I fix this error make this:
1. Open ajax-load-more.php from plugins folder.
2. Change the javascript ajax-load-more.min.js loader to ajax-load-more.js (line 219 in function alm_enqueu_scripts).
3. In the file ajax-load-more.js go to function alm.AjaxLoadMore.success (line 491)
4. Search the paragraph of the data asignation: alm.data = $(data); // Convert data to an object
5. Insert before the line alm.data = … this code:
data = data.substr(data.lastIndexOf(“
“) + 6);
It’s look like this:
alm.AjaxLoadMore.success = function (data) {
if(alm.previous_post){ // Get previous page data
data = data.substr(data.lastIndexOf(“
“) + 6);
alm.data = $(data); // Convert data to an object
Upload the files and enjoy!!