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Hey Anton
Many thanks for fixing the Website Scan, works like a charm.
As per your advice, I have combined some Ultimate Member Css and JS files – inlined some, and even tried putting some in the footer – and all other combinations.
I got the queries down to 40 from 121, but then I made another change to some CSS and BAM, back up to 140 queries.
Unfortunately, I have been chasing my tail around for a good 2 weeks now trying to improve loading speed, reduce queries and get the friggin Slider to load first – but I am no closer ;-(
What screen shot of the minification settings would enable you/me to see whether the Slider is controlled by the theme or the Hummingbird setting?
Many thanks in advance
SarahThanks Anton.
I will have a look at the minification, but it appears that the slider is already being deferred loading because it loads last.
Do you know or could you suggest what can be deferred/combined in the footer to make the slider and images load before other content?
Many, many thanks in advance
SarahHi Anton
The performance test is still not running, any suggestions?
Has the defer function been set through hummingbird or through the theme? I know when I was testing out W3 total Cache and Autoptimize, they combined, deferred and asynced all types of things. But I would think that having deactivated and uninstalled them that all of the files would be returned to normal behaviours.
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Many thanks in advance
SarahHi Anton
Were you able to do a manual scan of the website?
Many thanks
SarahHi Anton
Many thanks for your response.
Here is a link to the website
I was using W3 total Cache with Autoptomize and the speed loading was approx 2-3 secs with only 26 requests (according to Pingdom and Google Page Insights).
However, Page insights only gave the website a 70% on desktop and 50% on Mobile.
Now with Hummingbird installed, the loading speed is 7-8 seconds with 139 Requests.
But, Google page insights gives the website a 81% on desktop and 71% on Mobile.Also, the slider is loading last on the page (this isn’t because of Hummingbird) – But if you have any suggestions that would be greatly appreciated.
Hi there Anton
I am also having exactly the same problem,”The performance test didn’t return any results. This probably means you’re on a local website (which we can’t scan) or something went wrong trying to access WPMU DEV. Try again and if this error continues to appear please open a ticket with our support heroes”
Could you please let me know how to rectify.
Also, Hummingbird seems to have slowed my site loading speed down by about 3-4 seconds compared to when I had W3 total cache and Autoptimize installed. But, it has improved my google and pingdom scores.
Kind regards