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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Download Monitor] Top download numbers are wrongYou too!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Download Monitor] Top download numbers are wrongHello Razvan,
i already got a solution today.
I found it on this Github Issue:
For that i downloaded this plugin:
That fixes my problem. But thanks for your response
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Download Monitor] Top download numbers are wrongEdit:
The problem started with the download monitor version 4.7.3. On Version 4.7.2 it seems to be fine.
Hello im back,
quick Question for the plugin:
If the plugin was already active and post types were selected and these post types were only removed later or at some point in the plugin, then these posts were no longer removed from the cron jobs.
For example, once stories were active, all posts from this CPT were tagged with the “postExpiratorExpire” event in the cron list. But once you removed the “Stories” CPT, the cron events were not deleted.Is it possible to set a new initialization of all PostTypes in the crone properties in the plugin itself as soon as a setting changes in the CPTs?
Yes, i already deactived it. Could it be the Cronjob of the plugin called postExpiratorExpire()? We really want an fix for that “issue” because we won’t have that problem again in the future.
However i can’t test it with newer posts because this is the first time this is happening to older posts like in my description above.
I have a few posts here that were published on February 20th, 2020. Others were released on October 24, 2020. Apparently it was once set there that on January 5, 2023 these posts should be set to “draft”. The option that the posts from the CPT “Storys” should be set to “Draft” had already been activated in the plugin but was then deactivated. Apparently it’s still going on. How can i find out whether an extra value from the plugin was set for these posts maybe in post_meta or options table?
Yes, that’s exactly right. The admin also gets emails with the affected posts that have been set to “Draft”.