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  • Thread Starter shrewdies


    Oh dear @wfphil

    Therefore any files in the child theme directory cannot be repaired as they will be treated as unknown files.

    That is not how Wordfence works in the scan. It identifies all occurrences of infected files. Then it offers an individual repair option (which is not what I’m writing about). Or “REPAIR ALL REPAIRABLE FILES” which I have explained works absolutely fine and is truly wonderful.

    Now, without examining the code in detail, I assume Wordfence creates an array of deletable files as it scans. Then when it repairs repository files it removes them from the deletable array. But child theme files stay in the array. So they get deleted (unless you follow my workaround).

    Whoever deemed this “expected behaviour” needs to examine the logic. Or at least offer a realistic explanation. Because I cannot see any value in repairing a file only to subsequently delete it. And please don’t repeat that Wordfence cannot repair those files. Because I’ve examined them (before setting the Ignore flag in my workaround) and they are fully repaired – for which I thank you very much.

    Thread Starter shrewdies


    BTW, if anyone else has this problem, the workaround is:
    1. Click the ‘repair all’ button and wait for repair confirmation message.
    2. Ignore the child theme functions.php.
    3. Click the ‘delete all’ button and wait for the delete confirmation message.
    4. Remove the Ignore.
    5. Run Scan again.

    Thread Starter shrewdies


    Thank you very much for your fast response @ryankienstra

    I’ve since noticed that this also applies to pdf attachments. But I’m not familiar with GitHub. So I wonder if this should be commented there, or raised as a new issue?

    Thanks again.

    FooPlugins update FooTable from V2 to V3 back in August 2015. In their announcement they say:

    FooTable jQuery is made for developers but what about our WordPress-loving users who prefer to point and click in order to create advanced responsive data tables? We’ll have you covered soon.

    The current FooTable v2 has been available as a WordPress plugin for some time and now that the jQuery portion of v3 is finished, we’ve already begun work on porting that into a new and improved FooTable WordPress plugin.

    The FooTable v3 WordPress plugin will include many more features, including a table builder and inline editing capabilities. We’re very excited about this new version and will be posting progress updates here so be sure to subscribe to our mailing list to stay up-to-date.

    But there is nothing else the WordPress version anywhere on their website or on their GitHub pages. However, there is a standalone version of the script free for personal use, which is linked to in that announcement. I think I’ll give it a try if I can’t find anything else as a WordPress plugin.

    Thread Starter shrewdies


    Thank you Joachim.

    Thread Starter shrewdies



    I tried 55 and 60 for execution time, and nothing changed.

    I thought about where it was stopping, and decided to try again with some scan options turned off. I turned off the Heartbeat Scan, and 10 options after it. The Scan completed this time.

    So I kept repeating the scan with some scan options back on. Eventually, I had all 11 turned back on, and the process completed OK.

    A couple of times I got warnings in the log, but the scan did complete:
    [May 23 12:13:53] Scanned contents of 1344 additional files at 15.05 per second
    [May 23 12:13:53] filesize(): stat failed for /var/sites/k/ (2) File: /var/sites/k/ Line: 217
    [May 23 12:13:53] fopen(/var/sites/k/ failed to open stream: Stale NFS file handle (2) File: /var/sites/k/ Line: 230
    [May 23 12:13:54] Scanned contents of 1368 additional files at 15.14 per second
    … several lines omitted, then the log ends with …
    [May 23 12:14:21] Warning: filesize(): stat failed for /var/sites/k/ in /var/sites/k/ on line 217 0

    However, if I ran it again after this warning, it stopped the same place as my original problem. I then turned off “Scan file contents for backdoors, trojans and suspicious code” and it ran OK. I repeated the scans a couple more times. Then I got those same ‘config.php’ warnings. However it ran OK next time without failing or warning.

    In summary: I’ve run it a few times with all 11 scans running OK. When it failed, I ran it with that ‘file contents for backdoors’ scan off, and it cleared the fault. I can’t see a pattern to whatever causes it to fail in the first place. But, if it does fail, then rerunning it without the file contents scan seems to clear it OK.

    As far as I’m concerned, this is resolved.

    Thank you for your time, your patience, and your prompt responses to my messages. Not only do you have the best WordPress plugin, you’ve got the best tech support in the world.


    Thread Starter shrewdies


    Hi, its:
    Wordfence Security – Version 6.1.7

    And it was updated as soon as it came out. I don’t know when the problem started though. I have not changed any Wordfence settings since 6.1.1 when the firewall started.

    I’ve tried all the diagnostic options, including remote scan. It always fails at the same place I reported above – i.e. whatever it does after completing scan of plugins and themes.


    I just Googled a similar question, and got this page as my first credible result.

    Did you find an answer @lrichiam ?

    Thread Starter shrewdies


    Just a minor point. Integration fails with long messages. I’ve narrowed it down to:

    if ( 500 < strlen( $excerpt ) ) {
    			$excerpt = substr( $excerpt, 0, 500 );

    I don’t know what the actual limit is, and I cannot find it in the Slack docs. 160 works. 175 doesn’t. If it’s good enough for Twitter…

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: [WP Crontrol] Multisite

    WP Crontrol works fine with MultiSite:

    I just network enabled it on installing, and it appears in all sites settings and tools for admins. So you cannot manage all cron jobs from the network admin – it has to be site-by-site.


    Please could you tell me if you network enable Redirection, or activate it on individual sites?

    I’m also wondering about this, and should it be network enabled, or enabled on individual sites?

    Thread Starter shrewdies


    Thanks Brian,

    I’ve thought about the logic of this, and I now think you have it absolutely right.

    If I want email, all I have to do is remove the blacklisted usernames. Then they’ll trigger the lockouts from invalid username.

    Maybe the documentation could be clearer, but it’s a minor point. Your plugin is fantastic. If I was only allowed 1 plugin it would be Wordfence.

    I’ve started getting this error recently, and was puzzled about what it actually meant.

    Searching for the error revealed the Wordfence code on GitHub. Specifically, at line 990 and 992 of
    If my reading of the code is right, it simply means that somebody tried to login with a username that I disallowed in the Wordfence option:
    ‘Immediately block the IP of users who try to sign in as these usernames’

    I think the error message could be clearer, but if I’m right, I’m happy that I can permanently block these hackers.

    Thread Starter shrewdies


    Thanks for your pending action on the fake crawler alert.

    Thanks for pointing out that alternative way for IP ranges.

    I’m 99% sure that all the chaching is disabled/cleared, but I’ll keep an eye on it after every reboot (only a fool is ever 100% certain about caches)

    Thanks for making things better – you’re very good at it.

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