10 years, 10 months ago
Hi, it is a good practice to start with jQuery word for non-conflict:
jQuery(document).ready(function($) { $("#upload").on("change", function() { // ... }); });
Hi, it has good typo for readability.
+1 WPtouch.
Good job!
Maybe a plugin related issue. Try to deactivate your plugins.
Some images look poor, i.e. credit cards in the footer.
I see your wp site now and it looks nice.
Hi, I want to see your blog but the link above is not accessible right now. Say, 503 – Service Temporarily Unavailable
Hi, I like your theme’s shadows under the boxes in the middle section.
Good Luck.
You are welcome.
You can try to check out your Discussion Settings for any difference.
Hi, did you change any of your using plugins?
Hi, it is good. Just you need to improve the menu in the footer.
You can use this custom css:
.footernav ul li a { font-size: 12px; }
Yes I am agree the above post.
In two words: Go to your category edit screen, you will see a number in your browser address bar, that is the cat id.
Hi, for a forum site, make the search as call to action for visitors.