17 years, 2 months ago
diablolus, I also tried your solution and downloaded the theme again…
I couldn’t find ANY index.php file. just these: dbx.css,404.php, comments.php, dbx.js
so , where I find this index file. how do I solve this problem?
thanks, shlomo
17 years, 3 months ago
yes, But I already made some other changes…. ??
17 years, 5 months ago was really smart of me to forget to mention that i mean a different plugin…i meant the: “All in One SEO Pack ” plugin…sorry for the confusion…
is there a way to make my tags available in the publig tags ( this is how people can find my blog, no? )
well…people keep telling me that when they use IE they get a blank square and can;t see the YOu tube movie. which browser were you using?