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  • Thread Starter simo78


    Ok, tested the same scenario with 2.2.5 and cannot reproduce the issue anymore. file-1024x682.jpg is not altered and only the full-size image is changed (now identical with file-1024x682.jpg).

    Great, thanks a lot! Marking this thread as resolved now.

    Thread Starter simo78


    Ok, great. If you need someone to verify that the patch is working, I’ll be glad to help.

    Thread Starter simo78


    Yes, I confirm that this seems to affect only bulk resizing. Sorry if I didn’t make it clear in the very beginning!

    Thanks for your effort, it’s a very nice plugin. I get your point about not patching the issue.

    This sounds like the same issue I am having. I have a 1200 x 800 image and a fresh WordPress 3.8 installation with only Imsanity plugin installed. When uploading image files, the medium size thumbnail file becomes 300 x 199 pixels. When the plugin is deactivated and files with same size are uploaded, the medium size thumbnail files are created at 300 x 200 pixels.

    Looking at wp-includes/media.php, the wp_constrain_dimensions seems to contain also this:

    // Sometimes, due to rounding, we'll end up with a result like this: 465x700 in a 177x177 box is 117x176... a pixel short
            // We also have issues with recursive calls resulting in an ever-changing result. Constraining to the result of a constraint should yield the original result.
            // Thus we look for dimensions that are one pixel shy of the max value and bump them up
            if ( $did_width && $w == $max_width - 1 )
                    $w = $max_width; // Round it up
            if ( $did_height && $h == $max_height - 1 )
                    $h = $max_height; // Round it up

    I wonder if for some reason this piece of code is not executed when called by Imsanity?

    Thread Starter simo78


    Hi Jason,

    Thanks for your reply. It is very easy to reproduce this issue with a fresh WordPress 3.8 installation. All that is needed is the Imsanity plugin and a suitable image file. An image file of 1200 x 800 pixels will reproduce the issue with default settings of both WordPress and Imsanity.

    1. Install WordPress 3.8. Setup database connection parameters to wp-config.php and run wp-admin/install.php. No other config is needed.

    2. Media > Add new. Upload the image file with 1200 x 800 dimensions.

    Table wp_postmeta now contains an entry with:

    wp_attachment_metadata | a:5:{s:5:"width";i:1200;s:6:"height";i:800;s:4:"file";s:20:"2014/01/MK221684.jpg";s:5:"sizes";a:5:{s:9:"thumbnail";a:4:{s:4:"file";s:20:"MK221684-150x150.jpg";s:5:"width";i:150;s:6:"height";i:150;s:9:"mime-type";s:10:"image/jpeg";}s:6:"medium";a:4:{s:4:"file";s:20:"MK221684-300x200.jpg";s:5:"width";i:300;s:6:"height";i:200;s:9:"mime-type";s:10:"image/jpeg";}s:5:"large";a:4:{s:4:"file";s:21:"MK221684-1024x682.jpg";s:5:"width";i:1024;s:6:"height";i:682;s:9:"mime-type";s:10:"image/jpeg";}s:14:"post-thumbnail";a:4:{s:4:"file";s:20:"MK221684-672x372.jpg";s:5:"width";i:672;s:6:"height";i:372;s:9:"mime-type";s:10:"image/jpeg";}s:25:"twentyfourteen-full-width";a:4:{s:4:"file";s:21:"MK221684-1038x576.jpg";s:5:"width";i:1038;s:6:"height";i:576;s:9:"mime-type";s:10:"image/jpeg";}}s:10:"image_meta";a:10:{s:8:"aperture";d:5;s:6:"credit";s:0:"";s:6:"camera";s:22:"Canon EOS-1D Mark II N";s:7:"caption";s:0:"";s:17:"created_timestamp";i:1371812123;s:9:"copyright";s:0:"";s:12:"focal_length";s:3:"200";s:3:"iso";s:3:"500";s:13:"shutter_speed";s:6:"0.0008";s:5:"title";s:0:"";}}

    Uploads directory should now contain the following files (see below), of which MK221684.JPG is the original full-size image with 1200 x 800 dimensions, size 480095 bytes.

    141162 Jan  6 16:27 MK221684-1024x682.jpg
    129805 Jan  6 16:27 MK221684-1038x576.jpg
    22824 Jan  6 16:27 MK221684-150x150.jpg
    31861 Jan  6 16:27 MK221684-300x200.jpg
    70996 Jan  6 16:27 MK221684-672x372.jpg
    480095 Jan  6 16:27 MK221684.jpg

    All is fine now.

    3. Install Imsanity. Use default settings, where 1024 x 1024 pixels is the crop limit for all use cases.

    4. Run Bulk Resize Images.

    The outcome is such that Uploads directory now contains the following files:

    129805 Jan  6 16:27 MK221684-1038x576.jpg
    22824 Jan  6 16:27 MK221684-150x150.jpg
    31861 Jan  6 16:27 MK221684-300x200.jpg
    70996 Jan  6 16:27 MK221684-672x372.jpg
    141162 Jan  6 16:35 MK221684.jpg

    What seems to have happened is that full-size version file MK221684.jpg got overwritten by MK221684-1024×682.jpg (probably by unlink($oldPath); rename($newPath, $oldPath); within ajax.php). No file with name MK221684-1024×682.jpg exists anymore.

    Table wp_postmeta remains unchanged, and is still having a serialized entry for MK221684-1024×682.jpg, the related file of which is now missing.

    Hope this helps!

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