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Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Sidebar menu stays at bottom of pageNo, nothing at has been done to the footer yet; I’m very new to WordPress and dynamic sites but have done maintenance work, cloned pages and such on static sites; I always work “top down” (previously with drag-n-drop software) as that’s where the eye usually tracks. I’m mentioning that as I don’t know if it makes a difference when setting up a WordPress site.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: How to remove author name, time and date from posts and pages?I’m trying to do the same thing – I don’t want the author’s name or the window.
But I deleted the code as shown, updated everything, exited, logged back on, unpublished it, republished with a new date – every time it was still there (even with the new publishing date.
The code is gone, so how can this happen?
mrmist – thank you very much for your post. That was the problem; apparently “MAMP” or some piece of it (still not sure if it’s one or 3 things…or more…and if it is only for WordPress). I know what to watch for now.
Samuel, sorry if you were offended and my bit of “Sterno” (I really did not think those were “flaming” posts, and I own one and have moderated several sites) was more than “normal” for this site.
But it was very, very frustrating having a reply to a question (that clearly stated I’d only been at this for a couple of weeks, a fact verified by the other party via comments above about other threads) that had no useful information, with a followup just as unclear.
In all of my posts I try to clarify my experience level specifically to NOT get brief, technical responses that assume the WordPress “vocabulary” of an experienced user. It’s been my experience that not all “civilian” posters know what they are talking about, but moderators usually do.
However, I had no idea I was running a “webserver”, as the work I’m doing on the site doesn’t require a web connection. Several experienced users told me “MAMP” (which I don’t know if I need later, or if it was only for the WP installation and some of the initial work I’m doing) was a part of the whole package.
I’m just starting to understand that I’m not working on “pages” individually and can’t “run one” or send one to someone to look at – that there are apparently dozens of components. The MAMP parts, as far as I was aware (and still am) are part of those dozens of necessary pieces.
Others have told me privately that they understand my frustration, as WP is NOTHING like NVU, or Dreamweaver, or even iWeb, and that the term “pages” used in WP is totally different than “pages” as I understand them.
So my reaction was based on the fact I was offered no information that even hinted at what to do to fix it. After pointing that out (and the poster confirmed reading some earlier posts) this was part of the followup (and please try to think about this response from MY perspective as a new user):
“All dynamic pages – php asp etc etc require a web server. In this respect, WordPress is no different from Joomla or Drupal or Mambo. Or in fact any php page I might develop for a non-database driven site.”
I have NO idea what any of that means, nor do I have any idea if I NEED to know, and if I DO where I’d get the information necessary to decipher it.
The other thin I’m unsure of is the intent – if that was posted to explain something or to ensure I’d have to do mounds of research, not knowing if it was vital or irrelevant.
I’ll lay off the heat, but I certainly do wish there was a better system of locating information than the inconsistent Codex and a forum where experience levels aren’t apparent unless typed into the post.
To be blunt (because I’m really tired of the evasiveness that permeates much of this “support” forum):
Thank you for responding. Unfortunately I rate the quality and helpfulness of your point (if I stretch the imagination and pretend you MADE a point) a zero.
Installing WordPress is NOT a single process. It requires installation of the “engine” that allows it to run.
I’ll use a comparison again: Your statement: “WordPress can’t deal with your local server problems and it looks like your server isn’t set up and/or running correctly.”
1) IS an answer based on some imaginary operator changing my setup while I was gone (this possibility I interpret as actually saying “I don’t know what’s wrong, but I’ll tell you something’s wrong”. Very helpful.
2) Is as logical as going to the ER with a broken arm and being told “your arm isn’t broken – it’s the stairs you fell down that are bad; fix the stairs and your arm won’t be broken – by the way, I don’t know a damned thing about fixing stairs, but thought I’d tell you something useless without a solution because I’m also more important than you.Do me a favor, emsi – please ignore my posts. In two replies you have said it’s not a WordPress issue, not provided a single constructive suggestion to fix the problem nor taken the time to point me to resources so I CAN fix it.
I quite sure sure that you are not “sorry”. If you truly were…or as a moderator if you were actually both qualified and willing to assist users that are “stuck”…one would think you might offer specific things to look for, procedures to try, or SOMETHING.
But instead I get TWO replies easily paraphrased as “It’s not my problem”.
And comparing a Word doc problem to Word is a completely ludicrous statement – a document isn’t part of the “engine” that makes Word function. You apparently don’t know a chicken from an egg.
If anyone ELSE can provide constructive assistance to get this problem solved I’d really appreciate it (and I have gotten quite a bit of help through this forum from great folks). emsi’s posts were prime examples of some of the more useless stuff that gets posted. I’d say I’m surprised a moderator doesn’t jump into something like that to “fix” it…except emsi IS a moderator, which is more than a little distressing.
“that’s an issue with your local server – not WordPress.”
OK, split hairs if you want – but they are alll locatd on the same head.
The use of “localhost”, the port number 8888 and login procedures using those semantics were a very specific part of the installation (part of the MAMP and the other stuff with it – things required to 1) install WP and 2) for it to run. As far as I know it’s not used ANYWHERE else.
That reply was akin to “your car won’t start because the gas pump is broken; the gas it pumps isn’t part of the car – run along now.”
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Any drag and drop editors?Thanks – I’m trying to get my befuddled brain wrapped around this concept of…well, the only way I can think of to describe it is working on a jigsaw puzzle where the pieces may look to be the right colors and shape but the size is not a factor (or function superseding form – which is probably the most baffling thing, as without the layout, I can’t figure out the format, size and number of “things” (I have to toss “menu”, “category”, link”, “post” and 20 other items I’m forgetting as generic “things” that HAVE to go somewhere) I can put on…sheeesh…”a page that doesn’t exist” (?).
The normal website plan (to me) is to have a rough idea of content and layout – then create “menus” (in WP are these “categories”? That’s never been clear) that FIT the layout – so I tweak the fonts, spacing, and whether to use single-line links to other pages (sorry, but I don’t know what else to call what I’d link them to) or use drop-down menus to save space on the *screen*
So if I’m understanding those posts right (and please don’t think I’m mad or arguing – I’m trying to understand) you can’t create a layout. You pick a theme, it forces a layout, and if your content won’t fit you either have to be skilled enough to reprogram the entire theme or find a new one. If so, that’s sort of what I’ve been doing for a couple weeks – finding themes that *look* like what I need, but as soon as I activate one it’s empty (no matter what content I previously had).
One note:
“You spend hours getting one page to look right, then when you want to add to the site, you have to make a whole other page with all the same material just to make it look the same.”
That’s unfortunately incorrect. With NVU or some other (I’m jargon-crippled, but I *think* “static” is what the word is) editor I create a master “page” – header color, picture placement, the master menu (which in WP isn’t a menu, I guess – what I mean is a list of hierarchical links on (usually) the left side of the page)…and that master menu is the same on every page – and if I keep the content brief and to the point that’s maybe an hour at the outside.
Creating additional pages based on that one take minutes If I have the content ready. It’s drag-and-drop or copy-and paste, and clicking ONE tab shows me my page, and if anything was too long I either edit or move content to another page.
Second note:
“The best way to use WordPress is to get out of this whole-page mindset, and edit pieces one at a time. You’re not really going to want to change your sidebar at the same time as you change your content, because those are two separate things.”
I get what you mean, I think – but there are two problems I can’t solve (having tried to mess with that idea already): 1) If I edit a “piece” I have no clue whether it will look right, and precisely what I *don’t* need to do that was assumed above – recreate the next page from scratch – I DO have to do in WP; 2) As I’ve posted previously, I can’t locate the “pieces” I need anyway. Maybe a “sidebar” is a wrong term? What I showed was a list of indented menu-structure items. I can’t find anything like that – the editor takes me to windows of xhtml on the 2010 Theme, and on others I might see a visual editor but it’s the same exact thing with two rows of boxes that don’t ever provide “visual” content.
Again, I really appreciate the advice to get out of the “page” mindset.
Now if there was just some kind of up-to-date method I might be able to do that – but I keep hitting Codex items that are obsolete or so jargon-loaded they’re of no use at a basic layout stage.
Anyway, if anyone has suggestions – thanks! Because I have MUCH bigger problems now – I’ve never been able to find and edit my main…or front…or index…or whatever it’s called “non page” except by accident, but it’s worse now – after putting my Mac to sleep, leaving for a while and coming back I cannot log onto my page AT ALL. The “https://localhost:8888” and or with wp-admin or whatever (going from memory) added to the end give me a “cannot connect to the server” error, and 45 minutes of searching has returned zilch…
So I may have to (for the 5th time) delete the whole mess and install it AGAIN.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: I'm about to jump off a bridge, please help!I’ll jump with you…
Sorry, not an answer; but I’d like to “piggyback” on this thread in hopes of finally finding out what “markup” means! I’ve tried searches worded every possible way I can think of, asked questions specifically about the mystery stuff below the post window – with no success. Now, markup = profit I understand…but I don’t think that’s quite the right context.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Any drag and drop editors?Thanks for the reply Rich. I actually bought one book before installing WP, read the whole thing – and afterwards discovered there was a .com and .org that are on different planets, and…yep…I got the wrong one.
I had one offer of online help (which was very kind) but having used/abused various systems for decades I know I’d be taking up WAY more time than he anticipates.
As far as “published” – I’m not sure. I can get to it and edit in a code window (no visual editor appears now, and I checked to ensure I hadn’t disabled it…nope, but there’s no editor choice, just “editor” and once there that’s it – lots of page pieces on the right side of the screen, but clicking on those simply dumps the code in the edit window – and xhtml is even MORE foreign to me than I thought.
Even the little bit of html I know well doesn’t work, and entering the code for a simple html page into the editor results in nothing (xhtml’s weird indents and apparent method of keeping all the actual data somewhere else makes no sense; with html I had numbered lines, everything left-justified and I could easily keep track of tweaks – with this it’s a free for all).
If I could even find my index (front) page I could try to create an “under construction” page with company logo, but THAT page only shows up under “Theme”…like it’s not even a page.
The drag-and-drop editor noted above made me think I’d hit (finally) upon what I wanted – until anything I subject it to ends up “broken” and can’t be used, period.
As far as OTHER books – I’m hesitant to spend another $40-50 on something that may not be pertinent, or may refer to Codex pages that are 5 years old (that’s been a huge problem – finding a related issue to mine…and it’s awfully common for users to ask for a header and a sidebar menu…only to find out it related to a 6-year-old version of WordPress and no one ever deleted it.
There ARE mentions of thousands of pages of instructions, plugins, widgets (the same thing as far as I know) but no one maintaining them; I can’t trust ANY of the support docs, having wasted days on something that evidentially has been superseded and won’t work.
I thought I posted a decent visual example. I’m amazed that nowhere is information that would help creation of the single most common type of layout in existence.
But my amazement makes me think I’m just not getting to the right pages, or there are options I can’t locate because of different jargon.
I’ll keep “bumping this” in hopes SOMEONE will understand exactly what I’m talking about, not be locked into the whole “blog” thing and know where I can find either:
1. A working drag-and-drop editor (the drag from Word stuff doesn’t help create sidebar menus, just content)
2. OR a theme that already looks like my example when adding/removing menu items and having them go to specific pages (AND having that same menu on each page) is already set up. I’ve looked at hundreds and can find nothing (I did find a couple possibles, but after activating them found there was no way to change colors, header pic, or whatever).
It just seems like it should be “101” stuff, but maybe I was given bad recommendations by all those who suggested WP (which was everyone) even though what I am creating is NOT a BLOG.
(I’m still sort of laughing in a confused way when I see those little notes under the post window with no link to what the heck they mean.) And honestly, at this point seeing “CODE IS POETRY” makes me ill.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Any drag and drop editors?Thanks, I’ll check out that link.
I’m not an html expert – I can tweak parts of it to add content and pics: that’s about it.
But the “html” here isn’t – it’s xhtml and a totally different animal; it’s completely unfamiliar to me.
I *have* poked around and tried, but I cannot get any definitive methods for creating something like:
(edited to add – when posted none of my indenting showed up – I’m inserting periods…pretend they are invisible. None of the items in the menus need numbering, just bullets…but I don’t see character insertion on the forum; assume each has a normal round-dot bullet.):
Main Thing
….One of them
….Another one
….Another one
……A first type of that one
……A second type
______________________ (i.e. a line between menu sections)The next Main Thing
….One that fits here
….And here
……Another “child”Instead, I create pages that show up nowhere (except an “About Us” page with a tab under the “home” page header that goes there – but no idea why, and no “home” tab to get back to the start.
Which is another subject – I can’t view the home page from the admin area…I have to type the localhost” stuff in the URL window. Which also means that after I did the initial Theme tweaks to get a decent header on top I can’t get to the page to add the menu either (or content, or anything else).
I *do* like the idea of a row of tabs for one use and a sidebar of hierarchal menu items for another – but I’ve spent over a week messing around (and it is with 2010 Theme – a “Weaver” variation, whatever that means – the description seemed like it was more capable of my layout ideas) and have not a single page to upload to my host.
MAYBE a visual example will help – my old company – and I no longer am associated, so please do not use the contact form to reach me – had a site basically along those lines. It was handed to me a few years ago to maintain (along with my REAL job) and I never had time to fix all the things wrong, but did get it half-way functional.
What I’m after is a similar (but FAR less crowded….it’s pretty chaotic) layout and navigation, but with the WordPress flexibility of updating regularly, adding RSS and other feeds, and keeping ALL “links” inside the site itself (i.e. not send visitors to another site)
Maybe the “visual” of this one will make more sense than a long description:
PS – still didn’t understand the reference to the text below the posting window…???
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: red delicious theme has no login buttonI had the same thing just happen – I finally got WordPress installed last night after 4 days of chaos; I’ve been reading through the docs and changing absolutely nothing since installation was so difficult.
I searched for themes that fit what I intend to use the site for, downloaded one…then couldn’t find out how to access it for the next hour.
Finally did, uploaded it (this is all locally – I’m not uploading it to a host until I have something usable) and activated it. It looked pretty good so I thought I’d finally try some things…but there’s no login button, link – nothing.
I used the instructions above (typing the local address in the browser window per the example) and that takes me to where I bought the domain name!
The other example I can’t do until I can get to the administration stuff – which I can’t because what’s in that example isn’t ALREADY there. Catch-22.
How in the heck do I log in?
No, MAMP installs fine – it’s the WordPress files the do not install or function correctly.
If you re-red my post (which I’m sorry is so disjointed, but it’s that way because the installation instructions in the “Codex” (which I find an odd term for conflicting pages of instructions, when “codex” means and organized, bound book).
MAMP installs fine
MAMP appears to run fine
The WordPress folder containing the unzipped WordPress files seems to be a big problem as there is no correct place to put them. The following all appear to be true:
1. Instructions direct placing them in Applications/MAMP/htdocs; but conversely, that’s specifically pointed out as wrong and the correct location pointed out as Applications/MAMP/htpdocs
2. Instructions to place them in Applications/MAMP/htpdocs are suposedly correct; but conversely, that’s also noted as wrong and the correct location is (user name)/sites (note – I’d assume that’s my user name on my Mac…but it seems like assumptions are a really bad idea working with WordPress)
3. No, username/sites is wrong – they go in Applications/MAMP/htdocsSo the first real issue is totally WordPress-related: where do the files REALLY go?
Having placed them in each location (and ensuring they were removed from the other two) the WordPress installation itself failed – it THREE different ways (Sorry, I do not recall which result matches up to which location):
Note: I am making the assumption that “visit your local site (localhost:port or localhost:port/wordpress)” means “localhost:8888 (or is it 8889? Or is it 80?) with or without “wordpress” is to be typed into the URL window of whatever browser you use. If that’s incorrect – how DO you “visit” your local site?
There is also no explanation of why two methods are shown and the specific port number isn’t named – to me, it indicates that whoever wrote this was unsure which was correct and left it open-ended since there are 8 different combinations of port numbers with or without “wordpress” at the end).
A repeat (but shorter) description of results based on where files were located (and in each case the location was entered correctly in MAMP):
1. Adobe GoLive opens, but stops with a message it can’t find the config file. Only option – close all programs running, recheck everything and try again…which gave the same result.
2. A popup window opens asking me if I want to use Textedit or download the file (but there’s no filename). Select Textedit since this option IS in the installation instructions – but the resulting Textedit window has 1 1/2 lines of random characters (I described it as “gibberish” earlier, which may have been unclear – what appeared were letters, numbers and symbols with no actual “words” or sequences that made any sense at all – essentially a “monkey at the keyboard” file.
3. A full system crash, with an uncontrolled reboot; then a second manual reboot as the first one caused by the failure did not let the system connect to the network – something completely baffling, as a reboot should have NO effect on the network connection.This is NOT related to installation or runnning of MAMP, which (after a couple of aborted tries) finally opened and ran fine, the start page came up telling me it was successfuly installed, etc. (although directions for using the phpmyAdmin page are not fully explained in the WordPress docs, and the MAMP manual has no mention of WordPress – which made sense when I finally figured out it’s *supposed* to be creating a more-or-less fake internet for me to test WordPress once it’s installed.
So my question is repeated below, so I can be assured that at least things are in the right place wen I remove everything and reinstall it (either all 3 locations directed are wrong, one is right and something else was fouled, or it doesn’t matter – in which case 3 different types of failure makes no sense whatsoever):
=>Where do the unzipped WordPress files go?
Sidebar (to put my experience level on the table) – while I am not a programmer and am fairly new to Macs, I’ve been using “PC’s” ranging from a TI99-4, Dec PDP-11, countless DOS and Windows machines, have set up wired and wireless networks and ran the website for my former employer (although I did not create it I am at least somewhat familiar with common html commands and can create and modify pages).
I use ftp software almost daily for large file access/distribution and except for the last 6 years with a small company where I WAS the IT department I spent 25 or so years as official or unofficial sales/marketing coordinator with IT…so it’s not like I just bought a Mac to play with Facebook am confused looking for the “any” key and am installing WordPress to post stories about my dog eating a bag of rolls he nabbed from the counter – I’m TRYING to set up a new business website and the overwhelming recommendations I received were to dump my use of NVU/Kompozer and the creation of “pages” and move to the more modern and flexible WordPress.
I do run another site, but it’s a music forum on a freebie host that has everything preset – pick a theme, create a few folders (“topics”) and upload pictures to make it look halfway professional – all done online instead of on my local computer.
So briefly – I’m not an expert in website design or programming of any type – I am a “user” who runs “programs”. When I read “fill in this box with this other information” I normally “get it”. But start talking about database creation and scripting language (I’m not even sure that’s a correct phrase) and I’m clueless.
Still – this seems like it should be a slam-dunk, so I’m very aware there’s some basic process I’m missing or executing incorrectly. It’s just that it’s impossible for me to locate the problem given the various failures and conflicting installation instructions.
I did some more instruction reading and found even more chaos:
3 different installation instructions advise putting the wordpress folder in:
I looked those up and found posts relating to failures because the files were in the wrong place – and ALL were the “wrong place.
Except conversely, all were also the RIGHT place in one of the other guides.
I’ve also had messages telling me “htdocs” is the location, with another telling me that’s wrong – the “P” has to be there…and WordPress’ own instructions say it has to be “user/sites”.
Well – I’ve tried all three and none of them work.
This is what I’m getting at in my (admittedly overly-long and choppy post) – there don’t seem to be any “right” or “wrong instructions, and you apparently have to get lukt with whih one works on your system.
Unfortunately, unless there’s a 4th method/location out in th ozone somwhere, I can’t install it.
Screenshots of the phpconfig (I thin that’s the one) screen with a hundred pieces of info and choices explaining WHAT does whateveer you have to do on that page might be just a LITTLE bit helpful. I searched php to find out it was a “scripting language”, which meant exactly nothing to me…so I looked THAT phrase up and found even more useless information.
So 4 days into a 5 minute install and I have a least 3 conflicting official sets of installation instructions.
Why? and does ANYONE really know which one is right?
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Installation – neede file not included in DL packageWow – thanks; it’ll take me a while to absorb everything. I have no idea why it was touted as being so much easier than NVU (or iLife, or watever. It sound like after “they” (that nefarious “they” that is always resposible but never accountable for..ahem…”unique”applications or anything else in life where it’s a little confusing how it happened) either discovered WordPress could be used for “normal” websites by accident, or tried to “break” it to see if could be done
So I guess I’m at a crossroads – do I follow the host’s advice and try to make it work, or do I cut my losses, take a page from one of my old sites and try to tweak it into something (on the plus side) usable but (on the minus side) having it look NOTHING like the business concept.
And I STILL have no clue what THIS is:
“Allowed markup: a blockquote code em strong ul ol li.”
My second guess – a snippet from a 1965 8-track tape of programmers sorting their punch-cards while yodeling.
What do I win?
Seriously, I’d like to make WordPress work for me, as it *seems* to this poor, ancient newbie’s easily re-routed synapses to be th way to go.
But I do have to say that the “collective consciousness” that runs related websites (including the “home” pages), writers of books on the subject and the so-called experts who have sent rather unfriendly emails are not on the same page. They’re not even in the same library.
I barely noticed in the last post that all the other stuff not clearly defined elsewhere – database, mysql (still NO idea what that is) and php (same level of non-understanding..even after reading the very well-intended replies) all has to be installed BEFORE WordPress, which is exactly the opposite of what my host said (actually, those other things were never mentioned).
So (sorry) – another question: I’ve discovered, after several months of Mac-only after decades of PC use, that eleting a program from the applications folder only does HALF the job and it usually takes an email or call to support to find all the buried stuff that ALSO needs to be deleted (I guess Apple, in heir “for the rest of us” philosophy kinda…IMO…blew one thing – they try to make the front-end pretty and consistent, but “back room” is left with trash and smelly cigars.
I really don’t want to waste bandwidth with my asinine questions that I’m sure any kid 1/5 my age understands, so if anyone reading want to respond be email that’s be great.
The one REALLY weird thing – I have not seen posts with related issues. That amazes me, because experienced Mac users I talked to (but not WordPress users) gave me the deer-in-the-headlights look when I explained my predicament – not ONE believed WordPress as a website creation tool is not a “program” to “run” on your own system.
The consensus was there’s no way they’d put a site together all on-line, where anyone making a typing error could stumble in.
But I’ll take any advice I can get – quit and try to crash and burn a page or two to get a site started (via NVU or iWeb) or somehow throw something together with WordPress (the scary part being I don’t know if I have the necessary software – or plugins, or whatever, and only a limited amount of time (the pran was to have a basic page and a simple “links” pae running by 10am tomorrow (Tues).
Either way it looks like I’m screwed – the question is which option offers the fastest way for me to “fake it” (given I’m on 3 or 4…I lost track…hours of sleep over the last 40 hours or so).
Thanks again for the advice, and advance thanks to anyone who comes up with a quick-and-dirty “fix”.
Well, I’m off to delete…something. I think.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Installation – neede file not included in DL packageI always forget something – yikes!
If the two files mentioned will allow me to get WordPress installed – WHERE should I get them, and what versions? There seem to be multiple sources with different versions – but some disagreement over which “newer” version(s) is/are stable…or not
Thanks –
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Installation – neede file not included in DL packageLyle – thanks; great info and I needed the humor (intentional or not – an “AMP stack to me is a 100-watt Marshall guitar amplifier and two large cabinets with 4 12” speakers in each!).
I’d had one book recommended as simple, straightforward and cheap to boot – “WordPress in 10 Minutes” – short enough I read it cover-to-cover yesterday, and it looks like both the book is actually pretty darned good AND WordPress is not THAT tough unless you WANT it to be.
But the caveat is – *once you get it installed*.
The primary advice I was given by a host I use for parking some sites and hosting one (done in NVU, but taken down by me for the moment for reasons not relevant here) is to use WordPress for the new site; they have turned to WordPress for just about every site they create. Our company is not, however, in a financial position to pay for site development (Three 58 year old former execs who were all laid off5 days apart…different companies…and collectively swore to NOT make someone else rich again!)
It was described to me on the phone: DON’T use or the MU version – just DL WordPress from, install it, build the site as you would with NVU except it will be much simpler) and upload it via FTP, just like every site I’ve ever worked on.
I don’t want to waste 2-3 days building a basic site in NVU or iWeb to met a couple of “dog snd pony” deadlines only to nuke the results and RE-do it in WordPress.
And it seems from the “10 minute” book and every other resource that goes beyond blogging outs WordPress and perfect for product marketing and even ecommerce – AND simple
So it boils down to either I’ve been completely misled or I have some cooked brain cells and every resource (EXCEPT the WordPress site) has info I’m just not getting…at all.
Can I ask one more question (of anyone – and there may be more than one question interwoven through it):
When stating “This is NOT your father’s NVU site!” I laughed – and then realized I had no idea that that means (Possibly that I’m a kid hacking my way around; or my previous experience with NVU is totally useless and irrelevant; or that NVU (or Dreamweaver, or iWeb, or whatever is “normally” used for a non-blogging business website – intended for exposure/tech/contact info, not virtual “brick & mortar) is the “Model T” and WordPress the Mercedes F! open-wheel car…
…meaning out of date, moldy, decrepit and with the noxious odor of stale Cheetos and spilled Red Bull.
(And oddly, although I’ve been on the web since before it WAS the web (with early entry into the automated night dialup information/mail transfer, 6-line bulletin board world – in DOS…and when a 20meg HD and controller card was $1000+) – plus being the “marketing” guy on various IT teams and running the whole shebang for two small companies – I think I started in the middle and am still looking for both the start or finish line; a trivial example – the 2 lines right under this text entry window – “Allowed markup: a blockquote come em strong ul ol li”, then “Put code in between ‘backticks’.)
I don’t know if that’s a set of directions or something to be sung while playing ukulele!
Thanks SO much to the guys who have answered; even though I still can’t install WordPress the information is critical once I CAN.