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  • Simon


    Hey @kiquafix2012!

    Thanks so much for the screenshots. That’s right, you should still be able to login with your current profile to access business manager, so long as that profile is part of the existing business you’re using for your ads already.

    I think you may need to reach out to Facebook directly, by clicking the Contact Us link at the bottom of that screen, to ask them why you cannot use the existing business and have to create a new one.

    Before we do that though, could you confirm for me if that screenshot is the first screen that appears after clicking the Get Started button on the plugin settings? Also, if you navigate to with the same Facebook profile, is the business you’d like to use listed here?





    Hey @koolpal,

    Thanks so much for the screenshots and additional info here, it’s a great help. I’m having difficulty replicating this issue on my local site at the moment, even after trying to mimic the settings from your screenshot.

    I’ve tried on existing products, and new products that had not had a SKU generated before. Making sure the Manage Stock? option was enabled for the variation, and then generating the SKU by setting the stock count to 0, as well as purchasing a product when the stock count was 1. In all cases, the variation ID is still included in the generated SKU, and does not appear blank.

    To look into this further, it would be great if you could confirm the issue still occurs in isolation. Would it be possible to deactivate all other plugins apart from WooCommerce and our SKU Generator plugin temporarily, and then update a variable product that is now out of stock?

    I’ve also checked the code for the plugin and can’t see anything that would be related to stock status, or availability when generating the SKU. So my only thought is there could be some custom code or another plugin having an effect.

    Could you let me know how you get on with the conflict test?





    Hey @nwachuku!

    Simon popping here as Christine mentioned you also had the same request in the forums. I’m not sure if you received my email from yesterday, though it would be great if you could take a look in your spam folder in case I got caught in there!

    Essentially, when I checked your site yesterday I noticed that there appears to be more than one pixel installed currently. To make sure this isn’t causing an issue with the notification you’re receiving from business manager, we would recommend removing this first so that we can focus troubleshooting this further.

    If that doesn’t help with the problem, I’d be happy to take a closer look! In which case, it would be great if we could get access to the debug logs too, as this may be logging server-side logging events as well.

    Firstly though, if you could confirm the issue persists with only our pixel enabled on your site, that would be great!





    Hi @sdeal,

    Thanks for writing in about the new connection process, I’m sorry it wasn’t straightforward for you to reconnect!

    I’d love to gather a bit more information on what errors you’re seeing when trying to link your page using Facebook’s latest API. I can then see what I can suggest that might help us get past this, and if that fails, I can share the Facebook support URL so they can look into this further for you.

    You mention that you are not able to link the page with the new process. Is this during the setup screen on the Facebook Business Manager site? Could you please share a bit more information about how far you get with the new process, possibly including some screenshots?

    If you’d prefer to share this privately, as you mentioned, you could raise a support request via our support form, alternatively, you’ll need to use an online image sharing service to provide links to the screenshots.

    I look forward to hearing from you so we can take a closer look!

    @akeshma quite often these issues seem quite similar though can differ wildly with different account setups. We please ask that you create a new topic for your issue so we can focus on your specific set up as per the WordPress forum guidelines. If you can do that, we’d of course be happy to help!








    Hey @kiquafix2012!

    If you login to Facebook through Business Manager, it should ask you to select the business manager profile for your store. When you click the Get Started button in the plugin settings page, it should then either ask you to login to Facebook (where the same profile should be used) or if already logged in, it should ask to connect the WooCommerce application with an existing business.

    During this process, it should then give you the option of selecting existing pages, catalogs, and pixels for the plugin to use with your store.

    What do you see after clicking the Get Started button at the moment?





    Hey @lawandmoore and @danutts,

    Thanks for writing in with this error! I’d be happy to take a closer look to see what might be happening. We’ve seen similar issues from merchants before where the email notification included what parameter was invalid, or missing. Did you receive this in the email as well?

    I’ll also need to look at the site, and view a product category to trigger the event and see what parameters the plugin has generated. Facebook has a useful Chrome extension called Pixel Helper that will help diagnose issues such as this.

    Could you please let me know an example product category page on your site so I can help troubleshoot this further for you?





    Hi @fernandodenardin,

    My apologies that we don’t have any Portuguese members on the support team, so I hope you don’t mind me responding in English!

    I’m sorry to hear that the plugin has not worked well for your store. We’re constantly looking to improve and enhance the plugin where possible, and the most recent version uses Facebook’s latest API to make the onboarding process easier. It seems that there were still problems connecting your account which we’d be happy to help with if you’d like to raise a support topic in here on

    Otherwise, I hope you’ll give us an opportunity further down the line to reinstall and give it another go, as we’ve still got plans for further improvements!

    Thanks again for your time to leave a review.





    Hi @gmartstore, @bikash0011, @pilimoguel91, @akeshma,

    Thanks so much for raising this issue, we’re aware that some merchants are having issues connecting their store to their Facebook account and are actively working with Facebook to help diagnose why this might be happening.

    Would you please reach out to our support team through our site, sharing the email address you use for your Facebook account so the Facebook team can take a look at the logs and determine why your attempts to connect are failing?

    What we’ve seen so far is that this is most likely a permission issue that we may be able to suggest steps to resolve manually. To look into this further, we would need a small custom code snippet to be installed on the site to gain additional debugging output on the error screen. Please also let me know if you’d like to try this in case I can help further while we wait for Facebook to investigate!





    Hey @taticlima,

    Thanks so much for getting in touch! It’s certainly strange that the price synced to the Facebook catalog differs wildly from what’s on display in the WooCommerce store. Do you see the same incorrect price listed for the product when you login to Catalog Manager too?

    If yes, it would be great if we could take a look at the sync log when the product is updated. This should generate the API requests to sync the product, and include the data that is sent across by the plugin, so we can see what price is being included from WooCommerce. It could be that there is a conflict with another plugin when Facebook for WooCommerce tries to lookup the price.

    To do this, please can you make sure debug logging is enabled in the plugin. You can do this by navigating to WooCommerce > Facebook and enabling debug logging on the Connection tab. With that enabled, you can then navigate to the example product from your initial post, and click update. You do not need to make any updates to the product, however, clicking update will cause a new sync to be attempted.

    Finally, could you please browse to WooCommerce > Status > Logs and find the facebook_for_woocommere log for today’s date and send this across? If you’d prefer to share this privately, please could you raise a support request via our support form, so that I might respond to you directly via email.

    Thanks again for writing in, and I look forward to hearing from you so we can progress this! Could you let me know when you have a moment to pass this on?





    Hey @mayaelena,

    It has been a while since we heard from you, so I’m going to mark this topic as resolved. If you’re still experiencing issues please take a look at our documentation for more information and create a new thread if you have further questions.





    Hey @nikkiwraith,

    It has been a while since we heard from you, so I’m going to mark this topic as resolved. If you’re still experiencing issues please take a look at our documentation for more information and create a new thread if you have further questions.





    Hey @kiquafix2012!

    It’s a good question! With the latest release of the plugin, we’re using the most up to date API from Facebook to help manage the connection, which includes the latest improvements for product syncing, and enhanced security.

    It does mean that a Business Manager account is now a requirement of the plugin too though I’m afraid. If you already have a business manager account, then it shouldn’t be necessary to create a new one, however, if you don’t yet have a business manager account the setup process should help you to create one.

    Is this something you already have created previously, or were you not looking to use business manager at all for this process?





    Hey @lowiscoetzee!

    Thanks for getting in touch about the pixel integration with the plugin.

    > No orders or values are being tracked
    Could you let me know which event you are referring to here? It sounds like you may be looking for completed purchases, and the order values during this event, though I’d like to make sure I’m looking at the correct data to provide the best advice.

    > Products appear to be collected as collections, with a suffix starting with an underscore added to each product code
    Our plugin currently doesn’t have the ability to create Facebook collections, as the Facebook API we use to connect and manage your products does not allow it. So it’s certainly strange this is what you’re seeing at the moment!

    Could you share a screenshot of where you are seeing these collections, and maybe share an example of a product that contains the product code format you were not expecting?





    Hey @onewordpresscustomer!

    Thanks so much for reaching out with this question. I’ve been able to see the exact behavior you described in my local test store too! I’ve looked through all the settings available with the Facebook redesign, and have noticed that the Shop tab is not listed as an option under the Templates and Tabs settings of the page.

    Unfortunately, the creation of the shop page, and the display of it as a tab, is not something our plugin can control directly. This relies on the Facebook API to create the page, and Facebook’s own internal system to display the tab on your business page.

    That said, I’ve reached out to Facebook directly through our support tool, as it’s certainly strange it only happens for the pages created through the initial onboarding process! As soon as I hear back from them, I’ll circle around and let you know.

    Thanks so much for raising this to us! Is there anything else I can help out with in the meantime?



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