CNAME…… this makes sense…?
any ideas on how i could get around this?cheers
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Can't access wp-admin in newly added subdomain blogthis is very useful – but my host uses PLESK and I can’t deem to find the httpd.conf file anywhere? Any ideas?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: background colorthat’s it…cheers