Forum Replies Created
i have the same problem. daily digest goes out each day at 12.00 local time for months now. since updating wordpress daily digest has been very unreliable and today has not sent at all. also i vae lost the function where i used to be able to set the time / date for a monthly or daily post. it was another option set under the rdaio buttons on the email settings page. can you help? please? thx
i dont do anything special
choose new post, choose media, type in some text and post. really nothing complicated
today i posted 2 items. 1 item facebok the other did not. here is my facebook page in case u want to compare it
its a function that i really really need to work. i look fwd to hearing back from you
just put 3 posts on our site today and none of them have been shared. just giving u an update. can u tell me teh diff between sharing using the jetpack integrated app or using the facebook plugin made by face book? would that be a better option for us? thx
hi there thx for ur reply
my site is
my face book is here
thx again i look fwd to hearing back from you
now its not working really gonna need some help. please
seems to be working all of a sudden but i want to know
if i make an update on the wp post will the fb post be updated as well? if not whats the process to update the facebook post?