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  • you also can add custom link to your menu.

    add into the link text something like

    <img src="/wp-content/uploads/YOUR-LOGO.png" width="216" height="45" />

    have a nice day

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by sirflour.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by sirflour.

    I found a solution which works for me.

    1. I opened the woocommerce.pot in the woocommerce i18n folder. Here the strings are not translated
    2. I opened the latest release woocommerce-de_DE.po and copied the already translated strings into the other file (point 1), because the strings changed and not uptodate in the latest release woocommerce-de_DE.po.
    3. I created from the opend file (point 1) the .mo file and uploaded it into the wp-content/languages/plugins folder.

    and now the translation is working :o)

    its the same with german -> woocommerce-de_DE

    English: From your account dashboard you can view your %1$srecent orders%2$s, manage your %3$sshipping and billing addresses%2$s and %4$sedit your password and account details%2$s.

    German: In deiner Kontoübersicht kannst du deine %1$sletzten Bestellungen%2$s sehen, %3$sLiefer- und Rechnungsadressen verwalten%2$s, sowie %4$sdein Passwort und deine Konto-Details bearbeiten%2$s.

    But its not translated. I changed the theme, but its still remains in English.

    I dont want to create a own translation file, because it is already correct included in the Woocomerce translation file.

    Someone an idea how to fix that issue?

    I had the same problem with my theme.

    I included these lines into my child theme CSS and it worked fine :o)

    form.variations_form.cart table.variations tbody tr td.value div input {
    	float: left; }
    form.variations_form.cart table.variations tbody tr td.value div label	{
        margin-left: 30px;
        display: block; }
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