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  • Thread Starter sio2


    thank you very much for your support. you’re great!

    Thread Starter sio2


    Do you mean something like this (the second and the last map)?

    I wasn’t talking about those Icons, but I was going ask you about that in a next question. since you touch the subject, how do you do that?
    I was talking about the icon of the layer control when it is minimized. I’d like to change it for a tryptic icon.
    thank you for asking the Elementor support team.

    Thread Starter sio2


    thank you very much!
    how can I change the icon or style of the layer controls?

    Thread Starter sio2


    I found that the the kml file that have more than one polygon, <MultiGeometry>, present problems when trying to manipulate them in leaflet extensions.

    what Im doing now is editing the .kml file itself, so I can separate the different polygons in different .kml files.

    Thread Starter sio2


    here again. as I told you earlier, when I started using className, everything started to work with the grouping of kml polygons. so started to place the polygons of the eleven boroughs. but strangely, two polygons are not working as supposed to, they appear on the map but can’t get deactivated with the groups’ chechbox.
    after hours of thinking about it, I noticed that those two boroughs have parts separated from the mainland so the kml have separate polygons coded inside of it. could this affect the functionality of the kml file? how could it be fixed?

    Thread Starter sio2


    AWESOME MAN!!! you are more powerful than you know!
    Thank you so much!

    Thread Starter sio2


    alright! I change the optiongroup option to “className” and now they are appearing an desappearing with the respective ticking of the checkbox.

    thank you!!

    Thread Starter sio2


    thank you so much for the info!

    Thread Starter sio2


    doesn’t matter if I use [leaflet-optiongroup] option=”alt” or option=”iconUrl” the outcome is the same, create and parent the groups but deactivating the checkboxes don’t make the boroughs kml polygon to disappear. I don’t want to use option=”iconUrl” because I don’t want to display a maker for the polygons.

    //placing boroughs polygons KMLs

    [leaflet-kml alt=”antolin” src=/wp-content/uploads/municipios_kml/mun_antolin_del_campo.kml color=#57007F7A]Municipio Antolín del Campo[/leaflet-kml]

    [leaflet-kml alt=”arismendi” src=/wp-content/uploads/municipios_kml/mun_arismendi.kml color=#57007F7A]Municipio Arismendi[/leaflet-kml]

    //grouping boroughs polygons KMLs

    [leaflet-optiongroup disableClusteringAtZoom=10 option=”alt” values=”antolin,arismendi” groups=”Municipio Antolín del Campo, Municipio Arismendi”][/leaflet-optiongroup]

    //parenting boroughs polygons KMLs

    [leaflet-parentgroup parent=”Municipios” childs=”Municipio Antolín del Campo, Municipio Arismendi”][/leaflet-parentgroup]

    Thread Starter sio2


    I’m trying to group these two kml:
    [leaflet-kml iconClass=”mun_antolin_del_campo” src=/wp-content/uploads/municipios_kml/mun_antolin_del_campo.kml ]Antolín del Campo[/leaflet-kml]
    [leaflet-kml iconClass=”mun_arismendi” src=/wp-content/uploads/municipios_kml/mun_arismendi.kml ]Arismendi[/leaflet-kml]

    [leaflet-optiongroup disableClusteringAtZoom=10 option=”iconClass” values=”mun” groups=”Municipios”]
    [leaflet-parentgroup parent=”Entidades” childs=”Municipios”]

    but the kml polygons don’t disappear when I unckeck the “Municipios = Borough”.

    Thread Starter sio2


    really thank you for your response. these are the line I’m using:

    KML markers:
    [leaflet-kml className=bus iconClass=”parada_autobus” iconUrl=”/wp-content/uploads/icons/busstop-location-pin-30px.png” src=/wp-content/uploads/kml_locations/paradas_bus.kml]

    leaflet marker:
    [leaflet-marker visible className=bus iconUrl=”/wp-content/uploads/icons/busstop-location-pin-30px.png”
    iconClass=”parada_autobus” visible lat=11.031684457675361 lng=-63.98213926544427]TEST BUS STOP[/leaflet-marker]

    trying to group KML markers and the leaflet marker together:
    [leaflet-optiongroup option=”className” values=bus groups=”Paradas de Autobús”]
    this option doesn’t

    [leaflet-optiongroup option=”iconClass” values=”parada” groups=”Paradas”]

    Making a parent group with Vialidad (roads) and Paradas (bus stops)
    [leaflet-parentgroup parent=Vialidad childs=”Paradas” visible]

    can only manage to group the test leaflet marker.

    Thread Starter sio2


    thank you very much for your support!

    Thread Starter sio2


    Thanks for your response and the examples link. I made a new wordpress instalation and everything seems to be working great!
    thanks for your support.

    Thread Starter sio2


    greetings hupe13. thank for your response.
    see, the thing is when I close the tag like this [/leaflet-marker] it doesn’t work. when I make the marker like this [leaflet-marker iconClass=”gasstation” lat=11.01700445790232 lng=-63.825556210513525], and then I try to group the class, it works.
    now, that I can see the markers and the groups checkmarks, I can learn to customize the markers icons.
    again, thank you very much!

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