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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Jobs for WordPress] Customizing Templates (Job Listings & Single Jobs)You can copy the file from /wp-content/plugins/job-postings/templates to /wp-content/themes/%theme-name%/jobs
It might require some extra defining of the available fields, but at least it is a start and it worked for the modifications I wanted to do.
It’s also editable as an option within the Advanced Setting of your Embed Addon (wp-admin/admin.php?page=cookiebot-addons), however changing it in their won’t show up in the Repo of the project.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [GF Mollie by Indigo] Filter toevoegen t.b.v. Mollie Payment RequestGreat to hear this =). Thanks.
Looking forward to it!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [GF Mollie by Indigo] Betalingsmethode doorgevenWellicht dat je geholpen zou zijn met de door mij aangedragen patch Patch voor Filter op Mollie Payment request.
Voor de time being zou je een fork van de plugin kunnen nemen om dit alsnog te ondersteunen, dit is hoe ik het zelf nu ook doe. In ons geval middels de volgende code:
//Modify the Mollie Payment Create Request add_filter( 'gf_mollie_request_args', function( $args, $feed, $entry, $form ){ $args['method'] = 'ideal'; return $args; }, 11, 4 );
Of dit uitgebreide dynamische voorbeeld:
//Modify the Mollie Payment Create Request add_filter( 'gf_mollie_request_args', function( $args, $feed, $entry, $form ){ /** * All Mollie Payment Methods * * @see: * @date: 2019-08-12 */ $accepted_payment_methods = array( 'applepay', 'bancontact', 'banktransfer', 'belfius', 'creditcard', 'directdebit', 'eps', 'giftcard', 'giropay', 'ideal', 'inghomepay', 'kbc', 'mybank', 'paypal', 'paysafecard', 'przelewy24', 'sofort'); foreach( $form['fields'] as $field ){ if( rgar( $field, 'payment_method' ) ){ if( array_key_exists( rgar( $field, 'id' ), $entry ) ){ $payment_method = strtolower( $entry[ rgar( $field, 'id' ) ] ); break; } } } if( in_array( $payment_method, $accepted_payment_methods ) ){ $args['method'] = $payment_method; } return $args; }, 11, 4 );
Hopelijk biedt dit voor jou ook de oplossing.
- This reply was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by Simon.vdSteen.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Tailor Page Builder] Use Sidebar / Widgets within Tabs sectionThe problem seems to be within the “Enable WordPress and third-party widgets?” option I guess. When using the WordPress Sidebar functionality this problem does not occur, so the problem seems to be within the “direct Widget loading” by Tailor perhaps?
At first I thought it was a bug within my custom Widget, but after some further digging it’s also occuring within default Widgets like “Pages”.
When I add a widget directly (so not trough the sidebar functionallity by WordPress), save it and then refresh the Tailor Customizer page, the Widget is no longer visible and therefor editable. Within an tab this also means you can’t click trough the different tabs at all within the customizer and as soon as I publish it again after refreshing, the widget has been dissapeared from the site.
Basicly this means the page has to be tailor fit after one edit, else I’ll loose (widget) data.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Tailor Page Builder] Modify in wp_editor() alert?This issue is fixed now. Turned out there was a bug in the Theme I used. There was a rookie mistake inside that plugin using WP_Query without running wp_reset_postdata after the while. So the Tailor tried to fetch the Page Builder data based on the latest entry from the WP_Query instead of the main query.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Tailor Page Builder] Modify in wp_editor() alert?No, after I hit “Save & Publish”, the HTML output from Tailor with it’s tailor* classes is shown in the WP_Editor.
However when switching back to the Tailor editor I see the “resetted” Tailor screen with one content block (however this is not the default placeholder text from within the settings, but “asdf” so I have to dive into this a bit further.
Also within the editor, when going to “history”, there is only the single “initial” entry, none of the other changes is reflected in there anymore.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Tailor Page Builder] Modify in wp_editor() alert?Today I just made an Tailor Template and pressed “Save & Publish” and the same problem occured. So again my content locked in without being able to edit it in the Tailor editor :(.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Tailor Page Builder] is_customize_preview() doesn’t exist prior to 4.0.0Yeah, after adding the workaround yesterday I noticed the comment below.
Tailor requires at least WordPress version 4.3. You are running version 3.9.2. Please upgrade and try again.
I was checkin it on an legacy sandbox we use for compatibility purposes and didn’t notice the 4.3 requirement of your plugin.
Other than that it seemed to activate trough the repo on 3.9.2 just fine, maybe you can add in an additional checkin mechanism to just be save ;).
My earlier tests on 4.*.* versions of WordPress worked just fine, but as I said I wasn’t aware of the 4.3 requirement before running it on our “crap test” environment.
Sorry for bothering you.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [User Activation Email] post activation emailsI just modified the “update_activation_code” function to achieve something like this. This works for me. (Did some ‘in comment’ modifications, so code might be invalid).
public function update_activation_code( $user_login ) { // get user data by login $user = get_user_by( 'login', $user_login ); $user_info = get_userdata($user->ID); if('active' != get_user_meta( $user->ID, $this->user_meta, true )){ wp_mail(get_option( 'admin_email' ), __('New user'), 'Gebruiker: '.$user_info->user_login.__(' has activate his account.')); // change the custom user meta to show the user has already activated update_user_meta( $user->ID, $this->user_meta, 'active' ); } }