Coincidentally I found incompatibilities – your plugin are not compatibility with plugin WP Facebook Open Graph protocol. At A disable plugin and change to other. Now I have and tags body and html have at my html code..
Still I have errors. I look into php code in wordpress. Some mistake is in function <?php wp_footer(); ?> Code below this function in footer.php do not save in cashe files.
Thanks for reply. Html code with and without are almost the same, except end tags </body></html>. Still I don’t know where is mistake. I try switch off
plugin one by one. Maybe it makes one of very much plugins.
It could not have connections with error ” posix_getpwuid() has been disabled for security reasons in /data/web/virtuals/59830/virtual/www/wp-content/plugins/gator-cache/gator-cache.php on line 834″
In cache files still are not html tags </body></html> in the last of end of files. I use cache files for guest in pages at You will see at the end source code. If you are not login guest.