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  • Had simular issue when upgrading from 3.1 to 3.1.1.

    Tried to disable the lines suggested and found the line that caused the issue.
    For me, the setting of:
    define(‘DOMAIN_CURRENT_SITE’, ‘www.domain.tld’ );
    had some issues with the www in front of the domain. Removed the www. and network admin worked again.

    I have the same issue. If tt is not clogged up, its double posting.

    I had the same issue on all of my blogs, hosted at After emailing them about the issue, was a technition put on the case that replyed with this fix:

    The problem is that WordPress checks if the site can be access through
    HTTPS. The script tries to connect to to see if it
    gets any answer, but does not specify any timeout limit. Our server does
    not have any timeout limit for this connection either, so the script
    will try for 30 seconds until the whole php scripts times out.

    The customer can solve this by editing the file includes/functions.php.
    He should find the function called url_is_accessable_via_ssl. In that
    function he should add one row so that:

    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $ssl);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FAILONERROR, true);

    changes to:

    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $ssl);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 5);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FAILONERROR, true);
    Med vennlig hilsen / Best Regards


    Hope this helps, and this might be an issue wordpress should be adressing.

    Success! I reenabeled AIO SEO and still the digests are coming inn! The fix seems to be flushing the settings from aktt and reinstall it. Dont know what users and other that does not have db access can do.

    I still want to reenable AIO SEO, but I have not been brave enough. Does anyone have any luck with it?

    On a sidenote; When I was deleting the settings for TT did I notice that my twitter password was stored in the clear. That is not good practice! But I guess we will have to live with it intill twitter lets us use API key’s.



    It looks like disabeling All in One SEO Pack did fix the issue for me. However, it can also be (most likely not) becouse I flushed the settings and reinstalled tt (I removed all aktt_* enteries in the option database, and dropped the tweets database table (wich had all my tweets)).

    I think tt is having issues posting the Digest’s. Lets hope ak will test run it with All in One SEO Pack enabeled, and fix this issue. And I have a suggestion for a future; make tt able to compare its database of tweets, with the Digests it is supposed to be making. And make it awalable on demand (button in the config page).

    There is a tweet in the database with the date 13. January 09.
    Get the titeles that are supposed to go with this tweet (commonly: Twitter Updates for 2009-01-13)
    Search for posts with that exact title
    if match, check next tweet in the database
    else try to create digest, if error, display error and check next tweet

    I will look in to modefying the plugin, but I am no expert, and I hope ak or a person with plugin experience will look into it.



    Akismet 2.2.3
    Google Analyticator 2.40
    Google XML Sitemaps 3.1.2
    One Click Plugin Updater 2.4.4
    Ozh’ Admin Drop Down Menu
    Smart Youtube 2.8.1
    Twitter Tools 1.6
    WoW Armory 2.4
    WP-Print 2.40
    WPtouch iPhone Theme 1.7.5
    (Disabeled atm) All in One SEO Pack 1.4.7
    (Disabeled) podPress 8.8.1

    But can addons create interference? Isn’t that bad plugin architecture? It would seem logical that wordpress did something to secure that plugins does not interfere with each other.



    Disabeling “All in one seo pack” did not seem to fix it…

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: Twitter Tools – No Digest


    Have the same problem. Can it be a cron job issue (i have low traffic), or can it be a timesone issue?

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