1 year, 3 months ago
Hi Tobias,
Thank you for coming back to me. I am a Pro customer and have the Row Filtering module enabled. Please send over the code and I’ll have a go.
Many thanks.
Final question, is it possible to automatically hide dates in the past (i.e. expired events)?
OK, i think i have fixed this by installing the ‘DataTables Sorting plugins’ extension.
FYI, below is the syntax I’m currently using:
“columnDefs”: [ { “type”: “date-eu”, “targets”: [ 2 ] } ], “order”: [ [ 2, “asc” ] ]
It sorts the column, but only in day (dd) order, and I’m trying to sort the whole date. Many thanks!
7 years, 8 months ago
Amazing, thank you very much, that work’s perfectly!
Great plugin and great support!
Thanks again, Simon
Thank you, my site is I won’t make any changes yet.
Thanks, Simon