Forum Replies Created
it happens on events page when
Show events search
is enabledForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Events Manager - Calendar, Bookings, Tickets, and more!] error java scripti am having same issue and i cannot disable all my plugins
TypeError: google.maps.places is undefined var autocomplete = new google.maps.places.Autocomplete(input[0]);
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Really Simple CAPTCHA] CAPTCHA Image is generated but it is not Displayturn on debugging and paste the logs here, wordpress log file is under wp-content I think.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Easy Attachments] PHP Notice: Undefined variable: post_attachmentsPHP Notice: Use of undefined constant WP_ADMIN - assumed 'WP_ADMIN' in /opt/html/intranet/wp-content/plugins/easy-attachments/easyattachments.php on line 40 [18-Aug-2014 14:22:02 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined variable: legacy_existing_attachments in /opt/html/intranet/wp-content/plugins/easy-attachments/easyattachments.php on line 493 [18-Aug-2014 14:22:02 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined variable: post_attachments in /opt/html/intranet/wp-content/plugins/easy-attachments/easyattachments.php on line 538
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [List category posts] Strict Standard error message.any update on this?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Exclude Pages] php 53 strict standardsi am behind a proxy and have used wp_proxy_host etc…
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Exclude Pages] php 53 strict standardstried to install wp_error fix but i just keep getting
WP Error Fix is registering your WordPress installation. Please wait just a second. Read more... Your interest in WP Error Fix is very important for us. This registration process will notify our system about your WordPress installation. As a response, unique key will be received to identify your system.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Exclude Pages] php 53 strict standardsyes. it floods the debug log. anyone know how to fix it?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Fastest Cache] does not work on 3.8.1Yes. members only causes the problem with all caching plugins.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Fastest Cache] does not work on 3.8.1i have narrowed the problem down to a plugin called “members only” Is there a plugin that does the same functionality. I am using kerberos authentication with SSO on apache to have users log in automatically and get created in wordpress.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Super Cache] v 1.4 creating empty subdirectorieshere is all the
[root@hero plugins]# grep -ir ob_start * grep: calendar/calendar: Too many levels of symbolic links db-cache-reloaded-fix/db-cache-reloaded.php: $this->dbcr_enable( false ); // No echo - ob_start()/ob_ob_end_clean() is used in installer embed-iframe/plugin.php: ob_start (); embed-iframe/plugin.php: ob_start (); shortcode-exec-php/editarea/edit_area/reg_syntax/php.js: 'touch', 'clearstatcache', 'mail', 'ob_start', 'ob_flush', 'ob_clean', 'ob_end_flush', 'ob_end_clean', 'ob_get_flush', 'ob_get_clean', 'ob_get_length', 'ob_get_level', 'ob_get_status', 'ob_get_contents', 'ob_implicit_flush', 'ob_list_handlers', 'ksort', 'krsort', 'natsort', 'natcasesort', 'asort', 'arsort', 'sort', 'rsort', 'usort', 'uasort', 'uksort', 'shuffle', 'array_walk', 'count', 'end', 'prev', 'next', 'reset', 'current', 'key', 'min', 'max', 'in_array', 'array_search', 'extract', 'compact', 'array_fill', 'range', 'array_multisort', 'array_push', 'array_pop', 'array_shift', 'array_unshift', 'array_splice', 'array_slice', 'array_merge', 'array_merge_recursive', 'array_keys', 'array_values', 'array_count_values', 'array_reverse', 'array_reduce', 'array_pad', 'array_flip', 'array_change_key_case', 'array_rand', 'array_unique', 'array_intersect', 'array_intersect_assoc', 'array_diff', 'array_diff_assoc', 'array_sum', 'array_filter', 'array_map', 'array_chunk', 'array_key_exists', 'pos', 'sizeof', 'key_exists', 'assert', 'assert_options', 'version_compare', 'ftok', 'str_rot13', 'aggregate', shortcode-exec-php/shortcode-exec-php-class.php: ob_start(); shortcode-exec-php/shortcode-exec-php-class.php: ob_start(); user-access-manager/class/UserAccessManager.class.php: ob_start(); user-access-manager/class/UserAccessManager.class.php: ob_start(); wp-super-cache/wp-cache.php: ob_start(); wp-super-cache/wp-cache-phase2.php: ob_start( 'wp_cache_ob_callback' ); wp-super-cache/wp-cache-phase2.php: wp_cache_debug( "Buffer is blank. Output buffer may have been corrupted by another plugin or this is a redirected URL. Look for text 'ob_start' in the files of your plugins directory.", 2 ); wp-super-cache/ossdl-cdn.php:function do_scossdl_off_ob_start() { wp-super-cache/ossdl-cdn.php: add_action('init', 'do_scossdl_off_ob_start'); wp-super-cache/plugins/dynamic-cache-test.php:// "PHP Fatal error: ob_start(): Cannot use output buffering in output buffering display handlers in..." wp-super-cache/plugins/dynamic-cache-test.php: ob_start();
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Super Cache] v 1.4 creating empty subdirectoriesi found the following
17:43:10 /intranet/wp-login.php?redirect_to=/intranet/ URI rejected. Not Caching 17:43:10 /intranet/ wp_cache_get_cookies_values: /^wp-postpass|^comment_author_|^wordpress_logged_in_/ Cookie detected: wordpress_logged_in_e93a64aca1dbc50a3b318807fd71f655 17:43:10 /intranet/ supercache dir: /data/intranet/html/intranetnew/wp-content/cache/supercache/intranet/intranet/ 17:43:10 /intranet/ No Super Cache file found for current URL: /data/intranet/html/intranetnew/wp-content/cache/supercache/intranet/intranet/index.html 17:43:10 /intranet/ wp_cache_get_cookies_values: /^wp-postpass|^comment_author_|^wordpress_logged_in_e93a64aca1dbc50a3b318807fd71f655/ Cookie detected: wordpress_logged_in_e93a64aca1dbc50a3b318807fd71f655 17:43:10 /intranet/ In WP Cache Phase 2 17:43:10 /intranet/ Setting up WordPress actions 17:43:10 /intranet/ Created output buffer 17:43:19 /intranet/ Output buffer callback 17:43:19 /intranet/ wp_cache_get_cookies_values: /^wp-postpass|^comment_author_|^wordpress_logged_in_e93a64aca1dbc50a3b318807fd71f655/ Cookie detected: wordpress_logged_in_e93a64aca1dbc50a3b318807fd71f655 17:43:19 /intranet/ Writing non-gzipped buffer to wp-cache cache file. 17:43:19 /intranet/ Renamed temp wp-cache file to /data/intranet/html/intranetnew/wp-content/cache/wp-cache-7d7286ccc00ea6e4ea92ee42d4766837.html 17:43:19 /intranet/ Sending buffer to browser 17:43:19 /intranet/ wp_cache_shutdown_callback: collecting meta data. 17:43:19 /intranet/ Writing meta file: /data/intranet/html/intranetnew/wp-content/cache/meta/wp-cache-7d7286ccc00ea6e4ea92ee42d4766837.meta 17:43:35 /intranet/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php wp_cache_get_cookies_values: /^wp-postpass|^comment_author_|^wordpress_logged_in_e93a64aca1dbc50a3b318807fd71f655/ Cookie detected: wordpress_logged_in_e93a64aca1dbc50a3b318807fd71f655 17:43:35 /intranet/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php In WP Cache Phase 2 17:43:35 /intranet/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php Setting up WordPress actions 17:43:35 /intranet/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php Not caching wp-admin requests. 17:44:24 /intranet/ supercache dir: /data/intranet/html/intranetnew/wp-content/cache/supercache/intranet/intranet/ 17:44:24 /intranet/ No Super Cache file found for current URL: /data/intranet/html/intranetnew/wp-content/cache/supercache/intranet/intranet/index.html 17:44:24 /intranet/ In WP Cache Phase 2 17:44:24 /intranet/ Setting up WordPress actions 17:44:24 /intranet/ Created output buffer 17:44:24 /intranet/ Output buffer callback 17:44:24 /intranet/ Buffer is blank. Output buffer may have been corrupted by another plugin or this is a redirected URL. Look for text 'ob_start' in the files of your plugins directory. 17:44:24 /intranet/ No closing html tag. Not caching. 17:44:24 /intranet/ wp_cache_shutdown_callback: collecting meta data. 17:44:24 /intranet/ Did not write meta file: wp-cache-76270b02cc150ff7919541cfa2b46baa.meta ** *0* ** 17:44:24 /intranet/wp-login.php?redirect_to=/intranet/ supercache dir: /data/intranet/html/intranetnew/wp-content/cache/supercache/intranet/intranet/wp-login.php/ 17:44:24 /intranet/wp-login.php?redirect_to=/intranet/ No Super Cache file found for current URL: /data/intranet/html/intranetnew/wp-content/cache/supercache/intranet/intranet/wp-login.php/index.html 17:44:25 /intranet/wp-login.php?redirect_to=/intranet/ In WP Cache Phase 2 17:44:25 /intranet/wp-login.php?redirect_to=/intranet/ Setting up WordPress actions 17:44:25 /intranet/wp-login.php?redirect_to=/intranet/ Supercache caching disabled. Only using wp-cache. Non empty GET request. Array ( [redirect_to] => /intranet/ ) 17:44:25 /intranet/wp-login.php?redirect_to=/intranet/ URI rejected. Not Caching 17:44:25 /intranet/ wp_cache_get_cookies_values: /^wp-postpass|^comment_author_|^wordpress_logged_in_/ Cookie detected: wordpress_logged_in_e93a64aca1dbc50a3b318807fd71f655 17:44:25 /intranet/ supercache dir: /data/intranet/html/intranetnew/wp-content/cache/supercache/intranet/intranet/ 17:44:25 /intranet/ No Super Cache file found for current URL: /data/intranet/html/intranetnew/wp-content/cache/supercache/intranet/intranet/index.html 17:44:25 /intranet/ wp_cache_get_cookies_values: /^wp-postpass|^comment_author_|^wordpress_logged_in_e93a64aca1dbc50a3b318807fd71f655/ Cookie detected: wordpress_logged_in_e93a64aca1dbc50a3b318807fd71f655 17:44:25 /intranet/ In WP Cache Phase 2 17:44:25 /intranet/ Setting up WordPress actions 17:44:25 /intranet/ Created output buffer 17:44:33 /intranet/ Output buffer callback 17:44:33 /intranet/ wp_cache_get_cookies_values: /^wp-postpass|^comment_author_|^wordpress_logged_in_e93a64aca1dbc50a3b318807fd71f655/ Cookie detected: wordpress_logged_in_e93a64aca1dbc50a3b318807fd71f655 17:44:33 /intranet/ Writing non-gzipped buffer to wp-cache cache file. 17:44:33 /intranet/ Renamed temp wp-cache file to /data/intranet/html/intranetnew/wp-content/cache/wp-cache-de6259fbe8ef74e743b3a5a14fa2af69.html 17:44:33 /intranet/ Sending buffer to browser 17:44:33 /intranet/ wp_cache_shutdown_callback: collecting meta data. 17:44:33 /intranet/ Writing meta file: /data/intranet/html/intranetnew/wp-content/cache/meta/wp-cache-de6259fbe8ef74e743b3a5a14fa2af69.meta
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Fastest Cache] does not work :-(i have the same problem with wp super cache plugin. server generates the cache file but does not use them. has anyone solved this. i am using php caching
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [PS Auto Sitemap] Deprecated operatori got this too and have done what you mentioned. is this the proper fix?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: taking long to save draft or publishI cannot save or publish with a post containing hyperlinks