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  • Paypal helped me fix it but it took 3 calls to get to someone with the right knowledge and he fixed it in minutes. Don’t remember what he did but it worked has never done it since. So call merchant technical services and maybe you will get lucky.

    But if you can’t get into your admin area that would be another problem for sure so you need to get access first.



    How do you start a blog trying to figure out how to change word press restrictions on passwords for customers. It’s so strict for a new customer that they will never remember the password and get frustrated and leave. Did it personally so frustrating and can’t remember the complicated password it made me use. So my question is either how do I change those restrictions or start a new blog for help. New to this site today and appreciate any help. Not a blogger so new to that also. Thanks



    I had this problem and found so far that paypal IPN was doing it as it was disabled. Once I enabled then I got Order notifications instead of Order cancellation notices which have gotten since launching website. Paypal helpful much more than host gator to fix these things.

    Here is the settings for paypal.
    profile, my selling tools, Instant payment notifications, update and enable.

    Use your website address under url or what ever back end of your site for the url but my host gator woo commerce didn’t have the space for it. Paypal technical engineer knew back end of woo commerce so well and so helpful. Hope this helps you as so frustrating.

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