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  • Thread Starter SimonJ


    Thanks Donncha.

    I already had a look at the debug log and the only problem reported from time to time is “Problem writing meta file”, with no detail about this problem.

    If you have any clue about a server/permission configuration, it would be welcome.

    But for now, I’l simply set a chron job to delete these file.

    Thanks again and if you have any clue about the cause of the problem, I’l be happy to read your answer.


    Ah… My mistake!

    Yes indeed… I forgot to remove the first echo I used to test if I was getting the post ID!

    You should ideed remove it! Sorry!

    Glad it works. You can mark this subject as “resolved”.



    I guess what you call your “page that holds my blog Loop”, it is a static wordpress page you choosed as an home page in
    wp-admin => settings => reading (?)

    Anyway, I would suggest another way to get what you want…

    In the functions.php of your theme, place this function :

    function get_my_banner_icon() {
    global $wp_query;
    $thePostID = $wp_query->post->ID;
    $meta_values = get_post_meta($thePostID, 'BannerIcon', true);
    echo $thePostID;
    if ($meta_values) {
    echo $meta_values;
    else {
    echo 'newImage.png';

    This function get the value of the custom field “BannerIcon”. If there is such a value, it will echo it, else, it will echo “newImage.png”.

    Then in your header, call the function in your style definition to :

    background: #fff url("<?php get_my_banner_icon(); ?>") top center no-repeat;

    Try this and let me know if this solution is OK to get what you want to do.


    Oh well…! Forgive me! :-))) I took the code from my own site, i tought you used the one in the codex. :-)))

    The only difference between the code I use and yours, is that you use the while loop in {}… With no endwhile…

    Try with this version :

    <?php while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>
    --- Your stuff ---
    <?php endwhile; ?>

    This is the only thing I can see offhands.


    You should be more specific when you explain your problem…

    What exactly doesn’t work on the “page you created to holds your blog” ?

    And what is the value you normally use in this custom field? The name of an image hosted on your server? A full img html tag?

    Do you have an url when we can see it in action?


    You have a mistake in your code :

    last line in your $args array :

    'paged' => $page,

    you should use :

    'paged' => $paged,


    You didn’t answer my question… Do you have any value on these settings in wp-config?

    Try to set the default, ie to not declare any charset or collate in the wp-config.php

    Try with this settings :

    define(‘DB_CHARSET’, ”);
    define(‘DB_COLLATE’, ”);

    I had a similar problem on an installation after an upgrade to 3.0 where the latin charset was defined there… By leaving these settings empty, it was solved.


    In your wp-config, find the lines :

    define(‘DB_CHARSET’, ”);
    define(‘DB_COLLATE’, );

    Do you have any special value for these lines?

    Also, read this page in the codex :


    You shouldn’t comment out the get_header, cause there is a lot more than “graphical stuff” in the header template file, i.e. all the html code before the <body>… You’ll need it even if you don’t want nothing to be displayed.

    Your mistake in your code is that ‘Single’ is not the title of a page… It’s the name of the template page.

    Try something like this :

    <?php if(is_single()) { ?>
    My stuff for the single post
    <?php } ?>
    <?php else { ?>
    My stuff for anything else
    <?php } ?>


    Ok… I found your solution

    Look in your Platinum SEO settings in your admin panel.

    There is a list of title format to use for post, pages, category, etc…

    You can either disable all the title rewriting by unchecking the box for “rewrite title”

    Or you can edit the fields where you see :

    %post_title% | %blog_title%

    Just remove the “| %blog_title%” where you don’t want it to be displayed.



    Hum… It should work… ??

    But well, I found your problem. ??

    Your title is always replaced by the platinum seo pack, wathever you have in your header.php, it will be replaced.

    I don’t have this plugin installed, so I don’t know if there is an option to disable this feature. But your problem is there… The platinum seo pack bypass your template tag in your <title> to write his own title for search engine optimization.


    Category, tags, author and so on are all “archives” sections in WP.

    How these sections are displayed is based on the template file used by your template.

    I didn’t look at the photocrati theme but if you look at the template hierarchy in WP you will surely understand :

    For your tag section, your theme can use tag.php, if this file does not exist, it wil use archive.php, and if this file does not exist neither, it will use index.php…

    So look in your theme and try to find wich file is used.

    In this file, you’ll have a loop to display the posts.

    In your loop, you have two choice to display the post :

    <?php the_content(); ?> : to display the whole content of a post.

    <?php the_excerpt(); ?> : to display only an excerpt. This excerpt can be generated by Worpdpress (the first 55 words) or you can write something in the optional excerpt when you write a post.

    So, in your loop, just find wich tag is used and change it to fit your own needs.

    You can change this tag in any template file. If you want only excerpt on your home page, again, find wich file is used in the template hierarchy (it can be home.php or index.php) and edit the loop.

    Note that the automatic excerpt generated by wordpress will strip all the images and formatting (bold, italic, links, etc). But if you use the optional excerpt when you write a post, all the formatting in this field will be displayed.



    @ goldmember

    The title of your blog is displayed with the <?php bloginfo(‘name’); ?> template tag.

    So just remove it in your <title>

    You’ll probably just need to use :

    <title><?php wp_title(); ?></title>

    …But, if you want an advice… I would suggest to use the blog name in your title, or at least something to indentify your site clearly on any post or page.


    To do so with my solution, I would do it with a custom field…

    I don’t have the time right now to explain exactly how to do it, but the principle should be to create a custom field, let’s say “image-position”… Then, when you write a post, you define a class in the field (for instance : left, right).

    Then, you define these classes in your css and you tweek my function to echo the class in the div…

    I agree with t31os_… I don’t see how you can “vertical align” an img in a post…

    I’ll try to give you more input later today.



    mtokoly… We explain how to do what you want…

    If you’re not able to do it, don’t blame wordpress, blame you skills.

    With the solution I gave you, you should manage to do what you want.

    And of course, you can change the layout of a blog post… Just edit the template files… (!?)

    I really don’t understad your point.

    Did you try my solution?



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