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  • Thread Starter Simon Franke


    For sure, I could reproduce it in your demo, but you have to give me admin account and that you don′t want, too. Of course there is some setting change in album / gallery necessary. Thats no magic.
    You have finally just to set this setting, I told you many times.

    If you finally understand the ID problem I tell you and tell you and tell you, you solve the bug.
    See here,
    in this situation the album and gallery IDs are different and then then there is no bug.

    You just have to create for example album ID 2 and put in a gallery ID 2.
    Whats the problem if you 1:1 rebuild what I did, the same album IDs and gallery IDs.
    But the bug appears in every situation when the album ID is the same lika any gallery ID putted in this album

    Thread Starter Simon Franke


    How should a bug report help ?
    You have all informations on this topic.
    I am not the only person with the problem, like the other topics shows I showed you.

    If you want admin account, thats not possible. I don′t know you, you are a foreign person. Do you give your house keys to any foreign person ?

    How I told ten times beforce, you can install a temporary wordpress with nextgen and I set it up for your tests.
    Reproducing it is very easy, if you exactly do what I said many times in this topic. You have a demo situation on my site.

    I reproduced it on every new installation, always the same problem.

    Thread Starter Simon Franke


    In changelog of V2.1.43 – 05.25.2016 there is:
    Fixed: Album breadcrumbs when used with legacy templates

    Should this fix the problem above ?
    I installed the update, deleted the nextgen and browser cache, but nothing was fixed.

    Thread Starter Simon Franke


    Of course the bug still exists on ALL 4 links.

    The screencast shows me that you tested the whole long story the wrong thing.

    Please open one of the 4 links on my testsite.
    Look at the nextgen title directly above the galleries (not post title), its always the gallery-name, but it should be the album name or better just nothing.
    It shows the gallery name of the gallery which has the same id than the album. But I say it again, it does not have to show the gallery name it has to show the album name on the album overview page.

    The album name only appears right if you klick in a gallery of the album and then go back to the album overview page by using the breadcrumb.

    Thread Starter Simon Franke


    Now, I have inserted some silly stupid pictures for you and what have it changed ? Nothing !
    Search for the bug now, its time.
    We are doing around since weeks !
    The problem was still reported by others users, a long long time ago.

    Thread Starter Simon Franke


    I gave you all informations I have, much more information about the bug than a normal user whould be able to. How many users do you mean would have recognized the problem with the IDs ?
    I answered all questions, but nothing happened.
    I gave you the forced test website, but nothing happened, you don′t believe anything.

    For that cause, the only possible thing is, that I install it at YOUR testpage. There you can control that NOTHING is manipulated.
    Thats the main problem, you believe nothing and for this reason its the only possible solution to work at your page. Create a page somewhere, no officially page, only a simple nude testinstallation with nextgen. Thats it. I configure it and you can test what you want and see every setting, but there is not much to set. Its the id problem !

    Its not my fault, that you are not able to reproduce it.
    I can reproduce it on every installation !
    No plugins, just nextgen ! A nude wordpress installation

    I implemented it as it should be used.
    What do you want to be changed ?
    Thats a test page, I have to show you the bugs. That is what you wanted – what you want more ?!!
    Its all crazy, you want and want and want. But not search for your bugs !

    Send me images if you want, i have no pictures, that I can use for the test page. Do you ever have heard about copyright ?

    But after I put in some pictures, you will find anything else I should do – instead of searching the bug !!

    Thread Starter Simon Franke


    Many display ? Thats crazy, thats only 3 galleries and 2 albums !
    Thats no using problem, its still a bug in your software, accept that and do something to help, but i think your fully intention is NOT to help me.
    We are rotating into circle. Obviously your are not reading what i am writing.

    You don′t give me admin access to any test page. You can create an new one, like i did !!
    After I prepared that that you are able to see the bug and do your tests, you can delete that. I already told you, how you have to set up your site, but you ignore that too.

    If you are not able to reproduce it, let do it me, I can reproduce that in any case.
    Thats very, very easy.

    Like I told 10 times now, just create a album which has for example the id 2, and then put in a gallery with the same id 2.
    Thats reproduce the error.

    I have no pictures for this testing site.
    I can not publish any copyrighted pictures just for testing and get you happy. That doesn′t matter.
    Of course on produtive site there a pictures. Nobody installs a gallery without pictures – don′t be silly !!
    But the problem is always the same !

    The cause are the same IDs accept it, I don′t want to discuss this the next 100 years !?=?!!?
    Other users in the other topics told you the same !

    Thread Starter Simon Franke


    Blank template don′t help and is no solution. Its there for using it. nextgen and browser cache was deleted too.

    I really don′t write the whole story two times, in this thread and in the bug report. If you want admin access to my wordpress, forget that, you are a foreign person. I don′t carelessly give any foreign person admin accounts.

    YOU can give me admin account to any time limited playgrounds for this bug case tests, but the only thing you do is ignore that !!

    Thread Starter Simon Franke


    I am not a clairvoyant, how should I know what information you want, if you don′t ask for.
    But I can tell you, that the ping pong messaging is wasting time !
    Give me a admin account to your wordpress, I install it and then you can look around what you want.
    I don′t know whats so difficult to reproduce my problem, its all standard configuration.

    nextgen basic thumbnails

    similar of course for extended
    nextgen basic thumbnails

    Thread Starter Simon Franke


    For this cause I told you that is better that you give me a link / admin to YOUR test website.
    How should this end, which post 100 anothers questions ?

    I use your officially functions to insert the gallery, using the button in the editor.

    Album compact
    <img class="ngg_displayed_gallery mceItem" src="" data-mce-placeholder="1" />

    Album extended
    <img class="ngg_displayed_gallery mceItem" src="" data-mce-placeholder="1" />

    Album 2 compact
    <img class="ngg_displayed_gallery mceItem" src="" data-mce-placeholder="1" />

    Album 2 extended
    <img class="ngg_displayed_gallery mceItem" src="" data-mce-placeholder="1" />

    Thread Starter Simon Franke


    There is a link.
    Thanks for spending unnecessary hours of hours to proof your bugs !

    While there was only the album “extended” the text Gallery 1 was not displayed.
    But after i created a second page with the same album included but in “compact” the text Gallery 1 appeared on both extend and compact page

    Thread Starter Simon Franke


    It would be possible if you want to, but you don′t want.
    Thats the problem. You always proof it, please count how many times I had to ask for for test website.

    Send me a standard wordpress installation link, not your fully changed sample demo page. Thats not compareable.

    You can ask me hundred times for a link, but it would be crazy to post it here.

    Thread Starter Simon Franke


    I doesn′t need to be my site, give me a link to your test site.
    You claim that it works, I want to see it.
    Possible you tested the absolutly wrong case, which isn′t similar to my situation. I want to check that.

    Thread Starter Simon Franke


    How should this link help me to see your testing page, if you testet everything right, like in my case ?
    You have the bug in this topic. If you need a bug report write it. I don′t write everything 10 times.
    I am very angry that there is no help !

    Thread Starter Simon Franke


    Give me your link, do something to help
    Disabling the breadcrumb like in the other topic is NO SOLUTION

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